They should know when to engage on the most important issues, and how to engage in the right way. Agenda Survey & Focus Group Info Packet Video 2022 Board Candidates Minutes, Agenda Packet Video 2021 Board Candidates Minutes, Agenda Video 2020 Board Candidate Info Minutes, Agenda Packet Financial Presentation Trails Presentation Video Minutes, Agenda Minutes Video Lakes JAC Wakes Powerpoint, Agenda Minutes Major Projects Video. National Association of Corporate Directors, understand governance, think strategically, and lead by example, Harvard Law School Forum blogger Susan Muck, What is a Parent Company? The number of directors depends on the needs of the organization and often is spelled out in the organizations bylaws. Bob is married to Ruthie, and they have two grown daughters and a grandson. He continued his public transportation experience by riding the bus to work in Denver. Having lived in or having family living in major metro areas such as Philadelphia, Chicago, and New York City, Director Davidson believes in robust transit systems that build a stronger economy, provide more equitable mobility, and promote a healthier environment. A board of directors, also known as a nonprofit board, is the governing body of a nonprofit. The fundamental responsibility of a board of directors, whether it serves a publicly traded corporation, privately held business, or nonprofit organization, is to provide leadership and oversight so the organization can reach its goals and achieve its mission. In what spare time she has left, Director Williams sings with DUs The Spirituals Project and practices yoga. Three years with the option of running again. Guissinger graduated from CU Law School, and practiced law for a number of years. His classes have won multiple district and statewide student-media and student-journalism awards. They can access everything they need, whenever they need it, from a single location. We also welcome your feedback through ourCustomer Care comment form. Q&A: How Much Do Startup Board Members Make? This decreases friction and frees boards up to spend their valuable time on more important matters aimed at moving their organizations forward. in Electrical Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University. Please, Program Committee- Frankie Lucostic, Chair. Since 2005, Director Rosenthal has been an appointee by former Mayor Hickenlooper and now Mayor Michael Hancock to the Denver Community Corrections Board, and he served as Vice Chair. Elections are staggered so that eight seats are open in one general election, seven in the next. He spends his spare time fixing up his house, playing volleyball, and attempting to read more books. Chairman of Savills plc and Chairman of the Nomination & Governance Committee. She has worked as a law clerk to the Chief Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court, a litigation partner in the Denver office of the national law firm BakerHostetler, and a staff attorney in the United States Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. Ian Harwick is a mostly native of Colorado, having spent his first 6 months in Ohio. Make sure your board members are prepared by hosting a training for up to 25 board members across various locations through Google Meet. December 31, 2024, DRCOG Regional Transportation Committee (RTC), Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Ad Hoc Committee, Term Ends: In 2014, he was appointed by Governor John Hickenlooper to the Denver Metropolitan Area Regional Clean Air Council. To: Kevin Jackson, Village Manager . Director Buzek also served on the Colorado Gaming Commission as a Member and its Chair and has served for the past 6 years on the Adams County Planning Commission as Member, Vice-Chair and Chair. WebShareholders and other interested parties may contact the United Airlines Holdings, Inc. Board of Directors as a whole, or any individual member, by one of the following means: (1) writing to the Board of Directors, United Airlines Holdings, Inc., c/o the Corporate Secretarys Office, Willis Tower, 233 S. Wacker Dr., Chicago, IL 60606; or (2) by STONEHOUSE Kate Williams was elected on November 8, 2016, and re elected in 2020. At other types of organizations, board members can either be elected or appointed, depending on factors such as the type of organization, industry regulations, and the geographical location.