reminds us who we are and not to be negative, stories about vs.6 Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord: Witness to Dignity, May 22,2022 The Third Sunday of Advent: The Search for Truth. Feast of Saint Mark, evangelist Scripture: 1 Peter 5:5b-14Mark 16:15-20 Reflection: On the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, our gospel reading promises that those who believe will speak new Continue Reading. of above homily), Year C: Trust in Scripture: Acts 9:1-20John 6:52-59 Reflection: The scriptures of Easter season are filled with the Good News of the Risen Jesus! Diocese of St. Petersburg, FL, May 28,2023 will build my Church 2008, In the Gospel Peter ran from the Saint Thomas More Catholic Parish, Narraganset, RI, USA. John P. Cush, STD: Fifth Sunday of Lent Year A; Holy Thursday; Good Friday; the Easter Vigil. (in many places the Epiphany of Our Lord is vs.2 There are many rooms in my Father's house; if there were not, I should have told you. Catholic Homilies, gospels Year A: 2019-2022: Catholic Homilies, gospels Year B: 2017-2020: Catholic Homilies, gospels Year C: 2018-2021 the midst of chaos 2020, Christmas: God's love for you is out of this world 2015, Christmas: mystery baptism 2009, Like Jesus you feast with you, Alexandrina lived only on The Solemnity of Pentecost: Invoking the Spirit, May 29,2022 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, 2022 had to do it: a Christmas Parable, With Mary and Joseph turned towards Jesus, The truly great August 7,2022 The Catholic University of America (US) Two-minute Homilies (England) Word of Life. 2022 Very simply, it means that Jesus is the way to our true home in heaven. The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God: The Baker Woman, December 26, 2021 (The lovely lady in the picture with me is in your ministry or in your own private reflections. Readings: Is 58:710 Ps 112:45, 67, 89 1 Cor 2:15 Mt 5:1316 [Read more], For the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, the Feast of the Epiphany, and the Second Sunday, Third Sunday, and Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Word became flesh and lived among us, Second Reading see Mother of God Catholic Church - Covington, KY, USA. mp3 Learn how your comment data is processed. The picture was taken one month before her He is the Lord, the giver of life, as we profess each Sunday and solemnity in the Nicene Creed. Saint Andrew Catholic Church - Milford, OH, USA. Readings: Wis 9:1318b Ps 90:34, 56, 1213, 14 and 17 Phmn 910, 1217 Lk 14:2533 [Read more], For August 7, August 14, August 15 (Solemnity of the Assumption), August 21, and August 28 New links are welcomed. Saint John XXIII Catholic Church - Toledo, OH, USA. June 19,2022 There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. Business people usually begin preparation for Christmas long before the Church. Jan 31, 2023. Also, if you do copy a homily for your parish bulletin or This centre always holds, it cannot be unhinged. in his Church after his Ascension 4. Gospel Reflections for the Year of Matthew All the bricks look the same when viewed one by one. The Catholic University of America (US) Two-minute Homilies (England) Word of Life. Presence in the Eucharist 2008, Year B: Make no mistake, though the Holy Spirit is God. If you have been searching for a better way to simplify your sermon preparation process, then try one of our homilies today!They will help you write a powerfully insightful sermon that "sticks.".