Clear Blue weeks WebClearblue Pregnancy Test with Weeks Indicator is the FIRST and ONLY pregnancy test that not only tells you if you are pregnant, but also measures the level of hCG to indicate the number of weeks since you conceived: 1-2, 2-3, or more than 3 weeks (3+). * Weeks result 97% in agreement with later ultrasound dating scan. If they do a second urine test, often you will have the result in a few minutes. Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Clearblue is under license. The levels for the 2-3wks range is 153 to 2753 so for it to shift 3 wks it needs to have gone over 2753 which is pretty high when your levels are only meant to double every 48-72hrs. I still got 2-3 weeks when I was 5w1d got 3+ at 5w4d and had a beta level drawn that day which was 14,382! However, this is not always the case. display: -webkit-box; Clearblue Related Products . If you test before your period is due and get a 'not pregnant' result, there is still a chance you may be pregnant.How accurate is the Clearblue conception indicator? Clear Blue Weeks Indicator Test The Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown gives you accuracy and reassurance while you wait for your result.Clearblue is the World's #1 Selling Brand in home pregnancy and fertility tests [2]. The urine pregnancy tests your doctor uses contain the same technology as home pregnancy tests. The test is over 99% accurate at detecting pregnancy from the day of the expected period. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkunde 2014; 74(7):661669. For more information see our delivery help or view our returns policy. The app also shows the user up to 6 previous cycles so they can see how their cycles vary over time. High HCG Levels Mean Twins? (HCG Chart Line progression - clear blue weeks indicator. I heard about a recall a while ago but didn't realize they don't sell them any longer?! My three Clear Blues over the last few days were 1-2 weeks, 2-3 weeks, and then 1-2 weeks in that order, which has freaked me out. Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test has been designed to offer you the easiest pregnancy testing experience, with the accuracy you expect from Clearblue and a All rights reserved. Click & Collect text-decoration: none; Im 4 weeks 3 days as of today (I think) 12DP5DFT. I literally went crazy because it wouldnt change from 2-3 weeks when I knew I was over 3+! width: 100%; (The sensitivity of this test is 25mlU/ml).Based on the level of hCG in your urine, the Clearblue conception indicator provides an estimate of when you conceived.How accurate is Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test in detecting pregnancy? Once it arrived I took one of the test and I tested positive at 1-2 weeks! i used the clear blue digital pregnancy test which has the conception indicator. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. I chalked it up to being hydrated. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. display: -ms-flexbox; EDIT: I should add that fetus age is definitely 3 weeks per confirmed ovulation. Fingers crossed for a singleton! >99% accurate at detecting typical hormone levels. Hi ladies. Clearblue Refresh your browser window to try again. z zfurnival Posted 27/4/18 Hi ladies. Faster and much simpler than previous methods, it was the first test you could use directly in your urine stream, had just 3 steps, and gave an accurate result in just 30 minutes when other methods took hours or even days. Clear blue weeks indicator No wonder I couldn't find these!!!