The guest, Rachel Weeks, told I Hate Your Deck that she did not want them to use the episode she appeared in after she became aware of the allegations made against their host, Michael David Lynch. Chase Carroll recaps their favorite cards from each Secret Lair in the Spring Superdrop. Want to chat with Mike or other I Hate Your Deck guests about a current episode and why they made the decisions they did on the show?? YouTube-Tabletop Jocks. You can choose not to watch. Thats on you. A New Magic the Gathering Commander show that highlights a decks true absurd potential! If you want some T-shirts or hoodies check out our store: My Mom's Book of Poems. I HATE YOUR DECK #22 POST MALONE v PROFESSOR - YouTube Title VO by GARKON Mortal Kombat ruined me as a kid, I was 100% waiting for a "Toasty" when you stuck your head in frame . Also people just blindly believing rumors that werent there also isnt healthy its elementary school behavior. I am committed to being an ally. Blerd Content Creator. Channel Fireball Directed by MICHAEL D. LYNCH KRISSIE LYNCH Good luck, 10+ i hate your deck joe leaving most standard, 1.Michael Lynch and Joe Johnson of I Hate Your Deck officially part , 2.I Hate Your Deck Deletes An Episode Amid Michael David Lynch , 3.Multiple Sponsors, Affiliates Drop I Hate Your Deck Over Abuse , 4.The Michael David Lynch Controversy | I Hate Your Deck YouTube, 5.Drama I Hate Your Deck Michael Lynch to be Cancelled By Himself, 7.I Hate Your Deck (@i_hate_your_deck) Instagram photos and videos, 8.Harassment controversy with Michael Lynch explained Cards Realm, 9.I hate your deck Deletes an Episode And Goes Private Amid Abuse , 10+ al bahia healthcare center most standard, 9+ firefly tiny homes fredericksburg tx most standard, 10+ horny black mother and daughter most standard. Become a Patron to support our content, receive awesome rewards, join our exclusive community and more! You realize she accepted my apology from what happened 9 years ago. . It had been in the edit for 6 months. This episode was filmed before we started shooting the Rule 0 conversation. [-] michaeldlynch [ S]4 points 6 days ago. Thanks for helping us grow as a channel so we can keep brining you more commander content! Excited to have Barry Ksido and his 13 year old son David Ksido guest . This tier gives you full access to the decks played on I Hate Your Deck. I will show through my actions. Both of the guest join Lynch and Joseph the co-hosts of I Hate Your Deck, to go head to head in this multiplayer game! So this again is false misinformation. I have apologized. HiDeHo ( Upon voicing her reservations, Lynch reportedly told Robledo they could film the scene two ways one with nudity and one without and ultimately she would have full right of refusal on nudity no questions asked and said she could give her approval on the final cut. Thats a big difference. Alter Sleeves (, Michael D. Lynch: Twitter: @MichaelDLynch IG: @MichaelDLynch I Hate Your Deck - I HATE YOUR DECK episode #5 March 7, 2021 by Community Spotlight A New Magic the Gathering Commander show that highlights a decks true absurd potential! You are only looking to fight. MATT MONROE Background Music: SIKORA The I Hate Your Deck host has been accused of abuse by an actor he worked with in 2013. A lot of work goes into this show and we want to keep getting better for you all. They had my cell and my email. Discretion is advised. Magic With Zuby Episode 256 - Joseph Johnson, aka Blackneto. A lot of work goes into this show and we want to keep getting better for you all.---------- Credits: Directed by MICHAEL D. LYNCHProduced by JOSEPH H JOHNSON, JR \u0026 MICHAEL D. LYNCHCo Producer JOE ADAMSCinematography by JOE ADAMS \u0026 MICHAEL D. LYNCHCamera Assistant JEREMY GARCIALogo \u0026 Titles by CAMERON SANDERSEditing by MICHAEL D. LYNCHTitle VO by GARKONAdd'l VO by DANE THOMSENIntro and Outro Music By HOLLOW BROOKSBackground Music: SIKORA ---------- Follow us on Twitter! Artists: I Hate Your Deck Cash Cards Unlimited It's Oloro, Ageless Ascetic vs Kaalia of the Vast vs Seton, Krosan Protector vs Pir, Imaginative Rascal and Toothy, Imaginary Friend, Huge thanks to our sponsors: The whole situation reeking of someone not considering consent or anything beyond their own wants. Alter Sleeves, Special Thanks to: Cardsphere, Our Playmats: You can read the individual statements of each former sponsor/affiliate below. I Hate Your Deck. Thats not healthy.