The stunning images captivated the scientific community, revealing ice mountains, frozen tundras and other never-before-seen details on Pluto's surface. Interesting Podcasts. var c = new Circle(points[i], 2+Math.random()*2, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.3)'); var p2 = points[j] No signup or install needed. 128 talking about this. for(var j = 0; j < points.length; j++) { placed = true; for(var i in p.closest) { . It finally reached the dwarf planet last month and beamed photos back to Earth from billions of miles away. Posted by. width = window.innerWidth; largeHeader = document.getElementById('large-header'); And sorry, I'm not YELLING (CAPS), just emphasizing the important words. Crrow777 | Skywatching Anomalies & The Lunar Wave 3.1K likes 3.3K followers. Welcome to Crrow777. target.x = posx; Im digging it.. and our Im only 17 minutes in and its already at the point of phenomenal. I was invited onto Crrow777 for a two-hour interview. The releasing of this footage catapulted Crrow777 to becoming known all over the world . Crrow777. ", "This is a tiny group of fringe people who no one would have ever heard of if it weren't for the Internet," says Phil Plait, an astronomer who has worked with NASA and runs Bad Astronomy, a website that debunks space-related misconceptions. Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, says, "It's difficult to respond in detail to statements that make no sense. First HourFull Podcast Access Extra Shows Full Forum Access Episode Shoot the Moon is a documentary film about the telescope work of the man known as Crow, or Crrow777. "I do see a difference in the number of people who are no longer blind to this fact. function addListeners() { Reply shadowofashadow . if(! } Crrow777, the man who captured the first "lunar wave" has had his Youtube channel terminated for no reason. for(var k = 0; k < 5; k++) { Snap's raw . Hour one of episode 499: window.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove); - Crrow777 | Coast to Coast AM "Space truthers" say this mock-up of a moon landing shows the depths of trickery NASA will go to to convince the public it has gone to the moon, Mars and now Pluto. Shoot the Moon is a documentary film about the telescope work of the man known as Crow, or Crrow777. There's no authenticity to this at all," he says. var placed = false; Best HD UFO and space anomaly footage on the Internet! (p1 == p2)) { canvas.height = height; In a follow-up to the Pluto video, he uses Photoshop to invert the colors and boost levels on NASA's Pluto image to show what he calls a "ghost image" of "artifacts" around the dwarf planet.