Quality construction and components? Because shotguns were originally designed to shoot multiple projectiles at once, they spread out after leaving the barrel, thereby limiting their effective range. Copyright 2003 - 2023 BudsGunShop.com. Rifled slugs fly nicely out of a cylinder bore. That's why a cylinder or improved cylinder choke is ideal for use with slugs. As a result they penetrate less. I know, why would you do that when you can simply spin the choke and select the Cyl. But lets hold a discussion of buckshot for another month and concentrate on the other specialty shotgun ammunition, the slug shell. Because it isnt as widespread as many of the pump shotguns, there will be fewer options for customization, though there are some companies making furniture already. At that distance, hitting a 12-inch plate was much more difficult than it would be with a rifled slug gun, but it is an impractical defensive distance anyhow. At least twenty states mandate the use of shotguns for deer in at least some areas for certain parts of the season. Rifling is a term for the spiraled grooves cut into the bore of a rifle barrel. Get 12 Issues a year of the country's best firearms writing. Start with number 6 bird-shot; cut off the top 1/32 inch of shell; pour the shot into a disposable pan; add wax and heat to melt the wax; while hot, spoon the shot back into the shell until full; let cool. Hope this helps. The Foster slug is also a popular choice to this day and is referred to as the American slug to contrast it with the European Brenneke design. Liability lawyers will target you as being the aggressor and youll pay for it the rest of your life. You can shoot slugs thru any modern shotgun chamberedfor that size shell or cartridge so long as it is modified choke or cylinder bore, which means the slug will pass freely down the length of the barrel. These shotguns are great for shooting both slugs and shot. Yes! In fact, the accuracy results from slugs like these are light years ahead of the standard Foster slug. Stone Glacier's Skyscraper 2P Tent Review, G9 Woodsman 10mm Ammo Was Made to Shoot Polar Bears! If you want a shotgun to keep up in the cabin, or take on that canoe trip, this is a great choice. The controls are simple. Any shotgun larger than 20 gauge is adequate for hunting, but the most commonly used gauge for big game is a 12 gauge. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. In their stead, hunters are usually permitted (or even required) to use shotguns that fire slugs, which dont travel as far as common centerfire rifle calibers and dont travel as fast over the range they are capable of (which is much less than a centerfire rifle bullet). I hope this helps! Shooting a rifled slug is not a constriction problem but a lead fowling problem as well. If theres one place where you can point to the inexpensive nature of the shotgun, it is in the tolerances surrounding this singular part. I shoot slugs through a modified choke all the time. Come join the discussion about collections, gear, DIY projects, hobbies, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! FAQ #3 Can I shoot a slug through a full choke? - YouTube He is the author of. It is a well-built shotgun that performs way above its pay grade. YMMV. A more open choke like IC would work better, maybe Modified. And many of them were full choke? The will all shoot out of the slug barrel yes but it is not the best idea for one to do. I wonder if this gun is made in the same factory for Winchester. Slugs are designed for hunting large game, self-defense, and other uses. Whitetail hunting strategies for the next generation. The design is intended to channel the energy away from your cheek. Winchester sent it back fixed. I took it out of the box, thumbed in a few shells, pumped it = instant double feed. decisions And it is part of how we have to think about Winchester now, too. Reaction score. Be careful though and consult your manual for your particular firearm and choke situation. Some mossy have there barrels bored to 10 gauge dimesions. I use Winchester 230 gr Black Talon ammo (the original stuff). On convertible shotgun systems, the interface between the action and the barrel is not as tight and therefore accuracy can suffer. I stand by my assertion (which is also the assertion of many others) that birdshot will be just fine at close range, with a mass of 1 oz of lead held tightly together. Commercially available slugs are safe to shoot through any standard choke up to and including full. Best part: 1300 Defenders were still made here in the USA; just a couple towns over from where I live. The bolt has four locking lugs and it locks up tight. The brass bead front sight is there when you need it.All in all, it is a fine example of an entry-level pump shotgun. check my reply above. Wilderness Survival, Hiking and Camping Forum. Sighting-In For Accuracy. This is well written and informative. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 5,100. Really? 00 buckshot is a VERY powerful load, and in close quarters, 3 yards or so, will only have spread 3 inches or so. new Maverick 88 owner - explain slugs Shotgun slugs dont fly as far as bullets fired from high-powered rifles and are therefore safer for use in areas with high densities of people, cars, and buildings. It retails around $500.). Buckshot, which is my recommendation for anyone serious about home defense shotgun shooting, spreads about 8 to 10 inches at seven yards.