That your funds help to provide scholarships and affordable healing services to BIPOC and LGBT+ folx. Anti-Blackness and oppression can be internalized and acted out among ourselves and within our group. The fellowship runs once every two The Orange Methods (OM) critical innovation is purposely seeking people from Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) communities most affected by structural trauma and toxic stress to serve, heal, and work to transform communities--because they are the experts. I became a Reiki Master Teacher in 2016 and have taught many students. Projects can be new or can be current projects that meet the goals and visions of the fellowship. She made each of our board members feel valued. Black people have always been the architects of their own liberation, and we are committed to meeting people where they are and providing them with the resources they need to advance their own healing. He is also a trained community organizer, a Babalawo (Ifa high priest) and an instructor for the Innerlight Method of intuition development and trauma release. Damon was born and raised in South Central Los Angeles. ", Founder and Board President, Chisholm Leadership Academy, Jamilah's highly anticipated first book is a guide for educators seeking to create and sustain liberatory spaces within their learning communities. Her story, expertise and wisdom inspire everyone she teaches to think critically, act responsively, and connect graciously. Coaching for Healing, Justice, and Liberation certification Justice Teams Network is excited to launch the California Healers Network, our new statewide network of Healing Justice practitioners. HJF is changing that narrative by making access to healing resources a central part of dismantling oppressive systems. WebHealing Justice provides a framework within which we organize to end all forms of state violence while nurturing our communities leadership capacities and healing generations This session will offer participants a guided meditation to visit past and future experiences of liberation across their personal timelines and to explore past and future generations. an extraordinary leader, coach, and teacher, who is deeply committed to using wellness as a vehicle for social change and equity, I highly recommend bringing Jamilah to your school, district or organization to facilitate courageous conversations and healing spaces, "Jamilah is a consummate professional and, extremely skilled at navigating complex, and even controversial, issues. I know I will benefit from this program by becoming a better organizer, strategist, and revolutionary. Their past work as a journalist and editor, youth worker, and nonprofit multitool inform their investments in the power of questions and narrative to transform the world around us. Jamilah's highly anticipated first book is a guide for educators seeking to create and sustain liberatory spaces within their learning communities. What most struck me about her approach was that it relied on my own wisdom and understanding, and it challenged me to be in my feelings and witness my own hurt. As partners deeply invested in the wellbeing of our Fellows, we often ask ourselves what it means to holistically support Fellows on the frontlines of the worlds problems. Coaching for Healing, Justice, and Liberation certification I had been fed through my public and then private education that I was especially intelligent, and this became part of my identity and self-worth. After all, my astrological signs are Sagittarius Sun, Capricorn Rising & Pisces Moon. WebWith degrees in Social Welfare and Justice and Sociology from Marquette University, Chrissy merges her passion for fitness to inspire members of the wellness industry to create spaces that allow individuals from all backgrounds to seen feel, welcomed, affirmed, and celebrated. CHNV After over a decade of community organizing, Damon supported the anti-domestic violence movement and multiple Boys and Men of Color organizing projects as a consultant, strategist and leadership coach. The Center offers I have received training in crystal healing, angel healing, mindfulness, yoga, chakra clearing/ balancing, womens trauma healing, ancestral medicine, inner child healing, shadow work and more. Order your copy below! by Erica Woodland and Cara Page. The firm helps social justice advocates, institutions, and communities heal from racism and its intersection with other forms of oppression-induced trauma -- particularly after civil unrest -- so they feel grounded, seen, and heard. 2019 by Coaching for Healing and Non-Violence. I participated in my first protest against sexual assault at 15 years old. It helps to create the inner peace and alignment necessary to achieve inner and social justice.