However, we believe the Federal government was made aware of water contamination much earlier. In the same way, if youre injured by the actions of a company or that companys agent, you can file a lawsuit against the company and hold that company accountable for the injuries it caused. CLJA lawsuits are complicated. He has also been selected by his colleagues as a Florida Superlawyer and as a member of Floridas Legal Elite on multiple occasions. Camp Lejeune water contamination settlement amounts are directly tied to a growing body of scientific and medical evidence concerning each type of cancer or disease. For over 80 years, the base has been home to retired and active service members, civilian employees, and their families. Before you pursue a CLJA claim, talk to a lawyer or a qualified member of a veterans service organization for clarification on the impact of a CLJA lawsuit on your current and future benefits. Note that the cancers and diseases listed below are not the only possible cancers and diseases that could be caused by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune. If you need a firm that will fight for your rights, look no further. This new law finally allows affected families to take legal action. Just as in any case involving a personal injury, like a car accident or a truck accident, the damages available are going to depend upon the severity of the injuries and the amount of suffering. However, contaminated water from the Hadnot Point plant was supplied to the Holcomb Boulevard water system while the Holcomb Boulevard plant was shut down from January 27 to February 7 of 1985. Over $247 million in settlements have been proposed in Washington state this year to compensate students and their families for the exposure to toxic chemicals at a Sky Valley Education Center in the Monroe School District over eight years. As of now, there is no pending class action lawsuit. Below are a few examples of other recent claims and lawsuits involving injuries potentially caused by toxin exposure and the type of compensation ultimately secured in settlement and verdicts. This water treatment plant was contaminated due to leaking underground storage tanks and improper waste disposal. In other words, we do not get paid unless the case settles or we win your case. Camp Lejeune FAQ: What Was in the Water at Camp Lejeune? The Camp Lejeune cases are new, and we will know more about settlements as more cases are settled and as more data is accumulated and compiled. By being at the base between 1953 and 1987, youll establish you were exposed to the water at Camp Lejeune. Rinckey said that even successful lawsuits are likely to take months or years to complete. Every case is different, and the outcome of any case depends upon a variety of factors unique to that case. Home Camp Lejeune Lawsuits Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Settlement Amounts. Well, I appreciate it, Stan. This past summer, the Camp Lejeune Justice Act was packaged into the PACT Act after it failed to pick up the necessary traction by itself. A jury can award you as much compensation as necessary to pay you for your actual costs (economic damages) and intangible suffering (non-economic damages) related to the harm caused by your toxic water exposure. Legal analysts have estimated that potential compensation in a Camp Lejeune contaminated water claim may range from a few thousand dollars to several hundred thousand dollars, and perhaps more. But an experienced attorney can often calculate theamount of compensationyou might seek by weighing: We believe the value of such water contamination settlement amounts could potentially exceed $500,000.00 per claimant, if not more. Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Settlement | Amounts & Filing Most lawyers handle toxic water lawsuits under a "contingency fee" agreement. Coupled with potential attorney fees, that could end up costing individuals more than they receive. It is expected that there will be thousands of lawsuits filed in the next year. There are many exceptions to our projections. As we talked about earlier, causation is an important factor when trying to determine the Camp Lejeune lawsuit payout per person who has been exposed to the contaminants. When calculating the 30-day requirement, consider the total number of days you spent at Camp Lejeune. For example, a medical condition can keep you out of work, severely reducing your income. There are caveats to this payout projection. Currently, it is difficult to calculate average Camp Lejeune settlement payouts. This is consistent with a much lower volume of advertising for Camp Lejeune claims. We're ready to be your ally. Therefore, the illness or condition; the effects of the condition; and the links between that condition and the water contaminants are all very important factors in estimating a settlement amount. Is There an Average Camp Lejeune Settlement? The duration and nature of your exposure to contaminated Camp Lejeune water, including whether you lived or worked on base, and the frequency with which you consumed, bathed in, or otherwise used potentially contaminated water. A-82, Fayetteville, NC 28303, 717 Green Valley Rd Suite 200, Greensboro, NC 27408, 2316 S 17th St, Suite 140, Wilmington, NC 28401, 615 St George Square Ct, Suite 300, Winston-Salem, NC 27103. We have won over $665 million for our valued clients since 2000 alone (see disclaimer below), and we would like to offer you the same hard-fighting representation. That person the person who negligently or intentionally or recklessly harmed you could be held legally and financially accountable for the bills you incurred as a result of the harm you suffered.