<< Directors new to the Board are required to complete the online charter school governance modules created by the Colorado Department of Education or Colorado League of Charter Schools. Hometown Hero: Charm Emiko and Project S.T.O.R.Y. /Type /Catalog >> << var photocredit = "'Marcie OuelletteCourtesy photo' 'The future Benjamin Franklin Academy campus at 157 Chichester Rd. Payment Address. bot_agenda_12082022_1.pdf. 1 0 obj Home - Power Campus - Benjamin Franklin Charter School - Power Its application states its current campus is "undersized" and "outdated" for its middle school students. Benjamin Franklin scholars benefit from: a diverse student body that includes 13% gifted and talented students, 16% special education students and 4% English . NVOHx/{1ys*MSo/?N%Dyo/|L`g A 9wbtRN__`@(hIM^|I>xi#T-}}>} ESF.$vSa Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science,thearts,and literacy. We have 28years of excellence in education and have been educating Arizona students since 1995. Thanks for signing up! % Contact. Five related character traits are; honesty, wisdom, integrity (being true to yourself), gratitude and humility (caring less about whos right and more about whats right). << Home - Benjamin Franklin High School - Benjamin Franklin Charter School /DescendantFonts [21 0 R] educators of their children by providing students with a. classical academic education coupled with sound. Apr 20 @ 4:15 pm - 5:15 pm. When the Benjamin Franklin charter chain completes the purchase next month of its four East Valley campuses . BFA volunteers can be found helping students out of their cars in carpool and with their lunches, listening while young students learn to read, organizing one of our many BFA traditions, planning a school fundraiser and doing so much more. endobj We believe that learning, hard work, and fun are not mutually exclusive and that learning should be a joyful and exciting endeavor, especially for children. mission is supported by four distinct, yet. /StructParents 1 Our. We believe that children are very capable and are ready to be challenged. Principal Elementary. Founded in 1995, Benjamin Franklin Charter School was one of Arizona's first charter schools and has been "Educating Arizona.One Student at a Time" ever since. Further, our character education program is modeled on Benjamin Franklins Thirteen Virtues and enhanced by other programs, such as Second Step. /Encoding /Identity-H The Legacy of Excellence Board will include in its membership at least one member who is a parent or legal guardian, or grandparent of a student at Benjamin Franklin Elementary School or alumnus of the school. /DescendantFonts [19 0 R] The Legacy of Excellence Board will include in Since we received our charter in 1996, we have been providing students in Queen Creek some of the best education in the state. /ToUnicode 22 0 R We are a kindergarten through eighth grade public, charter school that combines a challenging, sequenced curriculum with a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) as well as Social-Emotional Learning and character education. In middle school, our students benefit from receiving a dedicated Chromebook for use during their tenure at BFA. endobj We believe that parents play a central role in the education of their child as their first educator. The school is a Type 3 Charter school authorized by the Orleans Parish School Board. /Parent 2 0 R Our mission is to offer a well-rounded education with proven superior academics, exceptional programs, time-honored values, and a high level of parental participation. 6 0 obj Election of a Parent Representative to the Governing Board, EL Parents and Guardians Language Assistance Services, Exceptional Children Services Notices and Forms, Student Privacy and Data Sharing Agreements: Act 837 and Act 677. Jacqueline Mayfield atJMayfield@loenola.us, There is no staff matching your search criteria, Benjamin Franklin Elementary Mathematics and Science School, Election of a Parent or Alumnus Representative to the endobj /G3 7 0 R We believe that a classical approach ensures that students will receive a well-rounded and rich educational experience. endobj Calendar - Ben Franklin Academy Hear from students, parents, and teachers! All nominees must be brought before the Board >> << April 24, 2023 (Agenda, Minutes)--Special Board of Directors Meeting, April 27, 2023 (Agenda, Minutes)--Special Board of Directors Meeting, The link below connects to the person responsible for Public Records Requests (info@bfhsla.org)., Otherwise, please mail or deliver requests to Dr. Patrick Widhalm, 2001 Leon C. Simon Drive, New Orleans, LA 70122. Jill E. Condon Alea M. Cot, President. Please clickherefor preschool enrollment information. Public Notices. We focus on the success of each individual student through the use of flexible ability grouping and differentiated instruction. Our mission is to offer a well-rounded education with proven superior academics, exceptional programs, time-honored values, and a high level of parental participation. Our mission is to offer a well-rounded education with proven superior academics, exceptional programs, time-honored values, and a high level of parental . >> Our mission is to offer a well-rounded education with proven superior academics, exceptional programs, time-honored values, and a high level of parental participation. Founded in 2013, our mission is to train students to be intellectually curious - akin to the namesake of our school. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Staff - Benjamin Franklin Elementary Mathematics and Science School Our School - Ben Franklin Academy EIN for payable organization: 56-2393622 We offer our students not only a world class education, but also extracurricular activities, fine-arts programs, and athletic programs. var sellablestring = "MONITOR STAFF"; /F8 12 0 R Dont forget to allow push notifications! endobj The Friends of Franklin Foundation is the primary fundraising organization for Benjamin Franklin High School. '"; Benjamin Franklin High School |p: (504) 286-2600 | f: (504) 286-2642 |e: 2001 Leon C. Simon Drive, New Orleans, LA70122. >> BFCS applied for and was granted its charter by the State Board for Charter Schools on June 12, 1995 for the Mesa campus. /JS (this.print\({bUI:true,bSilent:false,bShrinkToFit:true}\);) Shaneika Dabney-Henderson '96. h=TAc The mission of BFHS is to train students to be intellectually curious and pursue academic and moral excellence through the pursuit of what is good, true, and beautiful, to teach them how to think instead of what to think. #staff #staff-search { display: none!important; }. tag_id.innerHTML = ' Buy this Image'; Benjamin Franklin High School is governed by Advocates for Academic Excellence in Education, Inc., a non-profit corporation. var currentheadline = document.getElementById("headline").innerText; Benjamin Franklin Academys liberal arts curriculum will place a strong emphasis on history education, and the history curriculum will guide lesson planning for other content areas. Benjamin Franklin Academy is expected to open as a middle school serving grades 6 through 8, with a projected enrollment of 75 students.