We want to make all of our customers aware that we are using giraffe bone, rams horn, walnut, as well other natural materials to handcraft our grips with great success on many of our recent projects. This could easily be the new Ivory. Then, we figure out specifically just what you are seeking and provide that to you in a clear and succinct way. If they use Giraffe JAW bone that might be a different story. We were and continue to be extremely pleased with the results. Resembles bone. Back then, he found a lumber mill with end cuts from shotgun stock blanks that were about 8-to-10 inches longperfect for his needs. Colt Saa 2nd And 3rd Generation Giraffe Bone Grips. Semi Auto; Pistol Grips. Dog chews? WHITE STAG - Thunderer. WHITE STAG - Colt Bisley. Tuned by Bob James. We fully guarantee our giraffe bone grips so if. WHITE STAG - 1875 Remington. Do you want someone grinding the grip-frame down on your new Colt? Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 150.00 Select options; Colt Diamondback 1st generation grips, 1966-1978. Rugers can often be a different story. F. FL Moore 221 Replies. While I work on factory guns regularly, most will usually benefit from having the grip frame decked which will remove casting imperfections and improve the grip fit. He made a pair of exquisite stag grips for my Colt single action army. As you can imagine, its not healthy to breathe in all that wood and bone dust, so Scott has had to invest heavily in air filtration systems and personal protective equipment for the workers. Stabilized Giraffe Bone Grips for North American Arms .22 Magnum Models $ 130.00. He observes that theyre built to exacting tolerances, and are exceedingly rugged, yet look like fine artwork. In his experience, theyre built, like Swiss watches, but demonstrate a standard of accuracy, functional reliability, and longevity that is unmatched in the industry. Terry's expertise is not limited to Bond Arms guns. Giraffe bone grips look especially great, on blued, stainless, and nickel guns. Grips can be made with any profile and finish. Challes-les-Eaux, Arrondissement Chambry, Savoyen, Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes, Frankreich Required fields are marked *. Its also nice to see the younger generation be a part of it. Bone or Bone-like: $400 (plus material) Fit grips $175 $ Priced per job: *Slow Rust Blue, Hot Blue or CCH (Color Case Hardening). Call or email me to discuss a set of custom handgun grips for you. Arizona Custom Grips are crafted using CNC equipment, and the Magna-Tusk grips we had were spot-on in terms of grip-to-metal fit. In most cases they will be book matched or reverse end grain matched. The finish breathes so the grip will not become slippery in your hand with moisture. The 7" length (left) came first in 1873, the 5" (center) in 1875. and the 4" (right) was made a standard option in 1879. One of the bigger projects that helped SK Custom Grips to get noticed was the Engraved Ruger Single-Six (RSSE) model, launched by custom gunsmith Bobby Tyler in 2019. See the Grip Profilepage for the more common options. Crazy! Look, Feel of Genuine Ivory Found in 'Magna-Tusk' Grips - TheGunMag SK Custom is also busy working on several new designs for popular Colt and Smith & Wesson revolvers. The excellent thing is that when you click and item listed below, then you can check out all the fantastic item photos and a detailed description to make certain that it is the dream thing that you are looking for. We have a gallery of pictures added to our grip page (click on grips tab on left), that we will be continuously adding to showcase our grip work. THIS SET HAS A CREAMY YELLOW COLOR THAT MAKES YOU THINK OF AGED IVORY AND GOLD COLT MEDALLIONS. Scott also hand-fitted the grips on each of the 150 extra guns that were produced as Lipseys Guns Exclusives. Ruger New Vaquero Giraffe Bone grips (#115525564764), Colt SAA Desert Ironwood one piece grips (#115591156126). Colt SAA | Smith And Wesson Forums