There are always exceptions and anyone desiring to keep a pair should carefully monitor the skinks, especially during breeding season, to make sure they are both eating well and that there is no fighting.Jan 6, 2015[8] This is also another type of defensive mechanism. Skinks do not seem to have true necks, as their heads flow gracefully into the body. We go over habitat setup, diet, lifespan, and much more! Can Blue Tongue Skinks Live Together? Guide On Housing Skinks This Gecko was first found in America in 1915 and has since become an invasive species. You can house a pair of fire skinks in a 40-gallon tank as long as it is a male and female pair. The fire skink will also jump to your hand. It is not recommended to have the same gender of Skinks in one enclosure. This is including mealworms, crickets, and earthworms. Can My Reptiles Live Together? | Backwater Reptiles Blog When your skink is tame enough, you may handle it gently. Finally, fire skinks need access to UVB light in order to thrive. The African fire skink can be found in western countries in Africa. You can add micro-insects such as isopods and springtails to the substrate as a natural clean-up crew. Why Do Ball Pythons Yawn & Should You Be Worried? The main factors that can impact their size are care, genetics, and the manner in which they were bred. When theyre born, fire skinks are roughly two inches long. Although it is regarded as shy it has its own defensive mechanisms. The method of feeding the skinks also varies. African fire skinks like to be secretive as most skinks do. Your tank should contain a deep layer of the substrate to allow your fire skink to burrow and create tunnels. Fire skinks are a hardy species, but they may develop certain health issues if they arent properly cared for. If your fire skink gets too cold it will get sick and eventually die so you must provide them with. By understanding their breeding behavior, it is possible to successfully keep multiple fire skinks together. Your fire skink may not regularly use the water bowl because it gets its water from the tanks humidity and food. They are also used in the wild environment. In such a situation of territorial fights, there is no major cause for alarm unless injuries are caused. Due to their hardy nature, fire skinks are easy to care for. It is not regarded to be dangerous. However different animals and species have different methods of doing things. When carrying out the incubation process its always important to consider the required temperature levels. You can buy food for your skinks at most pet stores, or you can catch your own insects. Can Fire Skinks Live Together - Reptiles & Amphibians They may try to escape through any small holes, so make sure that the lid is secure and there are no gaps around it where they could get out (this includes fans or lights). Sun-loving skinks live together in social groups. After a few hours, or when the new skink is no longer trying to run away, you can release him into the tank. Some suitable options include cocos palms, cycads, and ferns. - In the wild, they share food and shelter and work together to ward off predators. Two skinks can be kept in a 10-gallon enclosure so long as both skinks are female or one is male. A good way to provide a nutrient-rich diet is to feed them a base diet of commercially-produced reptile food, supplemented with live insects and fresh fruits and vegetables. This also includes getting water. Because fire skinks are diurnal, youre likely to find them basking during the day. It's alright to put two females together in the same enclosure, but they will need to have plenty of space. Using a 40 watt reptile bulb is often enough to give your skink enough UVA light. The fire skink will also shed its tail to avoid capture if grabbed by a predator. Captive-bred fire skinks are becoming more common. Expert Tip: Always use an accurate and reliable hygrometer to check the humidity levels within the tank. Distribution of the Skink. . The nesting box should be filled with perlite or sphagnum moss. The best way for easy handling of the African fire skink is to give it the confidence of a secure environment.