You are responsible for all collision damage to the rented vehicle even if someone else caused it or the cause is unknown. Almost done! Loss and damage are described in paragraph 13 below. {{features.value}} Gal I rented a car from Avis back in December. A VIOLATION OF THIS PARAGRAPH, WILL AUTOMATICALLY TERMINATE YOUR RENTAL AND IS AN EXCLUSION TO AND VOIDS ALL LIABILITY PROTECTION AND ANY OPTIONAL SERVICES THAT YOU HAVE ACCEPTED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SUPPLEMENTAL LIABILITY INSURANCE, PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE, PERSONAL EFFECTS INSURANCE, ANY ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE PLAN, EMERGENCY SICKNESS PROTECTION AND LOSS DAMAGE WAIVER (LDW) OR PARTIAL DAMAGE WAIVER. Avis offers a one-way airport-to-downtown rate of $9.99 between selected U.S. airports and nearby city locations with a maximum keep time of 12 hours. Only one offer can be applied per reservation. (3) The damage occurs while you, or any authorized driver, operates the car in another state while under the influence of an intoxicant or other drug, as described by the laws of that state. hour hours, Starting Fuel Almost done! You are responsible for the cost of repair up to the value of the vehicle, and towing, storage, and impound fees. Any Permitted Driver must be at least 25 years old and must also be a capable and validly licensed driver at all times during which such person is operating the car. 2. D. Driving or operating this car while using a hand-held wireless communication device or other device that is capable of receiving or transmitting telephonic communications, electronic data, mail or text messages shall be deemed a breach of the Rental Agreement. Roadside Assistance. Avis offers convenient one-way rentals at attractive rates. Budget (owned by Avis) has a 29-minute grace period for returns. If you do not accept SLI your. These Rental Terms and Conditions, the rental document you receive when you are given access to the car you are renting (the "Rental Contract") any additional agreement signed by you, any documents or agreements (or links to on-line documents or agreements) sent to you electronically in connection with your rental, the Privacy Notice, and the return receipt or record (the "Rental Receipt") with computed rental charges together constitute the "Rental Agreement" between yourself and Avis Rent A Car System, LLC, or the independent Avis System Licensee identified on the Rental Contract (Avis). If we do not find the car when that location opens, your responsibility for all charges and for damage to or loss of the car will continue until the car is actually returned or recovered. Available Points, {{rentalHistory.rentalEndsIn}} Please check your email at {{vm.securityAssessmentSummary.otpTokenverifiers.emailAddress.value}} and click on the link we sent to unlock your account. If you choose this option, you will not incur an additional fuel service charge, but you will not receive any credit for fuel left in the tank at the time of return. This Company Just Solved The One-Way Car Rental Problem - Forbes Its an Excess Automobile Liability Insurance Policy that provides additional liability insurance, within specified limits. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT, PURSUANT TO ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES SECTION 28-2166, AVIS DOES NOT EXTEND ANY OF ITS MOTOR VEHICLE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OR PROVIDE PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE TO THE RENTER, ANY PERMITTED DRIVER OR ANY OTHER DRIVER. 25. Please book your one way rentals in advance. If you aren't able to return your rental car within the window, you will be charged an hourly rate that is calculated as three-fourths of the daily rate, plus $0.01 for daily and weekend rates. "Read the collision damage waiver disclosure provision contained in the Rental Agreement before signing this agreement. If this subparagraph (a) does not apply, there are three refueling options: 1) If you do not accept the fuel service option, where available, at the beginning of your rental, and you return the car with less fuel than was in it when you received it, as we determine in our sole discretion, we will charge you a fuel service charge at the applicable rate per-mile or rate per-gallon specified on the Rental Contract or disclosed at the location. After 30 minutes late, hourly car rate charges and taxes may apply. In any case, a copy of the policy and/or certificate will be available for your inspection at our main office. Rental car return times are based on a 24-hour window. If the devices are installed by the car manufacturer, the car manufacturer will process the Connected Car Data in accordance with its privacy notice. FAQ: Rental Policies | Payless Rent a Car You agree to return the car to us in the same condition you received it, ordinary wear and tear excepted, on the date, at the time and to the location specified in the Rental Contract. The drop charge may vary by pick up location, return location, and time of year. Maintenance updates are in progress. NOTICE: IF YOU HAVE COLLISION COVERAGE UNDER YOUR OWN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE POLICY WRITTEN IN LOUISIANA, YOUR COLLISION COVERAGE AUTOMATICALLY EXTENDS TO RENTAL MOTOR VEHICLES PURSUANT TO R.S. {{vm.securityAssessmentSummary.otpTokenverifiers.phoneNumber.value}}, {{vm.securityAssessmentSummary.otpTokenverifiers.emailAddress.value}}. Please try again. Renter has read, understands and acknowledges this disclosure. If the car is stolen and not recovered you will pay us the cars fair market value before it was stolen. Avis has Supplemental Liability Insurance ("SLI") available at all Florida locations. PLEASE READ THIS PROVISION CAREFULLY. Even spouses may be subject to this fee. Not every car is equipped with a Communication System and/or Satellite Radio. 22:1296. In addition, purchase of any additional liability insurance is not necessary if your policy was issued in Minnesota unless you wish to have coverage for liability that exceeds the amount specified in your personal automobile insurance policy.=. These are the available options that may be redeemed. Almost done! For added security, we will send you a verification code to verify your identity. If we provide you access to Satellite Radio based on your advance reservation, you will be charged for access whether or not you use this option.