Mark Archuleta is a Deputy District Director, Construction at California Department of Transportation based in Sacramento, California. Find out some of the leading causes of stormwater pollution and actions you can take. Questions? Tonys strategic visionary abilities, along with his commitment to safety, modality, strong local partnerships and stakeholder engagement has created an environment where equity, creative thinking, and innovation are key to making transportation decisions for all Californians, said Toks Omishakin, Caltrans Director. At Metros last board meeting where you sit as a non-voting member, I believe they voted to suspend work on the 710 South, and the head of Metros Highway Program, Abdollah Ansari, said that Toks statement with the project incompatible with [the direction] Caltrans [is taking the state] he [Ansari] made a statement last week that that sort of came out of the blue, and it wasnt coordinated with your office and with you. [17] In 1970, the enactment of the National Environmental Policy Act and the California Environmental Quality Act forced Caltrans to devote significant time, money, people, and other resources to confronting issues such as "air and water quality, hazardous waste, archaeology, historic preservation, and noise abatement. Required fields are marked *. The district director is primarily external facing, meeting with all of the local, county, and state elected officials to make sure were meeting the needs of Los Angeles and Ventura counties. Project Study Report for Liberty Canyon Wildlife Crossing Released WTS. Tavares also progressed Caltrans goals as he served on several boards of regional transportation planning agencies, joint powers authorities and transit development. Tavares is expected to be approved by the Senate and formally brought on soon. Please reload the page and try again. Tavares is a Democrat.