There are various ways of making a putout, the most common of which are catching a fly ball, catching a thrown ball while tagging a base, tagging a runner, and catching a pitched ball for a third strike. Cellar: A team that is currently last place in their division. FPSH% = % of FPS at-bats that result in a hit, FPSO% = % of FPS at-bats that result in an outFPSW% = % of FPS at-bats that result in a walk. WEAK% = % of batted balls weakly hit (fly balls and ground balls). RPF: Relief failures the number of times a game ends in a loss where the pitcher is brought in as a relief pitcher. Some of these stats include batting average, ERA, WHIP, and OPS. Because the visiting team will not get another turn at-bat, the game ends immediately, with the home team victorious. K/BB Strikeout to Walk Ratio: K/BB provides a ratio that compares how frequently a pitcher records strikeouts vs walks. K/9 = Strikeouts per 9 innings Average number of strikeouts per 9 innings. WAR: Wins Above Replacement Sabermetric baseball statistic to sum up a players total contributions to his team based on batting runs, baserunning runs, fielding runs, positional adjustment runs and replacement level runs. Thanks for dropping by and Im glad you enjoyed the article ~Jeremy. Thanks for dropping by ~Jeremy. Crackerjack: Refers to a skilled player with a lot of power. (They didnt make it to the next base before a defender tagged them out). RS/9 calculates how many runs the pitchers team scores while they are in the game, adjusted for nine innings of play. Thank you Jeff! Infamous Ruth Ann Steinhagen was the first "Baseball Annie". Two of the most common WAR statistics are Baseball-Reference bWAR and Fangraphs fWAR.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'baseball_tools-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-baseball_tools-large-leaderboard-2-0'); There are a lot of statistics when it comes to pitching. Backdoor: Usually a breaking pitch that looks like it will be outside the strike zone but then breaks back over home plate. NP Number of Pitches: When referring to a position player, NP indicates the total number of pitches thrown during their at-bats. Note that strong relievers may have higher IR-A rating because they often enter the game in high-pressure situations with multiple runners on base. Southpaw: Refers to a left-handed player. BF or TBF: Batters faced or total batters faced. They are incredibly important to the game and have multiple statistics with matching acronyms. Subjective observations may be a better indicator of a players batting stance. FIP = Fielding-Independent Pitching Outcomes that have nothing to do with fielding i.e., strikeouts, walks, and home runs allowed. IRA: Inherited runs allowed the number of players on base when a relief pitcher enters the game that later go on to score a run. Flashing the leather: When a fielder makes a terrific play. Also a pitching category. Baseball Slang - Baseball Lingo - Terminology - OFA Outfield Assist: Outfielders are credited with an assist anytime they throw a fielded ball to the infield resulting in an out. ER Earned Run: The number of runs scored against a pitcher that do not benefit from either a fielding error or passed ball. Starters are not credited for a game finished when they pitch a complete game. Some Major League teams have added one additional acronym to the scoreboard that sits directly to the right of R, H, and E. This acronym is LOB and it stands for Left On Base. For baseball-specific betting advice, check out the tips and tricks in the MLB section of our how to bet on sports series. Hey Paul! SV% is considered the most useful number to compare closers because it accounts for differences in the number of games a closer enters. Because these statistics do not account for elements of the game out of the pitchers control, they are only loosely descriptive of a pitchers overall ability and value to their team. Baseball Stats Abbreviations Let's get started with batting and then work our way through 1B = Single - A single is scored when a batter hits the ball and successfully reaches first base without a defensive error. AB At bats: The number of times the player has been at bat, defined as plate appearances minus sacrifices, walks, and Hit by Pitches. HR/9 Home Runs Per Nine Innings: HR/9 calculates the average number of home runs allowed per nine innings pitched. CS . Double: When a batter makes a successful hit and reaches second base. This is also the case with a BB and an IBB. (In the above formula, NIBB = Non intentional walk, RBOE = Reached base on error) The coefficients of each outcome are determined by their relative correlation to runs being scored as a result of. PB: Passed ball when a catcher cannot keep control of a pitch that he otherwise should have. Long hitters tend to have higher XBH values. Pop ups are easily fielded, but often go hand-in-hand with a high flyball rate, a markedly negative indicator of pitching ability. Pre-Arb is before a player is arbitration eligible. Glossary of baseball's most useful advanced stats and how to use them PA Plate Appearances: The number of completed turns at the plate a player has taken throughout the season. does not target any individuals A Complete List of Baseball Statistics. EV = Exit Velocity Measures the speed of the baseball as it comes off the bat, immediately after a batter makes contact. Advanced Stats. AO Fly Outs: The number of times a player has hit a fly ball that was caught for an out. FLB% = Fly ball percentage The percentage of a pitchers balls in play that are fly balls, calculated as FB/BIP. WAR measures a player's value in all facets of the game by deciphering how many more wins he's worth than a replacement-level player at his same position (e.g., a Minor League replacement or a readily available fill-in free agent). Players with high ISO values can be expected to be very strong batters who often rank highly in terms of home runs. Glossary | SHO Shutout: Starters receive a shutout when they pitch an entire game and do not allow the other team to score.