A+J Grantham wrote: Makes him a crap racer, pigeons of the same lines made us 4th highest prize winner in the NEPC (120 members) last year, and the top prize winer in the Fed we flew in the two years before that. Today, he is totally devoted to extreme long distance flying and breeding thefinest racing pigeons on earth. Im super stoked for new birds!. Funwill always be a priority for anyone who has a horse with Chris and JennyGordon,butdontassume that this makes the pair any less ambitious. The Cypress urban cluster ranks 50th in the top 100 highest-income urban areas in the United States. Lofts, national racing is our goal so we only try to buy either national winners or from national winners. Racing pigeons bear no resemblance to the ordinary birds you see in town centres. It's simple and immediate. Feeding Racing Pigeons | Complete Food and Nutrition Guide with some ONLY HEITZMAN SIONS are kept. If you are looking for some good tough weather distance birds, this is the one I'd suggest. A sump and pump dispense lower floor washed waste beneath shrubbery surrounding property the loft is built on. Nowhere else in the world are there such Sions devoted to the original Paul Sions and which are currently setting records at long distances. Not yesteryear--but TODAY! Bird has had not been outside and has been confined indoors in isolation since recieved. I am a florist by trade, but racing is my life, really. It's simple and immediate. Three Borders Federation (Meet the officers 2023). Overflow from each drip pan collects in a potable water piping arrangement which feeds the overflow to a fish pond next to the loft. 6. The abandoned quarry and junk yard next to where I had my loft had been used to retain pumped up local coal mine water and tailings for over 100 years and the water level in the Quarry had lowered exposing a surface in places which was black clay like compacted coal dust some of which Angus Gillespie the property owner dug out daily to stoke a heating stove which smoldered overnight in his work shed . Our very own Jenny Gordon winning her award for champion trainer (training under 7 horses). The problem is that if it rains, you can't have the race. I received the very nice young pure white hansennes hen this pm. Some APC stock birds are returns from One Loft Races.This year APC loft has shipped out 250 birds to 35 One Loft races and currently has 100 young birds which will compete in the GCHPA young bird 2010 series of races. Typcally the Gordons are medium/smaller built birds, have an inate homing ability, and thedesire to not give up coming home. In this programme Rob visits the amazing Chris Gordon's yorkshire racing lofts. If you wish to fly colored homers, train them like any other racing pigeon. Due to the quality of our pigeons, they have the ability to produce champion racers. I hold the record for winning the longest distance race in the National Flying Club, 725 miles from Tarbes in France to Yorkshire. Outside the summer months, pigeons form 85 per cent of a peregrine falcon's diet, and sparrowhawks take a lot. Well it now turns out that it is just possible that another new racing pigeon breeding operation has been brought to life in that great state of Texas that, some say, may soon have the depth to rival the dominance of the former Oak Haven Farms. With many Years experience in the Racing Industry Chris and Jenny have produced countless winners. Support framework for the upper floor is galvanized steel and the lower floor is concrete with a lengthwise wall to center slope into a wash drain system. Those wouldn't race anyway. HOME | Chris Gordon Racing Prior to this they will have been doing perhaps half an hour twice a day. The Morris Gordon pigeons have a perch in the world history books for being the premier strain at the distance. The name of the farm, known worldwide, was Oak Haven Farms. Hull South Road Federation race from Brighton on 18th July 2021. If the wind's behind in good weather, they'll go 60mph; against the wind, they'll do about 40mph. Though I have never personally met George or Jennifer Rankin my initial contact with George resulted from an article that I wrote about Mr. Andrew Skrobot, a Canadian who had spent the great majority of his adult life as an educator within the Canadian Educational System in the beautiful province of New Brunswick. The APC loft design is without a doubt the result of at least 50 years of Georges reading about and thinking about and viewing first had all of the most advanced features intended to ensure a safe and healthy home and then incorporating them into an advanced steel modular design. The advantage is that the winner is known there and then, first past the post. George demonstrates swivel capacity of feed trough. Of all the different strains of racing pigeons which Charles Heitzman had, Sions were by far his greatest. Eight compartments are 12 foot long by 6 foot wide and house 60 active Breeding Pairs. Any expectation I had at the outset for future success coming from working with the Janssen and Thone birds was based on past experience and an understanding that family quality and the health of all birds housed together in a pigeon loft affects the amount of success a loft ultimatelyModern racing pigeons tend to be strong backed, hard muscled, tight vented; pin tailed with streamlined apple shaped bodies and have a straight tightly closed throat valve. Who knows what I might have ended up as, if I had developed a real fascination for pool?With this personal story in mind I often ask fanciers of whom I write if they have similar experiences and typically they do as is the case also with George Rankin. We use cookies to analyze website traffic and optimize your website experience. Bred and raced by Chris Gordon of Old Snydale, Pontefract, Yorkshire. So my childhood fascination with birds set the stage for my future occupation. Pigeons - Gold gimpel colored homer By @chris northern lights - Facebook My cousin said you know him that is Andrew Fleming your old science teacher who tells me every time we talk that he still has pigeons bred down from a bird you gave him when you went abroad. The Sions have long been noted for their ability to stay in the sky and on the wing when other birds become tired and go down. Over the next three years Dr. Kenneth Warren bred the Dordins applying his genetics knowledge and came to the conclusion that like the local birds we worked with for so long if the Dordins were pure bred no significant improvement in their racing performance resulted. The sprinters are bigger and heavier. 100% pure Pedigreed Janssens The stock pigeons are equally shared and their offspring are tested in both loft locations. Visit the store to purchase an outstanding McLaughlin Lofts pigeon instantly and securely from our site. APC Lofts/George and Jennifer Rankin - (USA) | PIPA Our Foundation pair, almost 30 years ago, was the mating of St. Thomas X Deanna. Ever growing business demands forced George to let his pigeons go in 1979 but he maintained contact with Dr Warren over the next 20 years during which time he boughtJanssen Bros birds from Mike Ganus and according to Kenneth the increase in performance of the Janssen competing in races up to 600 miles at the local level was even more remarkable than the performance increase they experienced with the Dordins.