40 kilometers (25 miles) long and about 16 kilometers (10 miles) wide. From page 927 copies of treaties ceding various Sierra Leonean territory and islands to Britain. The climate is characterized by two distinct seasons: the dry season
The dry season lasts from November to International Peace Academy Occasional Paper Series This alluvial gold mining operation has been described as environmentally destructive as forest denudation for the purpose of mining caused extensive erosion of the hills and consequent sedimentation of the river and its tributaries. pp 820, Cole NHA (1968) The vegetation of Sierra Leone. Iron ore and alluvial gold mining began in the late 1920s and early 1930s, while the Bumbuna Falls hydroelectric project is underway. It is bordered by two countries; Guinea to the northeast and Liberia to the southeast. [7] Geologically it is a tectonically controlled basin with formations of Precambrian, Infra-Cambrian and Pleistocene age. Examines the Hut Tax and resulting conflict. which extends 48 km eastward. Sherbro River has strong tidal streams at Sherbro entrance with a rate of 4 kn at half
Characteristics, structure and resources of the sector Published in 1825. Scanned by Google. The Colonial Controversy, containing a refutation of the calumnies of the Anticolonists; the state of Hayti, Sierra Leoneand the state of free and slave labourers in those countries. By J.A. Figure 2 Diagramatic representation of present-day distribution of sediments
Correspondence to This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Notes Africaines 46:5557, Daget J, Gosse JP, Thys van den Audenaerd DFE (1984) CLOFFA 1. The hydropower potential of Sierra Leone is estimated at 1513MW, scattered in 27 sites . [6] Mangrove species recorded are Rhizophora, Avicennia, Laguncularia, and Conocarpus, which cover an area of 34.23 hectares (84.6 acres). Scanned by Google. Rokel River - Wikipedia Scanned by Google. The Mape. During the dry season the estuarine areas have an average salinity of 31.3/00,
the sea. The South African Department of Water Affairs (1986) tentatively estimates that 5.4 109 m3 might represent the realistic potential maximum groundwater use per year. July, August and September. km. From the information presented above, it can reasonably be established that horses thrived on the Freetown peninsula for sixty years and the disease which eliminated them was T. brucei. known as the Grain Coast, which borders Liberia. By Elizabeth Melville, edited by Hon. Reports of the Vienna Universal Exhibition of 1873, Part I. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in are lined with mangroves. Longhurst (1958) considers the
predominantly muddy areas shaded and the predominantly sandy areas of
km. The most significant dam in Sierra Leone is the Guma Valley Dam, which J Afr Hist XVI:239256. Smallholder tobacco growing along the Rokel River has been successfully developed. On a Collection of Sierra Leone Lepidoptera. of several tributaries: Kumrabe Creek (7.2 km north-eastward of Tagrin Point), and Bunce
Scanned by Google. [6] Scanned by Google. Sherbro Island is separated from the mainland by Sherbro River on the 2. Official name: The area is known to be situated in the area of permanence of the Guinean waters. Mangrove swamps in upper intertidal and low supratidal zones; with black and
With a land area of 27,699 square miles (71,740 square kilometers), it is slightly smaller than the state of South Carolina. Written by British Lieutenant John Matthews about his experiences in Sierra Leone in 1785, 1786 and 1787. The mangrove swamps are broken up by numerous creeks, behind which are mangroves and strips of freshwater swamp forest. The trends in rainfall pattern for Freetown, Lungi and
Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel (New Issue), Africa Vol. Zool., IXL, Trewavas E (1983) Tilapiine fishes of the genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis and Danakilia. is the most productive part of the equatorial area (Herbland and Le Bouteiller, 1982). The estuary is also important for shipping. North and the shoals of Saint Ann to the South. The
Substance of the Report Delivered by the Court of Directors of the Sierra Leone Company to the General Court of Proprietors on Wednesday the 26th October, 1791. Two Voyages to Sierra Leone during the years 1791-2-3. Article on Sierra Leone starts on page 238, 1788. [1] Sierra Leone's capital city of Freetown lies at the entrance to the Sierra Leone River, about 25 miles (40km) from the port of Pepel. varies from 31/00 to 30/00 in the wet season. From page 530, details the voyage of Pedro de Cintra and the various geographical features he named along the coast which includes present-day Sierra Leone. It is situated between the seventh and tenth the country is located northwest of that part of the Atlantic Coast The country also has several islands on the Atlantic Ocean. The Debate on a Motion for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, &c. British Parliament, House of Commons, 1792. The great majority of southern Africas water resources are riverine. reflects a seaward advance of the shoreline (progradation) which begins with laminated
Recounts the story of Bai Bureh on p. 15-16 and mentions Sierra Leone on p. 260. the extent of fishing activities is water movement. Hydrobiologia 35(3-4):568603. (Strasser-King, 1979). As observed on the physical map above, it has a coastline on the Atlantic Ocean. FAO Fish Tech Pap 262:330, Williams MO, Chaytor DEB (1966) The freshwater fishes of the Freetown Peninsula. Challenges of hepatitis B treatment in rural Sub-Saharan Africa Sierra Leone: Diamonds and the Struggle for Democracy. 402 kilometers (250 miles), Territorial sea limits: rainfall annually, compared to an average of approximately 315 The area is calledWestern AreaorFreetown Peninsula. Scanned by Google. Intertidal flats containing sediments of grain size varying from clay to
Sierra Leone Bordering Countries: Gola Forest research Programme. By Edward McMurdo, 1889. There are several major rivers which influence the hydrographic conditions along the
The provinces are Eastern, Northern, North Western, and Southern. The iron extracted has resulted in reduction of the height of one of the ore bearing hills by 24.4 metres (80ft). Sierra Leone is located on the west coast of Africa, north of the equator. Ann. Scanned by Google. range 2627C and 2829C for the wet and dry season, respectively (Williams, 1968). 3.3 in Chapter 3 summarizes the rainfall of the region. Apart from a mountainous peninsula some 45 km long, the coastal zone is flat with a fringing mangrove swamp extending 30 km inland. By Court of Directors, Sierra Leone Company, 1791. Afr Tervuren 13:2940, Thys van den Audenaerd DFE (1969) An annotated bibliography of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae). A Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions, and Reciprocal Regulations at Present Subsisting Between Great Britain and Foreign Powers. The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature, Volume 65. Preliminary work was carried out, The authors present an up-to-date check-lis1 of the freshwater fishes of the coastal basins of Sierra Leone and Liberia. The Rokel River originates in the Loma mountains, which receive more than 580 centimeters (230 inches) of The Njala University College Press, Njala, p 198, Daget J (1950) Poissons deau douce du Sierra Leone.