Privacy Help. Privacy policy Tell us about a change in your circumstances. However,charges may become payable after six months, If there is any refund duewe will pay to the executors of the estate, If there is any money outstanding we will send a bill to the executors of the estate, who can contact us to discuss a suitable payment plan, If the household is claimingHousing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reductionwe will adjust the claim as necessary. A change in any of the two affects the council tax charged upon your house. The penalty will be a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 1000. Council Tax change in circumstances | Hull City Council Please give us as much information as you can about each change. The details of your move have NOT been passed to the Council Tax department, you can try submitting your move at a later date or contacting the Council directly to discuss the details, informing them that the on-line notification failed. Its a good idea to follow up your phone call in writing. Check if you can get a second adult rebate on your council tax, get the wrong amount of CTR - if the council dont charge you enough council tax youll need to pay the extra money in the future, income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), you move home - if you move to a new council area, you should tell your old council and apply for CTR with your new council, youre not letting, or subletting your home while youre away, youre not planning to be away from England, Scotland or Wales for longer than 4 weeks during this time, youre not planning to be away from home for more than 13 weeks, even if youre staying in England, Scotland or Wales, a prisoner or on bail waiting for your trial or sentence, a patient in a hospital or another place youre being cared for, staying with your partner or dependent child whos getting medical treatment or recovering in hospital, providing medically approved care for someone, caring for a child whose parent or guardian is away receiving medical treatment, away from home because of fear of violence. At the same time, the regeneration of the town continues apace and its ever-improving tourism offer is putting Blackpool in a strong place to continue its post-COVID recovery and attract visitor numbers that will bolster the towns economy. You don't need to apply for this extra CTR - you should get it automatically. x[K[A2{+R^}>F-9 @gyH?fg3;}{{ogG`^9F0 Council tax bills to rise from 1 April - here's what's happening and We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. Blackpool council tax set to rise by 3% as budget cuts of 8.6m are Blackpool Council document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) stream ",#(7),01444'9=82. Advice for people affected by child abuse. Benefits | Report a change - Blackpool Pay your Council Tax. Blackpool Council Tax | Ways to pay your Council Tax There are no results that match your criteria. H Nearly 1.1m is expected to be raised from parking fee increases to bring the resort more in line with other tourism destinations such as York, although bosses say charges will still remain lower than most other places. Report a change of circumstance - Carmarthenshire Cuts of around 14m had originally been predicted in the 2022/23 budget but an extra 2m of government grants for social care have helped reduce the financial gap. You can find your local council on GOV.UK. Blackpool has adopted a local Council Tax Reduction Scheme since 1st April 2013, which replaced Council Tax Benefit. They might let you be away for up to 8 weeks and keep getting CTR. You can also advise of any changes to your property, including empty periods, children reaching the age of 18, children attending further or higher education or changes to your finances. A nationally negotiated pay rise for staff is also expected to be less than predicted, saving 3.3m on the wage bill.