Flight Instructor Lesson Plans - CFI Notebook This notebook compiles the black and white text of manuals, regulations, and guides, adding the context . The data is available by subscription only and is distributed on CD-ROM or by ftp download arrivals, and GPS/RNAV instrument approach, These digital VFR charts are geo-referenced images of FAA Sectional Aeronautical, TAC, and Helicopter Route charts. Preflight Planning - CFI Notebook When installed in accordance with appropriate airworthiness installation requirements and operated in accordance with applicable operational guidance (e.g., aircraft flight manual and Advisory Circular material), the following systems qualify as a suitable RNAV system: An RNAV system with TSO-C129/-C145/-C146 equipment, installed in accordance with AC 20-138, Airworthiness Approval of Global Positioning System (GPS) Navigation Equipment for Use as a VFR and IFR Supplemental Navigation System, and authorized for instrument flight rules (IFR) en route and terminal operations (including those systems previously qualified for "GPS in lieu of ADF or DME" operations), or. Some business aircraft are using GPS as a reference source for aircraft flight control and stability systems. The Flight InstructorAirplane Practical Test Standards book has been published by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to establish the standards for the flight instructor certification practical tests for the airplane category and the single- engine and multiengine classes. Those subject areas are all listed below: Fundamentals of Instruction The Learning Process Human Behavior and Effective Communication The Teaching Process Teaching Methods Critique and Evaluation In the U.S., a specific procedure's Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) requirements will be prominently displayed in separate, standardized notes boxes. Additionally, some satellite communications avionics use GPS signals for operations in oceanic and remote airspaces. Erau Flight Plan - CFI Notebook: "Higher" Education Introduction: Flight planning is the process in whatever a pilot readies for somebody upcoming flight . navigation and flight planning diversions Diversions Introduction: Diversions are deviations from the original plan which are usually due to fuel, weather, aeromedical or systems While no one plans to divert, the first time the situation dictates a diversion, you should have already planned ahead RNP AR DP capability requires specific aircraft performance, design, operational processes, training, and specific procedure design criteria to achieve the required target level of safety. At the alternate airport, pilots may plan for applicable alternate airport weather minimums using: Lateral navigation (LNAV) or circling minimum descent altitude (MDA); LNAV/vertical navigation (LNAV/VNAV) DA, if equipped with and using approved barometric vertical navigation (baroVNAV) equipment; RNP 0.3 DA on an RNAV (RNP) IAP, if they are specifically authorized users using approved baroVNAV equipment and the pilot has verified required navigation performance (RNP) availability through an approved prediction program, If the above conditions cannot be met, any required alternate airport must have an approved instrument approach procedure other than GPS that is anticipated to be operational and available at the estimated time of arrival, and which the aircraft is equipped to fly, This restriction does not apply to TSOC145() and TSOC146() equipped users (WAAS users), The low-strength data transmission signals from GPS satellites are vulnerable to various anomalies that can significantly reduce the reliability of the navigation signal. Items listed in this PBN box are REQUIRED to fly the procedure's PBN elements. Fly CFI Sacramento Higher continuity (such as dual systems) may be required for certain oceanic and remote continental airspace. Certified Flight Instructor Notebook When using full automation, pilots should monitor the aircraft to ensure the aircraft is turning at appropriate lead times and descending once established on-course, Pilots flying TSO-C129 navigation system equipped aircraft without full automation should use normal lead points to begin the turn. