Deputy Headteacher Cv Sample pehawe de. If the two aren't aligned it will be like being in a boat with everyone rowing in a different direction meaning the governors and headteacher are in for a torrid time. Learn how your comment data is processed. Whilst working as a numeracy co-ordinator, for example, I spearheaded training initiatives to bring my colleagues up to speed on the national numeracy strategy, and was involved in similar training initiatives whilst working as Key Stage 2 co-ordinator. Tes Global Ltd is supervise. Learning and Curriculum a job which I got. Wherever you can, point out how you put your hard skills and knowledge to use especially skills which are applicable to your target role. Through my current role as Assistant Headteacher and in my past co-ordinator positions I have acquired considerable experience in staff leadership and in managing teams of staff. This is my own personal statement for the position of Assistant Headteacher for Teaching. The next two applications I completed resulted in being offered an interview. 0000053572 00000 n Remember. Recently, for example, I completed the Barnets Deputy Heads Course, and in the past have attended courses on subject leader and senior management training. Id advise putting the whole lot into a speadsheet to work out exactly what should go where. Toll free 24/7 +1-323-996-2024. Depending on the difficulty of your assignment and the deadline, you can choose the desired type of writer to fit in your schedule and budget. They may have been right. We are looking for an exceptional candidate as Deputy Headteacher who shares our values and has the right vision and ethos to join us on our journey to becoming a truly outstanding school. WebPart 1: Describe your personal motivations for wanting to become a teacher Part 2: Describe how your skills, knowledge and experience will support you in becoming an outstanding 2016 | Updated: Mar 15. Tip #19: Why your group work doesnt work. How to write a teacher personal statement - GOV.UK Do you have something you want to share with colleagues a resource of your own and why it works well with your students, or perhaps a brilliant piece of good practice in teaching or whole school activity that you know about it? The poor governors may have had to listen to presentations all afternoon. Should I write it off as the views of one individual and stay true to myself, or should I take on board the advice offered wholesale? Research the school well, visit it prior to applying if you can and make sure the application is totally tailored to the school. Seeking to encourage inclusion at my current school has also entailed making the effort to work with groups within the school that require special attention, such as EAL and SEN pupils. His new book, 'Get that Teaching job' is published soon by Continuum Books. !Academic ! Example Teaching Leadership Personal Statement. If you would like to blog on the Guardian Teacher Network please email and please don't be shy about commenting on blogs on this page. from A to Z. WebWriting a CV Hays. Above all, however, I have tried to maintain a positive dialogue with parents with the goal of ensuring that they understand the objectives of the school. 1248 Deputy Headteacher Personal and Social Development. WebA Personal Statement which includes: Explanation as to how you meet the essential criteria as detailed on the Person Specification., [] Update the link in the comment from David Didau is not an activated link so here it is in glorious technicolour The Learning Spy How to write an outstanding job application. I have been involved in leading teams for specific, short-term projects such as school sports days, as well as more complex, longer-term challenges, such as leading preparations for an OFSTED inspection whilst working as acting Deputy Head.