Minimum tank size: 10 gallons. Lets dive in and take a look at what you need to know about setting up a 30-gallon saltwater aquarium, and which fish work the best in a setup this size. You may need to introduce the live foods they prefer along with what you plan to keep feeding them. The Zebra Barred Dartfish is a reef safe addition to your aquarium. 30 Gallon Aquarium Stands 40 Gallon Aquarium Stands 50 to 55 Gallon Aquarium Stands 75 Gallon Aquarium Stands Filters Small Aquarium Filters Quietest Aquarium Filter Best Filter For Bettas Best Biological Filter Media Filter Media For Reef Tanks Best Saltwater Filter Best 5 Gallon Filter Best 50 to 55 Gallon Filter Best 75 The Ruby Red Dragonet is the smallest of the mandarin fish species, coming in at 2 at maximum. Skip to content. Therefore, you could easily welcome 15 two-inch fish in a 30-gallon tank. Most people would recommend providing at least 10 or 15 gallons for a single angelfish, with some saying that even more space is required. They also appreciate spaces where they can hide. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Consider making this species the last to be acclimated to your nano reef after you introduce its tank mates. Theyre quite lively and get along with most fish. Hello, there. Their bright red tails are their standout feature, but they also have a dorsal fin that can act in a way to translate their mood. They reach about 3 in length, making them another solid choice for 30-gallon tanks. Their active nature has made them a favorite for those keeping smaller tanks in the 20-50 gallon range. They can make some trouble in tanks. On the other hand, these are also peaceful and beautiful fish. They can be semi-aggressive but that largely depends on their overall environment. When it comes to their tank size, each molly will require 4.5 gallons of tank space at the very least, which means that you could fit up to six of them in a 30-gallon tank. 7 Best Saltwater Aquariums in Therefore, in a 30-gallon tank, you could fit up to 10 platies. In terms of keeping fish in a tank of this size, you do have to be quite selective and thoughtful, as that limited space will fill up quickly. This means that each neon tetra should have roughly 1.5 gallons of tank space, or maybe 2 gallons per fish if you really want to make them feel at home. Theyll harass and chase off most other critters that decide to approach their specific spot but they rarely become problems outside of that specific instance. WebHere is a shortlist of our top 7 best saltwater fish for a 30 gallon tank: Royal Dottyback; Green Mandarin Dragonet; Flame Angelfish; Pajama Cardinal; Purple Firefish Goby; These fish have in common one thing: big, venomous fangs. While their popularity skyrocketed after Finding Nemo hit the scene, theyve got staying power thanks to their unique habits and excellent colors. Clownfish get along with a wide array of tank mates They are easy to care for in an aquarium but if you are want to learn more about Clownfish and introducing them to your saltwater aquarium, check out this article from Reef Tank Resource discussing just that! Instead, some corals may offer an easier solution. In other words, they get the majority of their nutritional needs met through devouring rotted matter in the substrate. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Best Fish Tanks 5. Theyre endangered in the wild, unfortunately, but theyre also one of the few saltwater fish that regularly breed in captivity. The best part about these fish is that they can get along with a huge variety of other reef fish. The excellent schools for a 30-gallon tank would be fish like Tetras, Barbs, and Rasboras. They swim in a different manner than most reef fish, staying still and then darting to the next location rather than slowly swimming like most others. These fish will also not like being around fish that are bigger than them or fish that are natural predators. These peaceful fish can live upwards of 5 plus years. For example, its not impossible for a goldfish to grow to be six inches long! If you have a 30-gallon tank and intend to fill it with the rarest and most sought-after marine life on the planet, here are a few you should really be adding to your bucket list. After all, you dont want to invest in a massive tank, although, of course, 30 gallons is still quite sizeable. They are small carnivores that eat frozen and fresh food as well as Mysis Shrimp. Clownfish are so named due to their orange body with white blotches running down their sides like clowns makeup. An indispensable tool for acclimation and many other aquarium tasks. They need lots of swimming room and water flow to thrive in captivity. If you can keep one alive for its natural lifespan, however, you can truly call yourself a saltwater aquarium expert. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. For many, these fish are the pinnacle of the hobby. Stats: Minimum Tank Size 20 Gallons; Max Size 3 Temperament Peaceful to Semi-Aggressive; The Ocellaris clownfish is the industrys most popular This is a specialized fish, often used as an algae eater in reef tanks, and it blends in well with the majority of substrates. They can reach about 3 and a half inches in length and can live upwards of 5 years. The Longnose Hawkfish is easily identified by its long nose and red striped body. Best Saltwater Fish For 30 Gallon Tank (Beginner-Friendly) These are brilliant tank cleaners, too, meaning if you really want to clear up the nastiness that big tanks can be known to grow, a Dotty will always have your back! If you do not happen to have enough algae to keep these fish happy, you will need to feed them microalgae. This saltwater aquarium fish can live up to 7 years in captivity and live off of small meaty foods. These fish are also super beginner friendly as they are very hardy, not prone to disease, arent picky eaters, and can survive in a very wide range of water conditions. Their reef aquarium should be well established by the time they are introduced with plenty of sand bed space. A single Chalk Bass will do well enough, they dont need a school to protect them. Stay on top of cat food recalls here >, Have a dog? Best Saltwater Aquarium Heater; Best 10 Gallon Tank Heaters; Best 20 Gallon Tank Heaters; Its still worth the effort to track down a pistol shrimp to keep with them, as this amazing natural partnership can still happen in your own tank. These fish usually come in different sizes, ranging from 0.8 to 4 inches in length. Weve also mentioned the molly fish in our easiest saltwater fish to raise guide and they will fit right at home in a 30 gallon tank. The venom of the Striped Blenny is a very strange cocktail, primarily affecting opioid receptors.