Doors must be self-closing/self-latching OR, Wrought iron pool fence holding 5 from waters edge OR, Windows require key lock latch 54 about the floor or mesh screens that are screwed into place, Minimum height 5, Maximum Height 6 (No chain link), Gates self-closing/self-latching, latch 54 above grade. Exterior doors with access to your homes pool area must have self-latching equipment. Pool enclosures; requirements; exceptions; enforcement. Be self-closing and self-latching with the latch located at least fifty-four (54) inches above the underlying ground or on the pool side of the gate with a release mechanism at least five (5) inches below the top of the gate and no opening greater than one-half (1/2) inch within twenty-four (24) inches of the release mechanism. City Council | City of Glendale, CA Download our simple fence company questionnaire! Property Line and Fence Laws in Arizona - FindLaw Have no openings in the wall, fence or barrier through which a spherical object four inches in diameter can pass. Pool Point Of View - Scottsdale Secret Garden. For more tips on installing pool safety equipment in compliance with the states pool safety regulations, read our blog and shop our line-up of pool safety products. Tackling a backyard project can seem intimidating at How To Choose The Right Pool Company In Arizona. In order to meet code, every exit from the residence and every window which opens to the pool area must be secured and, in some regions, even alarmed. A barrier fence or wall shall have no handholds, footholds or horizontal members accessible from the exterior side of the enclosure. Here at California Pools & Landscape, the first question we always get from clients planning a project is: How Much? Although it is probably frustrating for pool buyers, the honest What Type Of Pool Can I Get If My Budget Is $75 K & Under? 32-3. If you receive City of Glendale water service, you reside in Glendale. An RV gate that is the only way to get from the front of the house to the back of the house, without going through the house (i.e. 209 0 obj<> Every customer is different, and we take great pride in fulfilling unique needs for your Infinity Pools: Negative Edge Pools & Zero Edge Pools. Is it a tranquil garden designed for relaxation and the enjoyment of 5 Best Sources for Swimming Pool Financing. If your family is craving a reprieve from the relentless Arizona sun, consider a shade structure over a swim-up bar. California Pools & Landscape Through The Eyes Of The Judges Is Travertine Pool Deck Right For You? Building Codes - City of Glendale Open outward from the pool. Chandlers fence requirement is 6. Income-qualified customers may be eligible to receive a discount on their electric bill through the Glendale Care Program. Open door / window alarms are readily available on Amazon. ", WEBSITE DESIGN BY GRANICUS - Connecting People and Government. While your address may list your city as Glendale, the post office assigns addresses based on zip codes, not city boundaries. . UNCLAIMED CHECKS AND DEPOSITS. For all other openable dwelling unit or garage windows, the latching device shall consist of one of the following A keyed lock that prevents opening the window more than 4 inches, A screwed-in-place wire mesh screen, A latching device located not less than 54 inches above the finished floor, A hard safety cover, which may be latched or locked, shall be deemed to meet all barrier requirements of this section for any spa or hot tub, which does not exceed 8 feet in width at any peripheral point. As a result, Arizona has one of the largest collections of residential swimming pools among all the states. Turn your PDF publications into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software. Violators would be subject to code enforcement which could result in criminal penalties ranging from $100 to $1,000, installation of a flow restrictor, or water shut off. Please include the date, time and location of the event, a contact person and their phone number. F. A person who violates this section is guilty of a petty offense except that no fine may be imposed if a sufficient showing is made that the person has subsequently equipped the swimming pool or contained body of water with a barrier pursuant to the standards adopted in subsection B within forty-five days of citation and has attended an approved swimming pool safety course. It will feature more than 1,100 rooms with suites and villas, a 5-acre water feature, a large music and entertainment venue with 16 ticket and seating options, 12 signature restaurants, 10 bar and . In addition to city codes, state and county laws, as well as child protection services, also maintain their own set of regulations. Youre ready to build a pool in your backyard, but arent sure what size of pool you want. Our Dreambook App is your gateway to the backyard of your dreams! At California Pools & Landscape we strive to create the ultimate backyard environment for our customers. The inch opening rule is to keep little fingers from reaching in and working the latch.