He didnt want to see cases go bad because of his employees mistakes. Nothings predictable (except the excellent writing, acting, direction,costumes and set design, of course). Well have to wait till next weeks finale (sob!) being a douchelord). Do we even care anymore? She was sleeping with him. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Walking through the partially demod office (a metaphor for the future demolition of the sets, perhaps? After, Alicia calls Jason and checks in with him she tells him that she needs his help, she wants him to figure out who Foxs surprise witness is. And if that ruling winds up sending Peter Florrick to jail for a long, long time, well, in my opinion, that would be justice. Alicia tells Peter to drop the act, and use the affidavits to get himself off the hook. Meanwhile Diane will team up with David Lee to defeat Canning. WebEventually, the legal team realized that their only choice was to have Alicia testify at Peter's appeal. Webtwo equal roots quadratic equation Book Now . This betrayal obviously put some distance between the two characters, and for most of Season 3, the characters didnt work together at all. David is not happy (again! The Good Wife' recap: 'Winning Ugly Tell me about Geneva Pine, he says. Shes open to cable, but the 22-episode world of network television is simply too much, and shes over it. (Awwww.). Lloyd tells the jury that Peter told him he had nothing to worry about, implying that Pete was going to take care of. Diane argues that Peters comment was just him comforting an old friend. As the attorneys argue (to the judges displeasure) Alicia gets a text and walks into the hallway. Peter is concerned about this latest turn of events. FanFare is a pop culture discussion site for TV, movies, podcasts, and books. But in its final hours, The Good Wife isnt hitting with nearly the same force it did at the height of its runback in season five, when all the conflict was so firmly rooted in well developed, grounded relationship writing and when characters mattered more than plot. Peter looks depressed, and Alicia asks for the room. This is not going to be a cake walk. They have to evacuate, they set up a makeshift office a few floors down, and chaos ensues. 7 "Bad Girls" Ep. The back half of this season has focused so much on Peters trial, and that was just the writers way of involving as many characters as possible while still exploring the shows central themes. by Alex Kritselis. Make me happy. But obviously, thats not what she really wants. Dont we miss the old, cocksure Cary? First of all, a Jackie wedding probably means the return of Alicias family (Stockard Channing and the great Dallas Roberts). WebPeter Florrick is played by actor Chris Noth who was nominated in 2011 for a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor. How many hash marks did each of them earn from JudgeCuesta? After court, Alicia corners Cary. WebIn the seventh season, Peter runs for president, in hopes of becoming Hillary Clintons vice president, in which Alicia continues to support him. Martin Parillo (Remy Auberjonois) arrives as Pradys proxy. Despite her brave front, Alicias worried enough to call Jason to find out who. Alicias clearly moved by her husband; probably for the first time in a long while. The hardest thing is being forgotten, he says. So making it the central plot of the final run is just yawn worthy. Its the smart thing to do. And both Cary and Kalinda have some serious things to work out. But lets face it: generally speaking, Peter sucks! Whether or not he was recently sleeping with Ramona is still unknown, but he hints to Alicia that he was definitely sleeping with her in the past (you know, when Alicia was pregnant with Grace). He just drank it for her, but now its grown on him. There have been more remakes of this case than, Well, I worked in that office and Bishop could cure cancer. But, Alicia doesnt text him back. Advertisement. Lets break down the fourth conference wall for a second here to talk about the strange merging of Alicia Florrick and Julianna Margulies that happens in Verdict. Its hard not to notice the parallels between the character and her real-life portrayer, who are both, well, exhausted by their The Good Wife lives. ), Maybe Peter is Telling the Truth this Time, At the office, Eli and Diane worry that Genevas testimony hurt their case. The Good Wife Quiz The judge gives instructions to the jury. loverand tells her that hes been framed. However, in season 5 their relationship progresses as they have a sexual relationship. Florrick, despite professing he is innocent of corruption charges from his stint as states attorney, opting to take a deal: After 7 Seasons, CBS Says Goodbye To 'The Good Wife' Cyrus Renault Has Sasha Gilmore Kidnapped! And you are a jerk. Step down now. Julius Cain ( Michael Boatman ) is a lawyer and equity partner at Lockhart Gardner who serves as Head of Afterwards, she wonders why he testified against Peter. (Oh, lordy, poor white guy!). Alicia tells Peter to wait for the jury to come back she thinks he may have won them over with his speech. The person waiting in the wings to put the governor in the pokey turns out to be his former ASA, Geneva Pine. The question is: Will he be talking about going back to prison or about starting over? District Attorney Geneva Pine. During recess, DA Fox corners Alicia and tries to get her to make Peter accept a deal. The Good Wife Recap: Story Line Over. 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