return the merchandise. We will not be liable, for instance, if: Dispute Resolution, Venue, and Waiver of Right to Jury temporary security "freeze" on your Card while we attempt to contact Skip to main . 10.9 Are there additional fees for the EMV chip card? proceeding (i) shall hear and determine all issues, including but If you use your debit card at an ATM or make purchases with cash back, you are required to enter your PIN. 7.5 If my card is lost or stolen, is my money protected? amount described above in any event. Even though the Social Security Administration distributed more than $1 trillion in benefits in 2021, it's not always enough to prevent short-term cash shortages among recipients. If you move or change your address, you may request a replacement card through the website at. Direct Express customer service. Can I use my card without a PIN? telephoning us at the Customer Service number below. Go Direct - FAQ the time it takes us to complete our investigation. See the brochure accompanying your You could lose all the money in your Card Account. Card for ways to avoid fees. Card is being used for any unlawful purpose; or we believe you 1-800-333-1795. of Use, By accepting this Card, you agree to call Customer Service at United States government. We must hear from you within 120 days after the transfer allegedly in Automatic Teller Machine displaying the Mastercard however, we may take up to 45 days to investigate your complaint or question. permission, report it by calling the Customer Service number below as soon Contact info. You may need to sign a receipt depending upon the dollar amount of the transaction. Call the toll-free Direct Express hotline at 1-800-333-1795. were entitled to receive Benefits in an amount different than what was Direct Deposit. service. Your Social Security number is requested to ensure the accurate identification and retention of records pertaining to you and to distinguish you from other recipients of federal payments. Another reported that they lost hope. If you are currently receiving a paper check, you can also call Treasury's Direct Express enrollment number at 1-800-333-1795 (TTY: 1-866-569-0447). (20 Business Days for new Card Accounts opened less than 30 days) for the Yes. The Direct Express card gives you the advantages of direct deposit even if you don't have a bank account. When you decide on the account that is right for you, let the representative at the financial institution know that you are interested in signing up to receive your benefits by Direct Deposit. Machines at stores that are able to process the chip may prompt you to enter your PIN. This comes in various forms. March 15, 2021. we will be liable for your losses or damages. This information will be disclosed to the federal agencies involved in making federal payments to you by direct deposit. Mastercard and the Mastercard Brand Mark are registered trade marks The Direct Express Debit Mastercard card This AZ Index lists all Fiscal Service content. No need to cash a check or carry cash. This optional service is available in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. The Direct Express card is a prepaid debit card you can use to access your benefit payment, without a bank account. of All Fees included with your Card. You can use your Card to pay for merchandise or services from Avoid writing down your PIN and never give out your PIN to anyone. Also, if you do not yet have the Direct Express app on your phone, we will walk you . Please select a topic below to explore common questions and answers. Instead, dispose of it by cutting it in half, notify Customer Service at the number below, and contact the agency paying your benefits to make other arrangements for receiving future benefit payments.