(g) This section does not apply to indoor shooting ranges. Stun guns are good self-defense weapons to have. Byrna Gun Legal In California - isalegal Pepper spray is also useful as it can repel not just humans but vicious dogs or any other animal as well. If you are unsure of the laws in your area, please seek legal counsel. It is perfectly legal for anyone to carry a flashlight on them Law enforcement agencies do not even consider a firearm. First, the weapon is not considered a "firearm" under California law, so it is not subject to the same restrictions as other guns. What should a woman carry for protection? This application contains a description of the buyer or transferee and of the firearm. With new gun laws, ATF targets straw purchases, gun trafficking - USA Today How powerful is Byrna? There are some restrictions, however. It is important to research and understand the relevant regulations in your area before making a purchase. We will fight vigorously to have the judge dismiss or reduce your charges, possibly. People with certain misdemeanor convictions involving force or violence may not possess or own any firearm within 10 years of the conviction. Failure to comply with such could lead to arrest, or worse, being shot and killed by police. the juvenile obtains the firearm as a result of an illegal entry to any premises by any person; the firearm is kept in a locked container or in a location which a reasonable person would believe to be secure; the firearm is carried on the person or within such a close proximity so that the individual can readily retrieve and use the firearm as if carried on the person; the firearm is equipped with a locking device; the person is a peace officer or member of the U. S. Armed Forces and the juvenile obtains the firearm during, or incidental to, the performance of the persons duties; the juvenile obtains, or obtains and discharges, the firearm in a lawful act of self-defense or defense of another person; and. (e) Except as otherwise provided in this section, this section does not prohibit a local public entity having jurisdiction in the matter from regulating the location and construction of a sport shooting range after the effective date of this section. It is unlawful for any person to transfer any firearm to a person who is forbidden to possess or own a firearm. We can ship MAX or PEPPER projectiles and PEPPER KITS to California if you complete the CA Chemical Certification course found here: https://byrna.com/products/byrna-ca-course-security-guard-and-chemical-agent-certification. In some states, felons may be prohibited from owning or using Byrna Guns. The roster can be found at the Department of Justice website. However, as with any weapon, they can still cause harm if used improperly or without appropriate safety precautions. No. Currently, registration of rifles and shotguns is not required. The laws surrounding felons and non-lethal self-defense weapons can vary by state, and it is important to consult local laws before making a purchase. First, it looks a lot like a genuine firearm which could be enough to scare off an intruder in the heat of the moment. Byrna Technologies Inc. is a Massachusetts based company that draws on a long history of excellence in non-lethal weapons manufacturing locally and in the surrounding area. Carrying a handgun concealed within a vehicle is prohibited without a license. Can you carry a non lethal gun in California? A baton is also a legal self-defense weapon in California, as long as it is less than 26 inches in length. (2) Except as provided in subdivision (f), a person who operates or uses a sport shooting range or law enforcement training range is not subject to an action for nuisance, and a court shall not enjoin the use or operation of a range, on the basis of noise or noise pollution if the range is in compliance with any noise control laws or ordinances that applied to the range and its operation at the time construction or operation of the range was approved by a local public entity having jurisdiction in the matter, or if there were no such laws or ordinances that applied to the range and its operation at that time.