The information below may provide an Colby College - Home - Facebook Cloudflare has detected an error with your request. The overwhelming majority of colleges admit most students who apply. Homepage | Colby College Therefore, the transfer acceptance rate for Colby College is 2.52%. ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Admitted Students Day - Colby-Sawyer College I did remined her that half the class of 2013 were ED students and they wanted to go no where else! Can anyone offer her a few words of encouragement. Calistudent2023 April 22, 2019, 5:20am #1. Stockholm University of the Arts. Learn more about the projects submitted by Colby's 2023 finalists. I am hoping to study something along the lines of economics, management, and accounting. 42% of enrolled undergraduate students have received grants or scholarships and the average aid amount is $56,430. Those numbers have only gotten larger since last year. Colby College - Acceptance Rate The goal is to achieve a well-rounded student body that enriches the campus environment and learning experience for all. The college follows a need-blind admission policy, which means that a student's financial status does not impact the admission decision. This week, The Echo investigated whether students notice a difference between the older and younger classes, and if these differences create any tension on campus and affect the overall student experience. Did she linger into the afternoon? ), however this has been slowing changing over the years and the student has become . Carleton College vs Colby College - College Search & Selection Factors such as extracurricular involvement, leadership skills, community service, and personal essays showcase an applicants character and potential for success at Colby. Requested URL:, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_7_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.2 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1. Class of 2026 Admitted to Colby - Colby News Colby College Admitted Students Program: Schedule Sign up or log in to bookmark your favorites and sync them to your phone or calendar. Approximately 50% of Colby College students receive some form of need-based financial aid, with an average aid package of around $50,000. Weve outlined a few things below that should help you figure out your priorities if youre trying to get into Colby. Want the strategies we have used to get students into top Ivy League schools in your email box every month? Gavle University College. The site owner may have set restrictions that prevent you from accessing the site. including first-generation college students, low-income . If you have any questions Members of the Colby-Sawyer community, including children who attend the college's lab school, Windy Hill, participated in two days of events to celebrate Earth Day 2023. Just because a coach puts in a good word for you doesn't mean it will offset bad grades and scores or a lack of extracurricular development. The FAFSA ensures consideration for federal aid, while the CSS Profile is used by the college to determine institutional aid eligibility. Colby College is a private liberal arts college located in Waterville, Maine with about 2,000 students total. He wasn't comfortable with the coach and wasn't sure he liked the team members. Thursday, April 19; Friday, April 20; Saturday, April 21; Filter By Venue Mayflower Hill, Waterville, ME, USA. The information below may provide an you must use the Youve also gotta have an impressive list of extracurriculars to go along with those grades and scores. Short of shepherding students around, I don't feel that there was much more that Colby could do. Aim for a high GPA and take challenging courses such as Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes. So here we have a group of 18 year old quasi-adults who are afraid to talk to each other, afraid to take a chance.


Now, the impression from the young adult I was with was that the attending students she observed are MUCH friendlier to each other at Colby than at other schools she's been accepted at (not that she felt comfortable talking to much of anyone) but it was something that she zeroed in on. Most colleges notify Early Decision and Early Action applicants of admission around December 15. Schedule a Campus Tour - Colby College Admissions The median 50% of students admitted to Colby received a cumulative ACT score between 31 and 33, while 25% scored over 33, and 25% scored below 31. They are both excellent choices.


DadJRS - With our S, he really liked the more laid back Open House than the intense version of other LACs. 37. Look, its a 6% acceptance rate, so you gotta do what you gotta do to stand out.