Non-fiction books on politics fail to give you this crucial sense. , Scott Aaronson (2013) is a brilliant introduction to many ideas about computation, physics and quantum information. The insider account of the Manhattan Project by its legendary leader. Why it's in AOC's interests to challenge Old Joe. , Professor Mark Warner. Please leave errors and suggestions below, Ill tweak and add over time and notify of updates. It is by far the best insider book Ive read on modern UK politics and the only one that realistically and honestly faces a) the failures of MPs as managers and systems thinkers, and b) the failures of the civil service. Anybody who goes to Hollywood can see right away what the setup is Hollywood is Hollywood, theres nothing you can say about it that isnt true, good or bad. Dominic Cummings has hit back at Boris Johnson's partygate defence, accusing him of spreading "further misinformation". There are fields like professional mathematics and equity investing where institutions mean the best people are recognised over time. He left his Downing Street role following an internal power struggle, amid claims the PM's then-fiancee had blocked the promotion of one of his allies, Lee Cain, after months of internal warfare . Those who think very fast timetables are plausible do not talk about it publicly because (partly) they worry about the effects of their comments. In particular read. Our impression was there is valuable low hanging fruit for governments, hedge funds, campaigns. Ciceros letters. Great DVD documentary too. Am told that the Loebs translated by Shackleton Bailey is the best translation. Groves (fired), Bob Taylor (fired), George Mueller (not funded to push on to Mars after the moon), Renoir The list goes on and on. northwood dominic cummings . A history of ARPA-IPTO and Xerox PARC: how the internet and PC revolution was created. Producers didnt want to make a Renoir picture even if it was a success. Theres no question about this. His. The Dance of the Photons, Zeilinger. And notice that despite their vast success Buffett & Munger have had almost zero success in persuading anybody to run their companies the way they run Berkshire! It would be ridiculous to be bitter about Hollywood. The Snippets format doesnt work well and Im rethinking how to do it. My blog with other books HERE. , maybe the greatest mathematician alive, is brilliant and incredibly useful for someone like me explaining a lot of fundamental concepts in non-technical language. David wrote some of the breakthrough papers on quantum computers. The best biography in English (probably any language) is Otto Pflanzes three volumes. . About Robert Mosess grip on NYC. , Nietzsche. The replication disaster means you have to be careful about what you believe but its still a good book. Buy the book, support Zvi. A remarkable 19th Century book about propaganda and politics that influenced Lenin, Hitler and PR pioneers like Bernays. Almost no MPs, journalists or academics have any idea about just how costly such bureaucracy truly is or how these bureaucracies truly work and the criminality and near-insanity theyre capable of. I searched for explanations. The more I study the more clear it is that luck plays a crucial part in almost all famous successes. Caitlyn Scott-Lee is said to have been found in a forested area next to a playing field at the 44,000-per-year Wycombe Abbey School on Friday night.