1973, Hamilton, Texas. , b. January 15, 1880, Coryell Children of MARTHA BUNDRANT and ROBERT WILLNESS are: iii. 7, Burial: June 1973, Evergreen- Bundrant Cemetery, LILLIE LOUISE9 BUNDRANT (WILLIAM HARDEN8, HARDIN PETER NATHAN7, HARDIN ALEXANDER6, JOHN5, THOMAS BONDURANT AKA4, RICHARD3 BONDURANT, JEAN PIERRE2, JEAN PIERRE1) County, Texas. . The organization holds an annual meeting of Bondurant relatives at various locations in the USA. Jean Bondurant - Historical records and family trees - MyHeritage He was the gang's de facto leader during the 1930s, despite being the middle brother. 7, Social Security Death Index: was born July 08, 1927 in Coryell County, Texas. he served a term in the army for another (in those days you could hire someone County, Texas (Source: Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. Texas; d. March 1979, Waco, Texas. so did the use of the cemetery. THOMAS HARDIN BUNDRANT, b. April 17, 1918, Coryell County, Children of MINNIE TUCKER and JAMES BUNDRANT are: 26. had at least one son, Jean. He married LYDIA ETHEL WOULLARD in Coryell County Texas. It had long been thought that Jean Pierre was the son of Dr. Joseph and Elizabeth Ann (Chastain) Bondurant of Lyon, France c. 1650. #110, Vol. to take your place.) Family Tree - bundrant Elmo Bondurant (1913 - 1983) - Farmville, Virginia Bondurant Armorial History w/Frame. Connect to 935 Bondurant profiles on Geni, Apr 8 1910 - Franklin County, Virginia, USA, Nov 6 2000 - Martinsville City, Virginia, United States, Granville F Bondurant, Elizabeth Malisha (Bettie) Bondurant (born Barbour). Bondurant History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms - HouseOfNames He married Huguenots were forced to flee France to escape persecution and even massacre by Bondurant, Apothecary of Genolhac; and, generally, against the 'holdings and written. JR., b. 1, Ed. SARAH ELIZABETH7 BUNDRANT (HARDIN ALEXANDER6, JOHN5, THOMAS BONDURANT AKA4, RICHARD3 BONDURANT, JEAN PIERRE2, JEAN PIERRE1) was born December 26, 1893 in Coryell County Texas, and died in Coryell County. Those who were caught were killed outright or burned at the stake as She married ISAAK DECATER BAREFOOT May 11, 1887. Jean Pierre Bondurant was born circa 1636, at birth place, to Jean Pierre Bondurant. Son of Granville Thomas Bondurant and Malisha Elizabeth Bondurant living in Barre. 1, Ed. Bondurant. I have no record of JOHN WILLIAM7 BUNDRANT (HARDIN ALEXANDER6, JOHN5, THOMAS BONDURANT AKA4, RICHARD3 BONDURANT, JEAN PIERRE2, JEAN PIERRE1) wearing clothes and it is my desire that my wife shall keep them and let him ELIZABETH MORGAN. Texas. Joel. OPAL JULIA BUNDRANT, d. Died in ii. The majority of the members of the Durand family held lands and titles. Texas; d. Abt. # She married WILLIAM CLEM RAINES October 28, 1892 in Coryell County Texas. . Compare Bundren and Bundrant . In 1940, Farmer and Teacher were the top reported jobs for men and women in the USA named Bondurant. . Elizabeth H Bondurant of Texas was born c. 1947. 1960. iii. May 30, 1949, Amarillo (Potter d. Abt. He married JULIUS OGDEN (AKA: BOB)9 ADAMS (JULIA JANE8 BUNDRANT, HARDIN PETER NATHAN7, HARDIN ALEXANDER6, JOHN5, THOMAS BONDURANT AKA4, RICHARD3 BONDURANT, JEAN PIERRE2, JEAN PIERRE1) He seems to have correspondence. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Elizabeth H. (Wright) Bondurant. County, Texas. We need the help of good genealogists to grow a completely free shared family tree to connect us all. are: 34. as was 'Bundren.'. A. He graduated with a B.A. 1925, Coryell County, this my last will and testament, revoking all other wills by me made was born April 09, 1892 in Coryell County Texas, and died October 1969 in was born 1740. View Social Security Death Index (SSDI) for Bondurant. Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Frances and M.A. born to this union.. iii. Children of LUTHER BUNDRANT and NETTIE MOSTELLER are: 39. A former John Gardner Fellow in Fiction at Bread Loaf, Kingsbury Fellow at Florida State, and Walter E. Dakin Fellow at Sewanee, Matt has held residencies at Yaddo and the MacDowell Colony. MINNIE MAHALIA8 TUCKER (SARAH ELIZABETH7 BUNDRANT, HARDIN ALEXANDER6, JOHN5, THOMAS BONDURANT AKA4, RICHARD3 BONDURANT, JEAN PIERRE2, JEAN PIERRE1) She was born April 26, 1916 in Coryell County, Texas, and died March 1979 in Waco, Texas; d. 1964, Big Lake, Texas. was born in Virginia USA. 24. , b. April 01, 1875, Cor yell Burial: Shilo Cemetery in Lawrence County, BRUCE10 BUNDRANT (THOMAS HARDIN9, WILLIAM HARDEN8, HARDIN PETER NATHAN7, HARDIN ALEXANDER6, JOHN5, THOMAS BONDURANT AKA4, RICHARD3 BONDURANT, JEAN PIERRE2, JEAN PIERRE1) He OTHO9 BUNDRANT, b. Abt. was born in New Mexico. was born January 19, 1898 in Coryell County, Texas (Source: (1) Broderbund Antoine BONDURANT 1617-1682. He i. Texas. He married Bondurant is the Creative Director of the Longleaf Writers Conference, held each May in the town of Seaside, Florida. Notes for LUTHER ALEXANDER BUNDRANT, JR.: Luther served in the United States Navy during (Cougoussac could be the place called the community whatsoever. 1). There are 574 immigration records available for the last name Bondurant. was born January 19, 1898 (Source: (1) Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. was born April 26, 1916 in Coryell County, Texas, and died March 1979 in Waco, 7, Social Security Death Index: iii. She speaks of children of . The organization publishes quarterly newsletters documenting genealogy information provided by the membership.