Originating from Japan, Shoji blinds are gaining popularity here in the U.S. for their versatility in light management. Changing your order type may impact availability of items already in your cart. Since its slats take some stack height, theyre not a good option for sliding or patio doors. Nevertheless, many blind brands provide how-to tutorials and installation instructions on their websites that customers can download for free. We consulted retailers return policies and warranties terms to see what can be done if you measured wrong, received a damaged item, or are not completely satisfied with the product. Last, but certainly not least, read online reviews and testimonials to determine if past customers are satisfied with their purchase. Please check your PayPal account Cleaning Tip: Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to clean dust. Window blinds companies who operate strictly online save thousands of dollars in overhead, which gives them the opportunity to offer better prices. You may save $10 to $30 per window just by taking out the old treatments and donating, recycling, or disposing of them rather than having the pro handle them. You may be able to replace a couple of individual slats, but significant damage requires total replacement. Talking with a local blind installer is the best way to determine the average cost of blinds in your city. Cordless Window Blind, 1" Vinyl Mini Blind Light Filtering Pleated Fabric Shade, 24" x 59" (White) 2 1 out of 5 Stars. Call or search online for their donation stipulations, because different organizations have varying . All Hunter Douglas consumer purchases are custom-ordered. Just be sure to notify the buyer that you're taking the curtains with you. The good thing is that most retailers online offer free swatches, which makes it easier to evaluate material, quality, texture, and color. The cheapest option is vinyl, which starts at $6 each for small blinds. Use these tips to narrow in on the best places to buy blinds for your home. Cordless blinds are a good choice for safety-conscious homeowners, as there's no cord or chain to pose a strangulation or trip hazard. Homeowners have found they can save money on energy costs by investing in a set of blinds that help insulate the house better from the outside temperatures. your zip code to try again. After 7 years, a spirited child, and some excitable pets the blinds have seen better days. This makes it hard to resell your custom-made blinds or shades. Remember that window blinds dont look the same in all places, some look better in the kitchen than in the living room, or in the bedroom than in the dining room. Made of moisture-resistant material like aluminum and vinyl, these blinds don't absorb water and are resistant to mold and mildew. One final note: Blind Chalet does not accept returns due to measuring mistakes unless customers get their 5-year guaranteed-to-fit warranty. (And they can help save energy and boost home security . Many windows are made to match a set of standard sizes, which makes buying prefabricated options easier. The cords can also start to fray if the internal mechanisms are damaged or worn out. Think About the Selection of Blinds Available. Our brand, ConsumersAdvocate.org, stands for accuracy and helpful information. It can take several hours to install blinds in a whole house, so having them installed by a professional company lets you work on other tasks while leaving this job in their capable hands.