east. refuges for women, children, men and families. Social housing Complaints about social housing Fact Sheet The term 'social housing' refers to accommodation services provided by government agencies, non-government community housing providers and government subsidised private rental. Enter a postcode, suburb, town, or address to find a local housing office near you. The Registrars role is to ensure that registered community housing providers comply with the National Regulatory Code. To find out how to get in contact directly with someone from one of the justicedivisions of the Department of Communities andJusticecontact us. All parties must ensure that information is restricted to those who genuinely need to know. If the tenancy is under the management of a community housing provider then that organisation is the landlord and your contact for any complaint. This page tells you about the role of the NSW Ombudsman in handling social housing complaints. Please call us to discuss whether we can help resolve your complaint. Sydney NSW 2001. FACS can only take action against a tenant if there is good evidence their behaviour may be in breach of their residential tenancy agreement. Contact us - Communities and Justice If the complaints are substantiated, tenants will be given the opportunity to change nuisance and annoying behaviour. We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the First Nations Peoples of NSW and pay our respects to Elders past, present, and future. For complaints about private health insurance, contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman. You can still access up-to-date, reliable information on the existing Department of Justice websites. Family & Community Services on facebook opens in new window, Family & Community Services on twitter opens in new window, Family & Community Services on youtube opens in new window, Family & Community Services on linkedin opens in new window, Changes to your tenancy: tenant factsheet, Privacy and personal information notification. Read more aboutwhat we do with your complaint. If your neighbour is a tenant of FaCS Housing NSW (sometimes called Housing Commission or Department of Housing), you can make a complaint to FaCS Housing NSW about noise. Complaints about community services - NSW Ombudsman Submitting a complaint You can submit a complaint or provide feedback by using one of the following methods: Via the online feedback form Email info@service.nsw.gov.au Phone 13 77 88 In person at any Service NSW Service Centre Write to: Customer Resolution Coordinator GPO Box 7057 Sydney NSW 2001 Complaints about our services We also provide additional support for people with a disability to make a complaint. Housing Complaints, Appeals & Feedback: Home In Place You can call us to discuss your particular case. Contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman. Any complaint we receive regarding another government agency will either be forwarded to that agency for their action and response or resolved directly by Service NSW. For your convenience, telephones with a direct link to the Maintenance Line are available in the lobby of all local offices to use during business hours. File a Complaint - Main Page | HUD.gov / U.S. Department of Housing and Requesting maintenance and reporting problems - Family & Community Services In NSW, government-owned and managed social housing is provided by the Department of Family and Community Services (FACS), including the Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO). The Registrars Guidelines for Managing Unreasonable Complainant Conduct may be enacted in these circumstances. You will be asked to provide details of the damage and when it happened. Level 24, 580 George Street U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20410 T: 202-708-1112 Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services provide free tenancy and legal advice and can advocate on your behalf. These types of complaints are called public interest disclosures and include: You can report serious wrongdoing to the person responsible for dealing with public interest disclosures in your agency. When you're ready, make your complaint online. It takes about 15 minutes. You can report fraud, misconduct or corruption through our feedback tab. The Registrar of Community Housing is within the Ombudsmans jurisdiction. Information for multicultural families and communities, Deliver services to children and families, Repairs, modifications and maintenance to a property, Toggle sub navigation menu for Repairs, modifications and maintenance to a property. We acknowledge the ongoing connection Aboriginal people have to this land and recognise Aboriginal people as the original custodians of this land. You can also ask them to give reasons for the delay. Alternatively, you can ask the NSW Ombudsman to review your complaint. These translations should be used as a guide only. The Registrar of Community Housing acknowledges the traditional owners and custodians of the land, and respects Elders past, present and future, Guidelines for managing unreasonable complainant conduct, Breach of the agreement, such as rent arrears, For applicants - most issues related to eligibility to be on waiting lists, priority on those lists and the provision of other services, for example emergency housing.