In baseball getting a hit 3/10 times makes you a great player, which means you have to be able to handle failure. They are the leading showcase in their industry. Grasping to the D1 potential, John wants to come back next year. Otherwise, players risk negative exposure and having their showcase fee used to subsidize the players who are already recruitable. Connect with the coaching staff prior to attending to let them know you are interested in the program and plan to attend their camp. Site By: PUREi,, University of Arizona - Reid Park (Back Field), University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond, OK, Sterlington Sports Complex - Sterlington, LA, Kent State University - Schoonover Stadium, Jackson Field at Trevecca Nazarene University - Nashville, TN, The Farm (Athletic Performance Center) - Oxford, MS, University of Southern California - Dedeaux Field, Islanders Field - (late afternoon/evening), Islanders Field (morning/early afternoon), University of Southern Miss - Hattiesburg, MS, Tupper Lake Municipal Park / Tupper Lake, NY, Ohio State University - Bill Davis Stadium, Miami University - McKie Field at Hayden Park, Cornerstone Christian HS - San Antonio, TX, Phillies Urban Youth Academy / Philadelphia, PA, Brewers Spring Training Fields - Phoenix, AZ, University of Michigan - Ray Fisher Stadium, Oklahoma State University - Stillwater, OK, PA State Games On Deck Preview: 2026 C Blake Umberger (Hershey), A look at the fastball velocity leaders from the arms we have seen so far this season. 26 College Baseball Camps and Prospect Showcases - Do It Yourself You cant get recruited if you arent seen, right? Lists coaches, and coaches titles attending. August 1-2nd - Great Lakes Showcase (Notre Dame Baseball - South Bend, IN) - Sold Out. FAQ: If my EFC is 0 does that mean I can go to college for free? Some camps invite college coaches from multiple programs to provide skill development and exposure to more than one coach. June 13-14th - Midwest Showcase (Kansas State Univ. For pitchers and catchers especially, this can be a good way to figure out where you stand compared to other prospects and target colleges appropriately. 10-Year-Old STUD Baseball Catcher | Next Yadier Molina? After your first one, you should really only attend events where youll be in front of colleges that are likely to recruit you. But a coach may also cross this player off his list and permanently dismiss him as not good enough so he doesnt waste time re-evaluating him later. Latest 2023 NJCAA Top 25 Rankings: + Div. Upcoming Showcases Best in the US Baseball 2023 Prep Baseball Report. Specific college baseball camps/showcases are listed by date below. They will spend 8-10 hours out on the field or court watching game after game. I-95 Stadium Series: Northeast: Provides list of confirmed colleges and coaches.