By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Can corresponding author withdraw a paper after it has accepted without permission/acceptance of first author. A player should use one hand at a time with the palm facing the ground when he dribbles the ball. The first step in the reunification of East and West Germany was uniting their: a) governments. If a player has possession and makes a pass to themselves (accidentally or intentionally) without any other player touching the ball, this is deemed a traveling violation. When an opposing player pushes another player it is called a. penalty. Below is a list of examples that result in a travel: The penalty for a traveling violation is a turnover to the other team.The other team will receive the ball at the out-of-bounds point closest to the spot where the travel occurred. Traveling This violation typically occurs when somebody is holding the ball in their hands and takes more than three steps while not dribbling the ball. A player shall not dribble for a second time after his first dribble has ended unless between the 2 dribbles he has lost control of a live ball on the playing court because of: A shot for a field goal. Whether thats taking an extra step to gain an advantage, or simply an accidental shuffle of the feet while trying to find an open teammate to pass to. According to NBA basketballrules, a player gives up their dribble when: If a player commits any of the three scenarios above, then begins dribbling again, then they have committed a double dribble violation. The NBA rulebook says a player has 10 seconds to shoot a free throw after receiving the ball from the official. 30 . document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Hi, I'm Jerico - I've been playing and watching basketball for over 20 years. Once both hands touch the ball, the player can only pivot on one foot and can not travel with the ball. Traveling when catching the ball in motion of a layup? Home Equipment Question: What Is Double Dribbling In Basketball. However, several leagues have different rules for where a team can receive the ball. Yes, you are allowed to pivot after dribbling.When a player stops dribbling, they will typically keep one foot in place as a pivot foot, which they will not lift off the ground again until they no longer have possession of the ball. How can individuals assess their cardiovascular endurance, and why is this important for overall fitness? 1. Such as the double dribble violation, back-court violation, and traveling violation. The dribble ends when the dribbler: (1) Touches the ball simultaneously with both hands. Traveling in basketball is a violation thats called when a player uses incorrect footwork. For kids, figuring out the correct footwork to avoid traveling can be a long process. They can still grab the ball and begin dribbling after this occurs. When a player stops dribbling, they must establish a pivot foot. Question: What Is Double Dribbling In Basketball. From the rules for the NFHS (not taken from Wikipedia as it claims to be the same as NCAA, so a different source has been provided.). The ball comes to a rest in the players hand while they are in possession of the ball. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Where should a player keep their hand when dribbling a ball? Thanks for contributing an answer to Sports Stack Exchange! Can you ever touch the ball with two hands between bounces while dribbling?