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Sitemap | Patreon | Contact, U.S. Terminal Procedures Publication (TPP), Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP) Charts, Instrument Departure Procedure (DP) Charts, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Planning Chart, The Digital Aeronautical Information CD (DAICD). CFI Notebook | PDF | Risk Management | Flight Instructor - Scribd If an alternate is required, the alternate airport must have an instrument approach while meeting certain criteria: 800' ceiling, 2 miles visibility, if non-precision approach, 600' ceiling, 2 miles visibility, if precision approach, If no approach exists for the alternate runway, descent from cruising altitude must be possible under Visual Flight Rules, Note that minimums published for approaches may differ, Navigation can be accomplished in several ways, Two examples include pilotage and dead reckoning which, although different, are not mutually exclusive, Dead recokoning is navigation by planning, When track = course you are flying exactly where you intend, Various tools are necessary to complete a flight plan, Generally the most direct route is preferred but several considerations may require some deviation, Checkpoints allow you to follow the progress of your flight against your planning calculations, Landmarks can be checkpoints but may also inform a pilot where they are in relation to checkpoints. When flying GPS approaches, particularly in IMC, pilots should have a backup plan in the event of GPS anomalies. With this comes the need to keep things organized to reduce Foreign Object Debris (FOD) and confusion in flight. Task II.G: Navigation and Flight Planning | Mark Berry - CFI Notebook Table of Contents Areas of Operation: Single-Engine Land I. The Certified Flight Instructor's (CFI) notebook is the critical reference material gathered throughout flight training. If you need to travel 10 NM, and you have a ground speed of 100 knots, how long will it take? About CFI Notebook The objective of IFR en route flight is to navigate within the lateral limits of a designated airway at an altitude consistent with the ATC clearance Your ability to fly instruments safely and competently in the system is greatly enhanced by understanding the vast array of data available to the pilot on instrument charts Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Flight Plans: FAA Form 7233-1, Flight Plan Flight plans are a result of the deliberate planning process which results in a tool for both the pilot and Air Traffic Control Completed and filed on the FAA Form 7233-1, flight plans provide basic times and locations to track flights and manage traffic While there is a high expectation of knowledge among pilots, none can do so without periodically referencing old topics. Typically, an aircraft eligible for A-RNP will also be eligible for operations comprising: RNP APCH, RNP/RNAV 1, RNP/RNAV 2, RNP 4, and RNP/RNAV 10. [Figure 1-5], Intersections along the airway route are established by a variety of NAVAIDs, NDBs, localizers, and off-route VORs are used to establish intersections, NDBs are sometimes collocated with intersections, in which case passage of the NDB would mark the intersection, A bearing to an off-route NDB also can provide intersection identification, A localizer course used to identify an intersection is depicted by a feathered arrowhead symbol on the en route chart (, If feathered markings appear on the left-hand side of the arrowhead (, On AeroNav Products en route charts, the localizer symbol is only depicted to identify an intersection, Off-route VORs remain the most common means of identifying intersections when traveling on an airway, Another means of identifying an intersection is with the use of DME, If the DME mileage at the intersection is a cumulative distance of route segments, the mileage is totaled and indicated by a D-shaped symbol with a mileage number inside, [Figure 1-4] Approved IFR global positioning system (GPS) units can also be used to report intersections, DME and GPS provide valuable route information concerning such factors as mileage, position, and ground speed, Even without this equipment, information is provided on the charts for making the necessary calculations using time and distance, The en route chart depicts point-to-point distances on the airway system, Distances from VOR to VOR are charted with a number inside of a box, To differentiate distances when two airways coincide, the word "TO" with the three-letter VOR identifier appear to the left of the distance boxes, VOR changeover points (COPs) are depicted on the charts by this symbol, The numbers indicate the distance at which to change the VOR frequency, The frequency change might be required due to signal reception or conflicting frequencies, If a COP does not appear on an airway, the frequency should be changed midway between the facilities, A COP at an intersection may indicate a course change, Occasionally an "x" appears at a separated segment of an airway that is not an intersection, The "x" is a mileage breakdown or computer navigation fix and may indicate a course change, Today's computerized system of ATC has greatly reduced the need for holding en route, However, published holding patterns are still found on charts at junctures where ATC has deemed it necessary to enable traffic flow, When a holding pattern is charted, the controller may provide the holding direction and the statement "as published.