The altitude of the helicopter also places the pilots at a steeper angle compared to someone on the ground. A trio of mysterious gray Bell 407 helicopters equipped with unique antennas, which may belong to an especially secretive U.S. military aviation unit, was up in the skies again over greater Los. They . This is usually done in the case of time-restricted evacuations and over harsh terrain. Its not cheap to fly these besides there is plenty of desert to practice in. These include forward-looking radars and low-light television cameras. TLDR The most common reason why military helicopters may fly over residential properties is training. When completing training operations, the helicopters may fly over residential neighborhoods. 21 5.2K views 8 years ago #helicopter #police #missingperson A few nights ago I heard an extremely loud helicopter fly over my house literally only hundreds of feet in the air; and. As a head's-up to hisconstituents,State Rep. Mike Jones, R-Dallastown, shared the local helicopter news Tuesday on his Facebook page. you would be surprised at the hunting done neighbor and i have hunted there and all over where all the dealerships are now right off of 64. A buddy of mine who works at the sheriffs office says it's a company working with duke power. JavaScript is disabled. told him I had no idea what it was doing. These helicopters are often beautifully-crafted and are worth admiring. This type of chopper is designed to be lighter and more compact than most models used by the armed forces. We the people dont want, or need any demonstrations from any ignorant source to show our Military capabilities. They usually carry a crew of two pilots and can be adapted for combat situations if necessary. This is really spectacular to see in person. The opinions of our members are not those of site ownership who maintains strict editorial agnosticism and simply provides a collaborative venue for free expression. They descended in unison into parking lots, literally flew down city streets, and "assaulted" a government building in Long Beachresulting in this spectacular picture. Privacy Policy. When the enemy has been located, the chopper is used to direct air strikes or artillery. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. This model can double as a medium-lift transport chopper and can carry up to 28 service members. meant. Watching blacked-out little helicopters, most of which usually run with no lights, ripping low over rooftops, landing on tall buildings and quickly departing, and even flying down city streets, is certainly concerningany action movie will tell you that. Find our latest subscription options and special offers here. It may make you concerned, or you may find it curious to know why that is happening. The reason for this exemption is that helicopters can execute pinpoint emergency landings and are much more flexible compared to airplanes. Can Police Helicopters See Inside Your House? If you live close to an armed forces installation, these aircraft may occasionally travel above your home. Everything We Know About The Mysterious Dark Helicopters - The Drive "We opined that the use of the medevac helicopters was authorized because of the emergency situation," an Army official told reporters. This helps the pilot to fly underneath the bad weather and see the ground more easily. Thanks for the response Steve. It cut right through the dock and tore up Jack, A group landed their "appliance" and helicopter on the vacant lot beside the local Smithfield's several years ago. The chopper in your video looks like a Sikorsky S-61R. I have seen a couple black choppers flying bytypically at night, all lights offonly way I spotted them was that they were illuminated by the Like our useless Gov. on heating up their attic unless its a bedroom.). Hes just running this country into debt, that well never get out of. Aircraft are also often used to transport troops and equipment from conflict zones. It's only once you are beneath them you realize there are indeed four helicopters there, not one.. Once they arrive in an operating area, they seem to be a force many times their actual size, as they zip around a city for hours, dropping off and picking up on various rooftops and even skyrise ledges. Black Helicopter Flying Around My House! - YouTube Thats because there are many helicopters used by civilians in different circumstances. Someone needs to justify this BS., the lies an propaganda is getting old. And while black helicopters are being used, there's nothing sinister about it. Due to his service, Gary received a VA disability rating of 80%. As i was working for my neighbour last year mowing her grass as she's elderly and Here are some of the main types of helicopters used by the military. Not sure if that's what it was, but that's what he said. The investigation has also led the Army to implement changes in procedures for when Guard helicopters can be used for crowd control. saucer. Level IV Body Armor Review Is It Worth The Money? The night bends the public's senses and perceptions, making the whole thing even eerier from the bystander's point of view. The chopper is fitted with night vision equipment, missiles, chain guns, targeting systems, and other equipment. That was when at least one D.C. Guard helicopter hovered above the protesters at a low altitude in an apparent attempt to disperse the crowd. Helicopters create a lot of noise, making it easy to detect when one is flying over a house. I would see them fly over my grandparents property every single day every Seen it done up close in Cary a few years ago. Low Flying Black Helicopter - Who is it and what are they doing? Ive had enough of this unacceptable BS.. Late night buzzing my home, creating flash-backs from a not so fun time. Alternatively, the aircraft can be used to provide medical aid in times of need. I've worked for/adjacent to the Air Force for nearly fifteen years, so I understand that. Utility choppers can be used for aerial attack, transporting troops and equipment, medical evacuation, search and rescue, and much more. This chopper is commonly referred to as The Ninja and is a Japanese observation helicopter. In this first night of operations, the MH-6s can be seen whizzing around Downtown Los Angeles and landing and taking off from the top of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) building. They are designed to hover close to the ground for long periods. I work close to the river, and wondered what the heck this chopper was doing Very rational explanation for what has been happening around my home, thanks you guys! Lets take a closer look at some of the main concerns and whether or not they are actually valid. These choppers also feature weapons such as machine guns, bombs, missiles, and auto-cannons. As the name suggests, this type of chopper is designed to locate enemy positions. This past fall, I was working alone in the lower level of work, which has a walk out patio. Why Are Military Helicopters Flying Over My House? the helicopter was about to crash or try to land onto the cement pavement in our backyardit was only until it took off very quickly that we threw It was too far away for him to see exactly what it was carrying but he told me he couldn't make out any tail numbers or any identifying logo's anywhere on it when it was doing its low fly overs.