We could go on with issues, but you get the point. NIAA's purpose is to provide a forum to facilitate and engage industry leaders and organizations to derive solutions on the most current issues in animal agriculture. The year 2022 also brings with it a most contentious midterm election for the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, not to mention state legislative seats around the country. For the first time in recent memory, porcine circovirus type 2 jumped into the top 10 most-diagnosed diseases list at the ISU VDL. Animal and environmental advocates have sometimes used environmental and zoning laws to slow down or even stop CAFOs from being built. Animal agriculture produces 65% of the world's nitrous oxide emissions which has a global warming impact 296 times greater than carbon dioxide. The latest Swine Disease Reporting System report has some people scratching their heads. Yield ANSC 4003 - Current Issues in Animal Agriculture - Acalog ACMS Agriculture News, Articles | The Scientist Magazine The combination of supply chain challenges, general inflation in the economy, along with strong profits and commodity prices has created bidding-up behavior across the board. Want to complicate an already complicated situation? Since day one of this Administration, our energy re. The Growth of AlternativeFarming Models Prior research by our team has documented that calves arrive to calf-raising facilities in poor condition. Alternative forms of animal agriculture have also grown in popularity. Farmers will need to resist the temptation caused by green grass, hold off on grazing pressure and manage their grazing eco-system of soil, plants and cattle for optimum, long-term benefit. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten,or redistributed. From gasoline to electricity, energy prices caught everyone's attention in 2021. We were first concerned about supply chains in early 2020, as China shuttered entire cities. Ending Extreme Confinement Beyond Meat claims that by shifting from animal to plant-based meat, they can address four growing global issues: human health, climate change, constraints on natural resources and animal. WASHINGTON A roundtable of Native American agricultural leaders at a recent U.S. Senate hearing lobbied for increased sovereignty and social justice in the coming farm bill by expanding tribes' jurisdiction over U.S. Department of Agriculture programs. If there is apprehension, begin with Meatless Mondays then adapt to meatless meals as often as you can! Thats something to watch for in 2022, as are local efforts to promote smaller meat lockers and direct marketing of meat to consumers. Farmers have survived interesting times before, and theres little doubt theyll live to tell the tale of the Roaring 20s to their grandkids. A spoonful of sugars could help cooked mealworms go down more easily, a potential boon for the planet. We clearly missed the timing, but supply chain disruptions were everywhere in 2021. Print-Friendly Page (opens a new window) ANSC 4003 - Current Issues in Animal Agriculture. To date, the animals most impacted by anti-confinement laws are hens. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Animal Agriculture Alliance works hard to safeguard the future of animal agriculture and its value to society by monitoring the activity of animal rights extremists. And with supply chains still struggling to keep up from the COVID-19 pandemic, and the global supply of agricultural products from Ukraine and Russia in flux due to the wars, U.S. producers arent quite sure what to make of the mixed blessings of price. A compelling undercover investigation and resulting media coverage can make all the difference., We buy shares in all the major publicly traded food companies in the country. Daily Mirror on Instagram: "National Food Promotions receives green On the one hand, its at the highest levels in decades. The purpose of this publication is to help farmers sort through their options and make the best energy production choice for their farms. What Animal Rights Activists are Saying About Ag: 2022 Since that time, many major US trading partners, including China and EU member countries, have banned the use of ractopamine, prompting the largest US pork suppliers, including JBS, Smithfield, Hormel Foods, and Tyson foods, to ban ractopamine in their supply chains. Will ARC and PLC remain? For example, the administration of bovine growth hormone (BGH) to dairy cattle is associated with a 25 percent higher risk of mastitis (a painful udder infection) and a 55 percent higher risk of lameness. On November 5, 2002, voters in Florida approved the first US law prohibiting the use of small gestation crates to house pregnant sows. Weak economic growth is taking its toll on global pork consumption. The views or opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and may not reflect those of AGDAILY. USDA ERS - Climate Change How much does eating meat affect nations greenhouse gas emissions? Agriculture and Farming - The New York Times To qualify for certification, producers must undergo audits that ensure compliance with established animal care standards. USDA ERS - Sector at a Glance Farm Bill Sustainability Regulatory Reform Drought & Responsible Water Management Labor Tax Reform . man arrested on felony counts in $47K grain theft, Producers propose overhaul of Federal Milk Marketing Order to USDA, PRIME Act receives opposition regarding food safety concerns, Animal-rights activists secure ban on Brazilian live cattle export, Resources available for California farms affected by 2023 flooding, Ag on Instagram: The best farm photos from May 1, 2023, Ag on Instagram: The best farm photos from April 28, 2023, Ag on Instagram: The best farm photos from April 27, 2023, Ag on Instagram: The best farm photos from April 26, 2023, Why influencers prevail over science communicators on social media, KIOTI introduces new CK20 and DK20 series tractors, Timber fumigation plans in rural West Virginia spark backlash, Colorado is first state to pass agriculture right to repair law. All eyes are on inflation. News List | House Agriculture Committee What Animal Rights Activists are Saying About Ag: 2022 While animal rights proponents make up a small percentage of our population, they are loud, aggressive and can mislead consumers about the animal agriculture community. While the animal agriculture industry has not voluntarily made significant improvements to its animal care practices, state legislation and ballot initiatives, along with corporate commitments, are raising standards for many farm animal species.