The original Revolution provides a spectrum of action against adult fleas and prevents flea eggs from hatching, targets the intestinal worms roundworms and hookworms, ear mites, and mosquito-borne heartworms. } Besides, it also kills ear mites and hence is used as a treatment strategy for Sarcoptic mange. 2 of my 4 cats were so sick i thought they were going to die. You should only need to use it once a month. Revolution is a non-greasy product and thus wont leave your hand oily when you touch your dog. Now press the cap down firmly to puncture the seal of the tube. border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; align-items: center; Form: This is the Australian version of the Revolution product. When used properly, side effects to Revolution products for cats are uncommon. Dose Tolerance Study in Cats: PROFENDER Topical Solution was applied topically one time to young cats at 10X the recommended label use rate. 20 - 0.35 mL tubes (5 blisters of 4 tubes), 40 - 0.35 mL tubes (10 blisters of 4 tubes), 20 - 0.7 mL tubes (5 blisters of 4 tubes), 40 - 0.7 mL tubes (10 blisters of 4 tubes), 20 - 1.12 mL tubes (5 blisters of 4 tubes), 40 - 1.12 mL tubes (10 blisters of 4 tubes), 8 - 0.35 mL tubes (2 blisters of 4 tubes), 8 - 1.12 mL tubes (2 blisters of 4 tubes). Rapid Breathing/Panting - Because Revolution enters the blood stream, it can sometimes have a negative effect on your pets heart. It is effective at killing fleas and preventing further flea infestations, it kills and prevents three different kinds of ticks, prevents mosquito-borne heartworm disease, treats and controls the intestinal parasites hookworms and roundworms, and treats and controls ear mites. I got more on his fur then his skin. Required fields are marked *. 2023 - All Rights Reserved, 2019s Trendiest Dogs Gadgets For Tech-Savvy Pet Parents, Tweets by @,, Benefits of Purchasing from Online Pet Store. If re-infection occurs, the product can be re-applied after 30 days. Two cats salivated. Flea collars like Preventic are safe to combine one-on-one with preventatives like Revolution, Frontline Top Spot or K9 Advantix, Frontline Plus, etc. Can I use profender and advantage at the same time? When already applied prior to flea exposure, Revolution can start killing fleas within 6 hours with a majority killed at 12 hours. These effects are temporary and do not affect the safety or effectiveness of the product. Profender Spot-on Prevents: intestinal worms, lungworm Lungworm is present in Adelaide, and causes coughing and respiratory disease in mostly young cats. 2023 - Online Pet Supplies Store, Revolution Cats Frequently Asked Questions, Neoveon Plus for Dogs (Generic Frontline Plus), Revolution for Dogs Flea & Heartworm Treatment, Simparica TRIO Dog Flea, Tick & Heartworm Tablets, Sentinel Spectrum for Dogs Flea & Heartworm Tablet, Comfortis Plus for Dogs Flea & Heartworm Tab, Interceptor Spectrum for Dogs Heartworm Chews, Drontal Intestinal Worming Treatment for Dogs, MILBEMAX for Dogs Broad-Spectrum Allwormer Tablets, Cazitel (Generic Drontal) Allwormer for Dogs, Neoveon Plus for Cats (Generic Frontline Plus), MILBEMAX for Cats Broad-Spectrum Allwormer Tablets, Sentinel Spectrum vs Interceptor Spectrum, Frontline Plus for Dogs Frequently Asked Questions, Heartgard for Dogs Frequently Asked Questions, Interceptor Spectrum Frequently Asked Questions, Revolution Dogs Frequently Asked Questions, Sentinel for Dogs Frequently Asked Questions. display: inline-block; Consider holding off on another dose and first confirm what types of intestinal worms youre seeing, as Revolution Plus can only kill certain ones, roundworms and hookworms. Hold the pipette with the cap pointing in an upward direction. Brand Names: Revolution has slower kill times for fleas and ticks compared to other topical products like Frontline Plus and Advantage II. If your dog is taking other . Yes Products should be used before the expiration on the package. The 2017 article Perception vs. Revolution border-bottom: 3px solid #fcb040; Revolution Plus is the newest incarnation of Revolution, a product that has been used for cats for many years and is generally a safe and effective product when used properly. Will the 5.6 lbs.- 11lbs. In all honesty, I would use the Revolution monthly and only use the Profender if you physically saw rice like segments around the rectum or on the stools. Packages should be stored below 86 degrees F (30 degrees C). Because Revolution Plus is a heartworm preventative, it does require a prescription as all heartworm preventatives do. Profender for Cats | Free 2 Day Shipping | Using monthly will treat any subsequent ear mite infestations. Dystocia In Cats: Clinical Signs & Treatment, How Intelligent Are Cats? flex-wrap: wrap; Using Revolution and Frontline on DOGS Together. She was given Profender. That and I didnt know it was raining when he went outside with his fresh dose on. Profender is generally safe and effective, but as with any medication, there is . The question of flea resistance to products like Revolution Plus and the idea that they dont work comes up often. If you have any questions about application or safety for Revolution Plus or any topical product, make sure to get in touch with your veterinarian. I applied Profender at the same time as . Because first of all, the solution is topical and quick drying and works for a complete 30 days. padding: 15px 5px 15px 5px; background: #fcb040; Over 90% of the three ticks it targets were effectively killed on cats over a 60-day period of study, with the black-legged tick being killed within 24 hours. Revolution products can also help to control ear mites, which are pesky, itchy pests that occupy the ear canals, usually of young cats or kittens. Age: 2. Flush your eyes with water immediately if at all you did. font-size: 14px; While not labeled for it, Revolution has also been successful in treating for the sarcoptic mange mite that causes scabies. margin: 0; Revolution works well in preventing heartworm in cats. Breed: DSH. 2023 This website is owned and operated by Cliverse Media DAO LTD. Cats and kittens 8 weeks of age and older. flex-basis: 50%; She has never had it before so I want to make sure to minimize the risk of any adverse reaction, but I am also leaving for two weeks soon so I'd rather be here to monitor here. If you have any concerns for potential toxicity, even if you think your kitty might have just licked some Revolution Plus off her fur and is having a bitter taste reaction, it is always best to contact your veterinarian, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (1-888-426-4435), or Pet Poison Helpline (1-855-764-7661) immediately for further advice. font-size: 14px; So they were due for a dose last week, but I dont have anything marked on the calendar, and I cant remember whether I actually gave them their dose. When I took him to be neutered that vet also found lice. But if you are not comfortable with that, keep a close eye for fleas and ticks over the next month. For cats that exceed 22 pounds, the manufacturer recommends using a second dose in combination as appropriate (i.e., a cat weighing between 23 to 27 pounds would get one 11.1 to 22 pound dose combined with one 2.8 to 5.5 pound dose). These signs were self-limiting. I normally also check off on the calendar when Ive given them their doses. As a heartworm preventative, Revolution Plus was found to be 100% effective in preventing the development of heartworms in cats when those cats were exposed to larvae about 30 days prior.