7 What happens to Andrew and Karen in the Chronicle? Pulling pranks.Hanging out with his friends.Obsessively filming his life. When his mother's condition deteriorates, Andrew, using Richard's firefighting suit as a disguise, attempts to pay for her medicine through robbing people. Matt was referring to where Steve's body was found, not where Steve and Andy had their argument. Even though Tobey had some great comedic moments . I can't help it.. Upon arrival, a distraught Richard explains to the seemingly unconscious Andrew that his mother is dead. Unfortunately, this doesn't really answer the question. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. It does not store any personal data. Grief-stricken and unwilling to let go of his irrational hatred, his father blames him for the fact that he wasn't there for Karen when she died, because he was supposedly looking Andrew, a complete lie, as Andrew filmed his father leaving the house before he put on the firefighter suit. By the start of the film, Andrew is a loner and an outcast, socially isolated and regularly bullied at school, on the streets, and at home. That night, the audience is forced to witness Richard Detmer breaking into Andrew's room and punching his son out of his chair for not opening the door that morning. After being threatened and spit on by the older man, Andrew resigns outside and sits alone by a tree sobbing when he's approached by Steve, the school's popular quarterback who is also running for class president. Chronicle is a 2012 film about three high school friends who gain superpowers after making an incredible discovery. Eventually, his father discovers the camera Andrew has been using in his room one day, still recording Andrew's empty room. However, after spending the day at a shopping center playing pranks, a truck begins tailgating Matt's car on the way home; annoyed, Andrew uses his powers to push the truck away from them - only to end up knocking it off the road into a lake. Why do men's bikes have high bars where you can hit your testicles while women's bikes have the bar much lower? Andrew angrily retorts that he goes to public school and his father doesn't pay for that. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Steve tries to console an angry and embarrassed Andrew but is rejected and told to leave the room. Andrew Detmer is the telekinetic sociopath from Chronicle. As they refined their powers through training, Andrew himself slowly became corrupted as his life declined. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. All three discovered a strange crystalline structure in a cavern during a party in the wilderness, which imbued them all with special abilities. A lot bigger, as this comparison via Eric Holthaus shows: Chronicle (2012) - Dane DeHaan as Andrew Detmer - IMDb Representation matters in your music library. Here are the Asian How do I stop the Flickering on Mode 13h? August 22, 2022 Hurricane Andrew was the strongest and most devastating hurricane on record to hit southern Florida. Andrew learns it with ease, even taking some small rocks and debris up with him while on the other hand, Matt can't get off the ground, eventually picking up the ability after several tries and falling on his face. Andrew learns it with ease while on the other hand, Matt can't get off the ground, eventually picking up the ability after several tries. Why does Andrews camera Act erratic in the Chronicle? Realizing that Andrew cant be stopped or reasoned with, Matt reluctantly impales Andrew using a spear from a nearby statue, killing him instantly. The reason why I don't think it was a coincidence is because if you listen to Andrew and Matt's confrontation in the cemetery right after Steve's funeral, Matt clearly states that there is no way he could have been struck when there were no lightning strikes recorded in that area, meaning, the lightning literally came out of nowhere. Chronicle - Plugged In And as human beings, we're considered the apex . That's why we've had the success when he's healthy. A while later, the boys discover they have developed extraordinary powers from the events in the cavern and begin to exercise their abilities with progressively greater strength and agility. Andrew villainous breakdown to his cousin Matt.I'm an apex predator. Chronicle movie clips: http://j.mp/1ixl661BUY THE MOVIE:FandangoNOW - https://www.fandangonow.com/details/movie/chronicle-2012/1MV182bffee5a1584f4529991f0313. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. The object then turns a bright red, and from a distance it almost looks like a face. During the post-contest party, he is approached by Monica - a girl who wouldn't give him a second glance beforehand - and sexually propositioned. He brings the camera everywhere from home to school and back, allowing the audience an intimate view of his life, beginning with his father nearly punching a hole in his door at 7 AM in an attempt to beat him. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Childbirth what do contractions feel like. When they arrive, Matt receives another text telling them to "look up". Welcome to /r/FanTheories! I may be wrong about all of this, but I found it too compelling a theory not to share. With the death of his beloved mother, the last vestiges of Andrew's sanity have completely shattered: heedless of the cameras trained on him, he flies over the hospital and attempts to drop Richard to his death. Andrew is arguably the strongest of the trio as he seems to practice his powers more. They realize that their powers are like muscle tissue, in that if they exercise it regularly and continue to push themselves, they're capable of becoming stronger. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Matt then goes to Tibet with Andrew's camera and talks to his dead cousin through the camera and tells him he'll try to use his powers for good and find out what happened to the three of them that night in the hole. UNF alumnus Andrew Clayton talks about what it takes to be one of America's strongest men.Video shot and edited by Michael HerreraRead the full story here: h. It's basically an ancient creature that lives deep underground, and came to the surface to feed by giving "Powers" to the living creatures it comes in contact with so they can bring it food, and because it is sick, it dies in the process of creating its "drones" leaving them free to keep the power and their lives.