The URL of this page automatically updates to allow you to share your map center, zoom, and other state. [63] In June 2021, Caltrain announced the start of revenue service with electric multiple units would be delayed to late 2024. Cummins-powered HEP generators; underwent mid-life overhaul by MPI at, Primarily used for "Baby Bullet" service. Trip Planner; Real Time Departures; Alerts and [152] However, passengers who accrue a third (or more) fare evasion citation will be subject to traditional fines and/or criminal penalties through the superior court system.[154]. [81], By 2016, plans had shifted in favor of Amtrak California's Capitol Corridor to be the service extended to Salinas station. Stanford, California 94305. Prepare for extra travel time. The Baby Bullet trains reduced travel time by stopping at only four or five stations between San Francisco and San Jose Diridon station; the express trains could overtake local trains at the two locations (near Bayshore and Lawrence stations) where passing loops were added. Taken in TSW3. WebMore posts from r/caltrain. Caltrans purchased new locomotives and rolling stock, replacing SP equipment in 1985. [23], Advocates for the increased tax cited its potential benefits to alleviate congestion along U.S. 101, which Carl Guardino quipped "has become so congested that we've changed its name to the '101 Parking Lot'. [214] Due to demand, in 2011, the remaining gallery sets modified a passenger trailer to take bicycles, giving two bike cars to all consists, increasing capacity on all gallery consists to 80 bicycles per train. WebSchedules. Future phases will add stations at Pajaro/Watsonville and Castroville, with the potential for up to six daily round trips. Caltrain Schedule From: To: One-tap: Palo Alto San Francisco. [96], Law enforcement services are provided by a division of the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office, under contract with PCJPB. Valid one way, must be accompanied by another valid ticket. schedule In addition, fares were cut in half for September. The Caltrain Mobile app was written by moovel North America, which has written apps with similar functionality for Santa Clara Valley Transportation Agency and San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. Caltrain is also served by AC Transit from Hayward at the Hillsdale station (Line M) and at Palo Alto station (Line U). The existing diesel-electric locomotives offer a starting tractive effort of 65,000lbf (290kN) for an EMD F40PH-2[193] and 85,000lbf (380kN) for an MPI M36PH-3C,[194] while a six-car KISS EMU set has a starting tractive effort of 121,400lbf (540kN). [211] Nearly all stations have racks and/or lockers available to park bicycles. On the weekends of March 25-26 and April 1-2, Caltrain will be suspending rail service betwee Caltrain to Present at Meeting on San Jose Diridon Plaza Transit-Oriented Development. [145], Without a pass, stored cash on the Clipper card may be used to purchase a one-way ticket. [26] The poll was sponsored by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group (SVLG), headed by Guardino, which predicted that daily ridership could rise to 250,000 with the improvements in service funded by the dedicated sales tax increase. [189][190][191], New trains will be double-decked, 515feet 3inches (157.05m) long and equipped for both 22-and-50.5-inch (559 and 1,283mm) platform heights in anticipation of sharing facilities with California High-Speed Rail trains. [102], The Southern Pacific Railroad originally built many stations with a side platform on the west side of the tracks to serve southbound trains, plus a narrow island platform between tracks to serve northbound trains. [214] After this, bike capacity on trains was expanded by increasing the number of bike cars in a consist, rather than further modifying cars. [36] The schedule was adjusted again starting December 14, with slightly fewer weekday trains (68) but more frequent off-peak and weekend service to support essential workers. Trains run in a puller configuration (led by the locomotive) towards San Jose and in a pusher configuration (led by the cab car) towards San Francisco, so the orientation of cars remains consistent. [19] The regional measure would require a two-thirds majority (aggregated among the three counties) to pass, and would provide Caltrain with a dedicated revenue source estimated at $100million per year. View our transfer timetable. In the example given, failing to tag off means the initial five-zone fare debit (Zone 2 to 6, -$12.20) would remain. The San Francisco Municipal Railway (Muni) has two light rail connections, the N Judah and T Third Street lines, at separate stops near the San Francisco 4th and King station. Caltrain's GM, Jim Hartnett, signed the FFGA @USDOT this morning", "Caltrain electrification project takes symbolic step forward", "Safety systems running late as railroads, including Caltrain, request extensions", "CaltrainPositive Train Control Project Certified by FRA", "Caltrain's First Electric Trainset Shipped to Colorado for Testing", "Caltrain Electrification Delayed to 2024", "Final foundation laid on Caltrain electrification project", "13 injured in fiery crash on Caltrain tracks in San Bruno", "Transbay Transit Center/Caltrain Downtown Extension", "Caltrain downtown extension gets top billing for top dollar", "I-280 near Mission Bay would be razed in Caltrain tunnel plan", "New, simpler plan for SF's downtown rail extension", Caltrain Extension to Monterey County Passenger Rail StationsVolume I: Draft Environmental Impact Report, Caltrain Extension to Monterey County Passenger Rail StationsVolume III Final Environment Impact Report (EIR), Addendum: Capitol Corridor Extension to Monterey County Environmental Impact Report, "Frank's Fish Market will close to pave way for new Salinas train station", "Salinas commuter rail extension project gets $10 million SB 1 gas tax grant", Evaluation of the Feasibility of Constructing a Peninsula Commute Service (CalTrain) Station in the South Bayshore/Hunters Point Area of San Francisco and of Closing the Paul Street Station, "4, Part II: Physical Planning and Environmental Programs", "Caltrain OK's Fare Increase, Service Revamp to Close Deficit", "Fact Sheet: Caltrain Station at Oakdale Avenue", "Quint-Jerrold Connector Road (and the Quint Street Bridge Replacement Project)", "Caltrain/California HSR Blended Operations Analysis", "San Francisco to San Jose Project Section Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement Volume 1 Chapter 2", "Law Enforcement Services: Procurement Process and Summary Details", "Santa Clara Station - Disembarking from six car trains", "San Francisco to San Jose Glossary of Terms", "The San Francisco Peninsula Railroad Passenger Service: Past, Present, and Future", "South San Francisco Caltrain Station Improvement Project", "Caltrain Notice: Construction, Installation and Maintenance", "Caltrain Set to Open New $140M Maintenance Facility", "CEMOF: Centralized Equipment, Maintenance and Operations Facility: Fact Sheet", Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2004, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2007, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2008, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2011, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012, Caltrain Board Reviews Annual Budget And Ridership Numbers, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013 and 2012, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014 and 2013, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015 with Comparative Totals for 2014, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2017 and 2016, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2018 and 2017, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2019 and 2018, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2020 and 2019, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2021 and 2020,,, "TransLink's Next Stop: Caltrain, August 17: News", "Questions about using Clipper on Caltrain", "Caltrain to roll out mobile ticketing app", "New Caltrain policy to halt fare evaders", "A Swing and a Miss: musings about Caltrain's 1982 paint scheme, Governor Medfly & B.F. Biaggini", "Southern Pacific-Caltrans commuter train, 1982-1985", "Weekday Service Changes - Effective August 30, 2021", "Weekend Service Changes - Effective August 30, 2021", "Printer-Friendly Caltrain Schedule, Effective March 14 to April 1, 2022", "Authorizing Disposition of Surplus Rolling Stock", Caltrain Short Range Transit Plan: FY2015-2024, Caltrain Short Range Transit Plan: FY2018-2027, "Caltrain to Swap Train Sets This Month for More Capacity and Maintenance", "Caltrain Increasing Capacity By Adding More Trains During Commute Hours", "Caltrain acquiring surplus cars to ease peak crunch", "Caltrain ridership hits all-time high again", "Caltrain adds 6th car to 4 Bombardier trains", "Transit, the San Francisco treat: with $10.2 billion in projects on the drawing board, rail transit expansion continues at a rapid pace in the San Francisco region", "Caltrain Tries Fans' Souls / Parkbound trains were late, hot, overcrowded", Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005, "Caltrain Moves Forward With New Rail Car Purchase", Authorization to terminate Safe Harbor Lease encumbering rolling stock; rejection of bids for sale of surplus rolling stock; and authorization to award suprplus rolling stock to Grand Canyon Railways, Inc, "For Caltrain, 16 KISSes from Stadler (but no FLIRTs)", "Stadler wins big contract for Caltrain bilevel EMUs", "Caltrain signs double-deck EMU and electrification contracts", "Caltrain to purchase additional electric cars", "Caltrain to purchase additional electric rail cars", "Caltrain ups its electric train order by a third", "KISS Double-Decker Electric Multiple Unit EMU for Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (CALTRAIN), California, USA", First Caltrain Kiss double-deck EMU completed, "Caltrain Holiday Train presented by Silicon Valley Community Foundation", "Port of Redwood City and a Caltrain Xmas", "BART/Muni Underground Pedestrian Connector Transbay Program", "VTA Watch: BART plans to screw Caltrain connection to SFO", "Rider Information > Destinations > Airports", "Caltrain to Increase Bike Capacity on Trains", "Caltrain Bicycle Service May Update - May 5, 2009", "Caltrain Now Has Two Bike Cars on Every Train", "Bikes on Caltrain: Leading the nation in bringing bikes onboard", "Caltrain Bicycle Service August Update - August 1, 2009", "Caltrain to make more bike room: Transit agency to refurbish new rail cars for additional bicyclists", "Peninsula Corridor JPB Caltrain Rail Transportation Group Generation II Cars Update", "Coming to Monterey County: Salinas Commuter Service and the 'Coast Daylight', Rail Passenger Development Plan: 1984 through 1989 fiscal years, Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District, California Trolley and Railroad Corporation, Roaring Camp & Big Trees Narrow Gauge Railroad, Santa Cruz, Big Trees and Pacific Railway, List of United States railroads by political division,, Passenger rail transportation in California, Public transportation in San Mateo County, California, Public transportation in Santa Clara County, California, Standard gauge railways in the United States, Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2012, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles containing potentially dated statements from March 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2013, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, commuter railroad with level crossings; limited freight service, 29 locomotives and 134 passenger cars (in revenue service), 900, 901, 904906, 908, 909, 911913, 915919.