xoo6w8`o(&m!^{yrb ;;mo:vj[X%=:&a?? 2. To check if its a Total Fire Ban day, go to the CFA website. Cardinia Shire is not currently in the Fire Danger Period. FOI gives a general right to individuals to access information held by Government agencies limited by exemptions. . A person must not, without a permit, light a fire in a public place. Check the colour of the map where your property is to see which zone it falls in. CFA declares the Fire Danger Period for each municipality (shire or council) at different times in the lead up to the fire season. From now until the Fire Danger Period is declared, open air burning is allowed without a permit from Monday to Saturday, provided that: you live in the Cardinia Shire Council Bushfire Prone Area (BPA) Burwood East <>/Metadata 1723 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1724 0 R>> Social Pinpoint, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, licensors and other partners are not responsible for any loss, liability, claim, or demand, including legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising from a breach of this agreement and/or any breach of your representations and warranties set forth above. The Local Law 20 Open Air Fires is expected to be put forward for formal adoption at the June Council Meeting. Victoria is divided into nine Fire Districts based on council boundaries. It says it commences on 1 February 2022. If yourburndoesnt meet the conditionsbelow, youcan stillapply for a permit to burn offif you thinkyou have a good reason fordoing so. Different burning-off rules apply to the Open Air Burn Zones across Cardinia Shire. Victorians can find out Can I or Cant I? information at www.cfa.vic.gov.au/warnings-restrictions/can or by calling VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226. Residents in these areas take this opportunity ahead of the FDP to conduct safe private burn-offs to reduce fuel loads and clean up their property. Emerald falls into the bushland and peri-urban category and could mean under new laws that residents can legally burn two, three cubic metre green waste piles four days a week. Where it is necessary to collect contact details to provide an update on a project or incentive for survey participation, this information is collected and stored in a separate database to survey responses. July will be declared a no burn month throughout the Shire. Cardinia Shire Council has temporarily eased burn off restrictions for residents who are allowed to burn off for fire prevention purposes. This permit may be issued by the Municipal Fire Prevention Officer or the CFA District Office. Victoria is divided into nine Fire Districts based on council boundaries. This is a proposed commencement date only. Were producing a newsletter to keep the storm-affected community in Cardinia Shire informed of services and support available. endobj VIC Australia 3151. Burning during windy weather increases the chance of a fire escaping the burn off area and spreading. How is Council helping residents impacted by the storms in June dispose of extra waste? It is our duty to protect the confidentiality of content you provide on our site in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Prohibitions on burning off in August, and on public holidays - many submitters indicated that preventing residents from burning off in July, August and public holidays was too restrictive, and would reduce the opportunities to burn off. Fire Danger Period set to begin in Cardinia Shire region Ph:1300 787 624 Before you burn off, please consider using one of these methods to reduce your fuel load the kerbside green waste bin collection, hard and bundled green waste collection, composting or mulching (we offer waste reduction rebates), taking green waste to a local tip, transfer station or waste facility, You cannot burn off on Total Fire Ban or smog alert days. Visit the Cardinia Shire Council website to see Pozi in action. We pay our respects to Elders, past and present. to provide you with information on services you might be interested in, to post or email you notices, e-newsletters and updates, to invite you to participate in a survey for Council, recognising that Council provides services to a property in which you live, own, visit, or manage a business, to administer incentives and prizes associated with research and engagement activities, documents affecting personal privacy of other people (such as names, addresses, telephone numbers) - section 33(1), documents relating to commercial information (putting a commercial business at an unreasonable disadvantage) - section 34(1), information provided in confidence such as complaints section 35(1), documents affecting legal proceedings (legal advice or opinions) - section 32(1). City of Frankston. No burning off is permitted during the FDP without a Permit to Burn, which can be applied for through the Fire Permits Victoria website. Burning off laws pose risk to climate | Ferntree Gully Star Mail It was a perfect week of golfing weather at Garfield with frosty cool mornings turning into clear sunny days except for Thursday when 2023 Star News Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved, National honours for Pakenhams next big thing. The Open Air Fires Local Law aims to provide adequate provision for fuel reduction and fire prevention while discouraging unnecessary smoke health hazards. Thank you to everyone that participated in the community consultation process for this Local Law. Phase 2: Proposed new local law on exhibition for community feedback, Friday 20 August to Friday 17 September 2021, Proposed Local Law considered at Council Meeting, Consultation with additional properties in response to Council Resolution, Consultation feedback considered by Council, Open air fires consultationPO Box 7Pakenham VIC 3810. 3 0 obj We may terminate or suspend access to your site and/or account immediately, without prior notice, including without limitation if you breach the Terms. These Terms shall be governed in accordance with the laws of Victoria, Australia, without regards to its conflict of law provisions. If you decide to burn off this year, you must follow all the rules: For more information on burning off in Cardinia Shire, please visitwww.cardinia.vic.gov.au/burnoff, 2023 Cardinia Shire Council. As part of the local law, the Shire will be divided into three zones with appropriate open-air fire regulations, rather than the previous rules where regulations were based on zoning and land size. CFA declares the Fire Danger Period for each municipality (shire or council) at different times in the lead up to the fire season. This was in response to feedback from residents that the current pile sizes were too small to allow efficient burning off to occur, especially for larger rural lifestyle properties.