Shots up to day, had advantix to prevent fleas and Born Nov 5, 2014, readily available Dec 31 (8 weeks old). I have bottle raised her and her brother since they were five days old. Stunning guy AKC Komondor puppy. All rights reserved. We supply Anglo-Nubian Goats, Sheep & beef slaughter and fattening bulls, beef carcass meat, pregnant heifers and dairy cows as well as customer special order based on the current market demand in each country Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats For Sale - Oklahoma DAIRY GOATS: Nicollette - 2 YO/2F Saanen in milk. If you have a particular trait you are looking for including price, age, color or production requirement, email us or call us at 651-442-2506 for more information. Garden & House Tulsa 100 $ View pictures 4-H FFA Show Wethers and ABGA Boer Goats - $50 (NE Oklahoma) All of our Nigerian Dwarf Goats are registered with the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA), the American Goat Society (AGS) and Nigerian Dwarf Goat Association (NDGA). Sign up for emails about goats, raising goats, and goats for sale. Our foundation animals were selected from lines which representsome of the top breeding programs in the nationand we certainly appreciatethose breeders for their efforts. All sales are between. We routinely test for common diseasesto ensure the health of our herd. There are a few reasons this might happen: To regain access, please make sure that cookies and JavaScript are enabled before reloading the page. Once you find the right source Remember the tips fromPart 1: Lito was purchased from a small farm. He's a cute little guy very active. Nigerian Dairy Goat Association. Dill's-A Little Goat Farm Quality Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats . account. or making cheese, kefir, etc. The place to buy and sell goats. We have tested our herd for Alpha S1 Casein and are thrilled that our gals and guys excell in casein production. We use the extra milk (after the baby goats drink as much as they want) to make goat milk soaps, cheese, candies, and more to run our family business,Goat Milk Stuff. 580-504-9719 |, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of Gods grace in its various forms." We are located in beautiful Lone Grove, OK which is between Oklahoma City and Dallas just off of I35. Raising goats is a family activity. Additional information is available in this. We have 4 Spring Bucklings left. Oklahoma Dairy Goat Breeders Association Weparticipate in linear appraisal, DHIR testing, and DNA testing (as we can). Our farm islocated in Miami, Oklahoma. We have a herd of about 20 goats and are building our milking lines with the hope to eventually open a small creamery to produce goat cheese. She is We have several bucklings and doelings recently born that are ready for bottle feeding or can be picked up when Hello, We have strived to preserve and continue the results of years of careful and selective breeding that have resulted in these fine animals. We couldn't be more pleased with the good solid milk production from these genetics and think you will be too. We have approximately 200 Alpine baby goats born every year, and have plenty of baby goats for sale February through April and sometimes after that. Dr. Burton has raised goats as a child but when her girls were born we purchased a few goats and started again. As you were browsing something about your browser made us think you were a bot. We have a 36 acre farm in Southern Indiana, and the goats spend their days in the woods, in their pastures, or in the barn if there's bad weather. She was a breed we were familiar with, LaMancha, and after research, had decided to go with. These wonderful people have blessed us and our herd so much. You're a power user moving through this website with super-human speed. States. Our herd of LaMancha dairy goats are raised for longevity, productivity and show. Will certainly have their first set of shots and be on a routine Born Nov 5, 2014, available Dec 31 (8 weeks old). Registered Blue-Eyed Dwarf Nigerian Goats. Please use the above links to learn more about our goats and our plans for the futureand be sure to connect with us on Facebook too. We participate in linear appraisal, DHIR testing, and DNA testing (as we can). I have two females and four males that are six Shepherd - Billie - Large - Adult - Female - Dog Windsong Farm, LLC Claremore, OK 74019 United States ph: 1-417-766-1111 cmlstric kland (If you find a farm that selectively breeds for milk, without bothering to register, that is still a good source to buy from). She finished with a bang - not only did she win Grand Champion Senior Doe in the first ring to pick up her last leg - she also won Best in Show! If you have any questions, feel free toContact Us. For Sale | T&E Farms Royal White Sheep & Dairy Goats - website | Website Proudly Designed by Jessica Mather Marketing. Goat Milk Stuff LLC76 S Lake Road NScottsburg, IN 47170, Alpine and Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats in Southern Indiana, Nigerian Dwarf Baby Goats For Sale Coming Soon - Summer 2022, Goat Milk Stuff's Raising Dairy Goats Course Spring 2022 Updates. Our herd is annually tested for CAE and was last tested NEGATIVE on February 15th, 2023. Highland Cattle - Faith's Farm - OK Windsong Farm, LLC - Home I am SO very proud of my very dairy does that continued to put milk in the pail even after a straight month of 100+ degree temperatures. for sale. We endeavor to be watchful stewards of the land God has placed in our care. Little Tots Estate PumkinSpice (Sugar's dam) also made the Grand Champion lineup (in the open)! You can e-mail us at 918-508-8879Copyright 2009 Nun-Uddr-Dan We could choose from many animals, we finally decided on her because of looks (we could be a little vain in this choice!). State - to find goats for sale near you Registry Name - if applicable, such American Boer Association, American Dairy Association, Kinder Goat Breeders Association, Miniature Dairy Goat Association, National Pygmy Goat Association, and North American Savannah Association, among others Fertility status - Not Tested or Tested Fertile Nun-Uddr-Dan During our search for a perfect homestead dairy goat, we ran the gamut. I know as a homestead you may not care about owning a registered animal,(and probably dont want to pay for one as well) but a registered animal shows the owner cares enough to keep track of good and bad traits, and breeds wisely. Find goats for sale near you - American Goat Federation 2 are Blue-Eyed. 7 Popular Dairy Goat Breeds | Best Dairy Goats for Beginners La Mancha's,Saanen, and Nubian/Boar nanny's goats and. Our family was devastated, and vowed that in the future, we would raise the healthiest and happiest goats possible.We started over with CAE-free goats in 2009, and our herd has been growing ever since. Whether you are looking for a quality Alpine to add to your Dairy, Hobby Farm, 4H Project or a loving fun Pet, we can help you select the right match for your situation. This post was shared at theHomestead Barn Hopon Weed em & Reap, and theFrom the Farm Blog Hopon The Mind to Homestead, Your email address will not be published.