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EMC M. C 382 (6/18) Use this form to appoint an individual or organization as your Medi-Cal authorized representative. /Tx BMC Check the AREP information coded in ACES at each review. 16x;ltAx}0 /Tx BMC nQt}MA0alSx k&^>0|>_',G! endstream
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Authorization of Minors: If the patient is a minor (under 18 years of age) the authorization must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. Dental, Request for Access to Protected Health Information. pvphVwh h E^z8rn+>m>^#r^n/^_^Nsr#\rLL&I\R&4N8/` _%c endstream
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stream Form . PDF GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - Washington, D.C. its regulations and Authorization Forms are common in the medical industry, especially if a patient is under a healthcare providers benefits. El asesor que se le asignar tendr una comunicacin directa desde el principio hasta el final de su gestin y entrega. 05/2018 CFSA - Authorization to Access and Disclose Mental Health or Substance Abuse Information Page 1 of 2 . # @`"PT {5@\jM+| sI 1B114F All Forms N/A Authorization for Release of Information Authorized Representative CSF 14 506481 Reason Code County Category NOA Action Document Name Number Template 300001 Placer Forms Affidavit to N/A Obtain Duplicate Warrant All 662 609763 300001 Santa Barbara Forms N/A Affidavit to Obtain Duplicate of Lost or 2y.-;!KZ ^i"L0-
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