The Sachs Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship is only for African American Colorado high school seniors who will be attending college in the fall (must have lived in Colorado for at least five years). Applicants must be a minority graduate student enrolled in studies related to the field of Globalization or International Relations at UCLA, be a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident, and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants must be young women of color who are currently enrolled in college/university or will begin college/university in the spring semester and have a minimum of 3.0 GPA. The Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Program is a merit-based scholarship program administered by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education. Architects Foundation and the American Institute of Architects created the Diversity Advancement Scholarship to help more minority students pursue a successful career in architecture. Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident currently enrolled as an undergraduate at a U.S. college or university. One of the most prominent scholarships under UNCF umbrella includes the Gates Millennium Scholarship The Aging Matters Scholarship awards $1500 to be applied towards tuition, books, board and other expenses. Students must pursue a major in business, technology, engineering, mathematics, or one of the physical sciences. All BLM Scholars are asked to give back in some capacity by community service, mentoring others, or through donations. To be eligible for the GRCF Warner Norcross & Judd Paralegal and Legal Secretarial Scholarship, applicants must be students of color majoring in paralegal or legal secretarial studies at an accredited program. The AIA Chicago Foundation Graduate Scholarship is a design scholarship established to increase diversity within the architectural profession by aiding an incoming or currently enrolled graduate student attending NAAB accredited masters degree program in architecture at the Illinois Institute of Technology, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, or the University of Illinois at Chicago. FTE offers financial support for doctoral students who have completed the coursework stage of their Ph.D. or Th.D. Students must be NBNA members currently enrolled in a nursing program. Lockheed Martin will award up to 200 renewable scholarships of $10,000 each. The Carrington-Philbert Scholarship program will award a $2,500 one-time scholarship to an entering U.S college/university freshman. CBC Spouses Performing Arts Scholarship was established to ensure that African-American or Black students pursuing a degree in the performing arts receive financial assistance. The Multicultural Fellowship (MCF) is limited to those high school seniors identifying most closely with one of the following racial and ethnic groups: African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic-American, Native American, or multiracial. To be eligible for the Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship Program you must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen or meet the "undocumented student" criteria of the RISE act, be a resident of Illinois, be a minority student of either African American/Black, Hispanic American, Asian American or Native American origin, be a high school graduate or hold a GED, be enrolled or accepted for enrollment at an Illinois institution of higher education in a course of study which, upon completion, qualifies you to be licensed as a preschool, elementary or secondary school teacher by the Illinois State Board of Education, including alternative teacher licensure and have earned a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. United Negro College Fund Home Page - UNCF In short, to ensure that no deserving scholar will be deprived of higher education because of a shortage of funds. Removing some of the financial burdens associated with college, BLM plays a vital role in increasing college access to minorities. The Obong Belton Foundation provides funds to help a first year college attendee prepare for their first experience in higher education. Pronunciation of Muriithi, with 2 audio pronunciations, 1 meaning, 1 translation and more for Muriithi,. To be eligible for the Thursday Network "I EMPOWER Scholarship", applicants must: demonstrate a commitment to community service; have a gross family income less than $45,000; plan to attend a four-year school in the fall; be black or Hispanic/Latino; have a 2.5 GPA; be a US citizen; and, be a resident of the District of Columbia, Montgomery County (MD), or Prince Georges County (MD). Dr. Gussie M. Ware Memorial Scholarship: Varies : 02/01/2024: Era L. and Frances L. Walker Scholarship: Varies : 02/01/2024: Marquette Urban Scholars Program : $150,000 : Featherstone HBCU Scholarships at Coppin State University: $3,000 : 03/28/2024: Featherstone HBCU Scholarships at Morgan State University: $3,000 : The Christophers Video Contest for College Students is open to students currently enrolled in and attending a graduate or undergraduate program at a college or university. First-generation college students enrolled as first-years at TMCF-member schools may apply for this scholarship. WebThis is a scholarship that is offered every year and goes to ten different students. The Helen and Allen Brown Scholarship is for racial-ethnic minority undergraduates who are members of UMC within the Nashville, TN., or New Orleans, LA, Districts for at least three years. Minority teacher education scholars program is a collaborative performance-based scholarship program for African-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American, and Native American students. Scholarship Fund provides a scholarship for an African Americans male who is a freshman, a graduate of Columbus City Schools, and who has a minimum high school cumulative grade point average of 3.0 in a college preparatory curriculum. Morgan Stanley Actuarial exams will be an important factor in evaluating scholarship qualifications for applicants entering their junior year and beyond. 25 full scholarships (Tuition, Fees, Room & Board) starting Fall 2021. These awards help to improve the quality of life of others by funding Congratulations to the 2021 SWE Scholarship Recipients! This multiyear scholarship supports high school and undergraduate minority students who are entering, enrolled in, or transferring into a NAAB-accredited undergraduate architecture program. The applicants family's income must be at or below the national poverty level based on family size for the current year. Applicants must be at least a second semester freshmen working towards a first Bachelor's degree at an accredited four-year HBCU and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Cornerstone Charitable Scholarship Trust targets disadvantaged high school and post high school graduates across the State of Arkansas, under age 25 and eligible applicants with funding resulting from the Mauldin vs. Arkansas State Hospital Consent Decree, United States District Court No. Applicants must be at least 21 years old and entering or returning to college. The EPP Undergraduate Scholarship Program targets students who have completed their sophomore year, attending minority serving institutions (MSIs), and have recently declared, or about to declare a major in atmospheric, oceanic, or environmental disciplines that support these sciences. African American, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific American or Alaska Native). The Norman Brown Scholarship is for a graduating minority high school student who will be attending a 4 year college or university. The scholarship was named in honor of Thomas, a 2011 graduate of Belhaven University in Jackson, Mississippi.