It converts the powerful cleaning and disinfecting solution into a gentle saline solution, so its safe to put in your eyes after 6 hours. 3. Clear Care Cleaning and Disinfecting Solution is a Triple Action Cleaning solution that makes lenses so fresh, they feel like new. Active Ingredients: Boric acid, sodium borate, and potassium chloride | Use: To rinse and store contact lenses, Suitable for soft and gas permeable lenses. Many contact lens solutions disinfect lenses, but Renus Bausch + Lomb Lens Solution kills 99.9% of germs in just four hours. In addition to storing contact lenses, the solution conditions, cleans, rinses, and disinfects. Archived post. Fill the Clear Care Plus lens cup to the fill line with Clear Care Plus and place the lens holder in the lens cup. Lindsey is a writer and editor specializing in fashion, lifestyle, love, sex, and health content. Clear Care's Cleaning & Disinfecting Solution is a hydrogen peroxide-based solution that can be used with both soft contact lenses and rigid gas permeable contact lenses. Precise care is top-rated among people who have sensitive eyes and vision defects. This product can be really hard to find in stores but should be used by every contact wearer! See Also: Clear care contact solution shortage Show details Update on Scleral Lenses. Equates Saline Solution for Sensitive Eyes is a saline-based solution that is suitable for soft contact lenses. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Equates Saline Solution for Sensitive Eyes was specifically designed with sensitive eyes in mind. The shortage of Clear Care, Aosept and AQuify, which clean and disinfect contact lenses, comes at the same time that Bausch & Lomb Inc. asked retailers to pull from shelves its ReNu with . After the lens has been cleaned, make sure to get rid of all excess solution that is left in the case. My eye doctor had me start using this when I became a single mom and needed my contacts to last long as I was super poor. Rigid gas permeable lenses do not contain water and are mostly constructed out of silicone. Active Ingredients: Polyhexamethylene biguanide (0.0001%) | Use: To store, disinfect, and clean contact lenses. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. 2 star. Please try again. Now put the patient and lens together and ensure you tighten the case very well to prevent any solution leakage. How long should I soak my lenses in Clear Care Solution? Otherwise, youll experience extremely unpleasant burning and stinging. Customer Service. With the popularity of elective eye surgeries like lasik, prk etc this market is only getting bigger. 4 star. Hydrogen peroxide-based solutions need to be stored in a special case that transforms the liquid into saline solution, so that it doesnt burn or sting the eyes. They will be delivered to you at a new time, and you can use them. $ + tax After the cleansing, the answer becomes neutral, just like the tears, and doesn't bother the eyes. You have to soak them for at least six hours overnight. I have two bottles coming in tomorrow that will last a bit. Can You Put Hydrogen Peroxide In Your Ear? I wish I would have asked my doctor yesterday during my visit what she recommends besides clear care. To use this product correctly, you must first wash your hands and ensure that your hands are clean. Please use a different way to share. So when my new doctor recommended this due to my eyes battling dry eye and irritation from long dusty/dirty work days I figured I'd try it but wasn't expecting much. All reactions: 1K Stuermer EK et al. Always talk to your eye doctor if you have additional concerns. Clear Care triple action cleaning solution is preservative-free and disinfects, deep while also removing protein from contact lenses. Plus, Clear Care boasts a unique and recognizable case. Over the years I have used different solutions. Why do I have to clean the lens case with solution after use? Active Ingredients: Alexidine dihydrochloride 0.00016%, polyquaternium-1 0.0003%, and boric acid | Use: To clean, store, and disinfect. If you cannot find these in your nearby supermarkets, you can order them from some online stores. Acanthamoeba Keratitis FAQs. Let the lens soak for 6 hours or overnight to allow the peroxide to neutralize and help avoid eye irritation when inserting the contact lenses. Clear care works great but now there is a shortage : r/Keratoconus - Reddit The solution is also preservative-free, to further cut down on irritation. Our air freshener is suited to cars with cloth interiors, there is a possible chance of staining if used on plastic & hard surfaces. CLEAR CARE Contact Lens Solution they dont have stock anywhere it seems. Clear Care Contact Solution in stock? : r/vancouver - Reddit CLEAR CARE is the #1 doctor recommended hydrogen peroxide solution on the market. Just saw lots yesterday at the local Costco. This will help prevent eye infections by removing dirt and oils that could get into the lenses. The only drawback I see from this vendor was the used by date was only a few months away from the purchase date. I've had contacts for 20+ years and always took good care of them (at annual visits the doctor would always comment that he couldn't believe my 2 week soft contacts were over 4 weeks old they were so clean and looked great under the scope. While this type of solution consists of just water and oxygen, it is a strong disinfectant that destroys bacteria quickly. My eyes haven't ever felt this good! J Food Sci Technol. A fresh lens case is included in each package of each solution. Clear Care Solution needs time to neutralize peroxide to a gentle saline solutionmaking it safe to insert your lenses. I use spf daily moisturizer and eye cream so I feel they often build up with protein & other materials. Some contacts are made to wear daily, weekly, or even monthly. Frequently Asked Questions About Clear Care Contact Solution. Journal of Medical Microbiology. Millions of consumers use nonprescription, over-the-counter drops daily as a remedy for dryness, irritation, and other mild eye conditions. Review product. The case could have be easier when it comes to opening the contact compartments, but other than those 2 things, the solution is amazing! Personal information provided may be collected, used and disclosed in accordance with our. These Eye Care Professionals have received compensation for consulting and/or speaking for Alcon. Improve your understanding of the CLEAR CARE contact lens solution technology. Any product with peroxide disinfect but must be rinsed well. DiscontinuedNewsis impartial and independent, and every day, we create distinctive, world-class programs, news, and content that inform, educate and entertain millions of people worldwide. Our Triple Action Cleaning power makes lenses so fresh, they feel like new, but without the preservatives found in your typical multi-purpose solutions. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 29, 2021, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 8, 2019, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. She has interviewed dozens of medical experts, tested out hundreds of products, and aims to provide quality recommendations that won't break the bank. Just follow these simple steps and youll be good to go.