Shih tzus are small dogs with a long history. If you notice your Boykin gaining too much weight, talk to your veterinarian to come up with a balanced nutrition plan that fits your dog's individual needs. No dog is truly hypoallergenic, and the Boykin Spaniel is definitely not a lower-shedding choice. This breed is alert, but they are so friendly that they dont make a good watchdog. They do require a consistent and firm pack leader, but will train relatively easily. They tend to be mellow and merry when they are at home and intensely hardworking and focused when out in the field working as a bird dog. Most puppies can be found between $700 and $1,200. We have a puppy search guide to better help you on your mission to find the right puppy. A year later, the Boykin Spaniel Foundation did another test for Degenerative Myelopathy which causes the dog to develop gradual, fatal deterioration of the spinal cord and results in death. We do want to note that Boykins in the puppy phases or those with health conditions may eat more or less than the approximate amount above. Betterpet - Advice from veterinarians and actual pet experts. The tail of these dogs is traditionally docked at the age of 3 days, leaving 1/3 length. With high intelligence and an eagerness to please, Boykin Spaniels tend to pick up quickly on training and are generally a good fit for owners of any experience level. Eyes are engaging and bright. The Boykin Spaniel has an energetic personality and lots of love to give. Support us! The female is 14 to 16 inches and the male is 15 to 18 inches. Alexander L. White (1860-1942) liked the little dog and took it home. Because there are a variety of breeds that make up the ancestry of this dog breed, there is some variance in the coat. Although the Boykin Spaniel is a hardworking hunting dog, they also make an excellent family companion. The Boykin Spaniel is a true "all-American" dog breed. Average $700 - $1200 USD. The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2022. Elbow dysplasia, Cushing's disease and hypothyroidism are known in the breed. But, if your heart is set on the Boykin Spaniel, be prepared to groom them often to keep on top of shedding fur, and to start a strict cleaning regime. This breed excels in sporting tasks like hunting, swimming, and water retrieving. Canine hip dysplasia is considered by scientists to be both hereditary and acquired (due to diet, too strenuous exercise, and spay/neuter status.). Boykin spaniels are true dual-purpose hunting dogs. They are medium sized dogs, and can suit a variety of different environments as long as their exercise needs are met. You can keep shedding at bay with regular brushing and ongoing coat care." This is a medium sized dog, so you may not want them on your bed. The rate has decreased over the last seven years due to the emphasis placed by the Boykin Spaniel Foundation. On average, a Boykin Spaniel puppy will cost $1,050 in the USA. Crate training also needs to begin early. Other ancestors are reported to be the Chesapeake Bay retriever, springer spaniel, cocker spaniel, and the American water spaniel. Like most rescue dogs they can have anxiety and socialization issues. }] They are best paired with an active family that can give them the exercise they need. Here are a few more facts about Boykin Spaniels: One word that can seem a little more cloaked in mystery is the term spaniel. Today, Boykins are well-loved companion dogs that are excellent in both the hunters grounds and the show fields, using their high level of intelligence and trainability to their advantage. Bred to work the lakes and swamps of their native South Carolina, web-toed Boykins can swim like seals. Grooming also benefits a Boykin Spaniel's owner because it helps to keep the house clean and hair-free. The Boykin Spaniel (designated by Act Nov. 31, 1985) is the official dog of South . The typical heavyweight retriever was a drawback in a craft already loaded with men, guns, provisions and other gear. Need a way to make wash day less of a to-do? We expect every breeder to comply with all state laws and follow strict guidelines that we have put in place. In the 1990s a group of fanciers formed the Boykin Spaniel Club And Breeders Association of America in order to achieve AKC recognition of the breed and to gain access to the AKC Spaniel Hunt Tests held throughout the nation. The Boykin Spaniel is a playful pet. The jaws are long and strong. They have a high drive and are very willing. After the dog showed some aptitude for retrieving, White sent the dog called "Dumpy" to his longtime friend and hunting partner Whit Boykin. Grain-free dog food: a lasting trend or a danger to your dog?