He died an hour later. Last week radio playlists were peppered with Ruffin's old tunes. The two men argued, and disappeared from view. Candi Staton sometimes revisits one of her favorite memories of her old friend. Following his demise, the crack house was searched and sealed. That gave him the money needed to support his habit. He was 50. Second, a bottle found by his left had shattered, as if he had dropped it. Otis Williams, the last surviving original Temptation, once recalled that Ruffin was a lively, funny guy prone to doing cartwheels while they walked down the street, who offered little about his background, no matter how much time the two spent together. Three years on, Gordy rehired Ales, and "Walk Away From Love" became a top priority for the new administration. A slew of celebrities and supporters, including Bruce Springsteen and Phil Collins, helped her financially but nobody could save her. Those three points do raise a lot of questions. In the. "We are as close as two friends can be." I didnt have any idea when we started making this music to just have fun and make money that itd be so emotional for people.. The Tempts personified the Motown sound with a dynamic visual presence. Ruffin the voice of Motown classics like My Girl died at age 50 in 1991. Eight of them signed with Motown, six would join the DeBarge singing group at different points, and all of them had hellish childhoods courtesy of their father, Robert. David Ruffin - IMDb Kim Owens, better known as KEM, would grow up to be a Grammy-nominated singer and sell millions of albums. He was also utterly petrified of his father, Joe, who used to beat Jackson so badly that the King of Pop later admitted to vomiting and fainting in his presence. Fellow founding member Otis Williams recalled, "Paul was drinking milk. Death 1 Jun 1991 (aged 50) . Nancy Mouradian, a Wayne County sheriffs department spokeswoman, said the singer was notified before the funeral that sheriffs deputies had a warrant for his arrest. According to her daughter, Wells never complained "She only cried." David Ruffin Biography, Age, Height, Wife, Net Worth, Family The Five Heartbeats - Wikipedia Since 1989, he lived off and on in Philadelphia with Diane Showers, who met him as a 14-year-old fan. She fell on stage and collapsed into his arms, and was rushed to a nearby hospital with what was first diagnosed as exhaustion. But his fixation on all things youthful may have betrayed something sinister. It could have been a storybook start to a third act revival. In 1971, a doctor discovered that Williams had dangerously damaged his liver and advised him to retire from music, which Williams did. This photograph, released on March 17, 2016, shows Seattle Police cold case Detective Michael Ciesynski holding the shotgun police say Kurt Cobain used to kill . There was no David Ruffin on stage that night. Ruffin ventured inside, and somehow got his hands on a microphone. A CLOUDY DAY THE HARD DEATH OF DAVID RUFFIN By Staff Jun 14, 1991 0 SUBSCRIBE: $1 for 3 months ON MONDAY, the streets of downtown Detroit seemed mournfully dark on a humid, cloudy day.