I can't lose you. Everything I just said was true, I probably forgot some things, but your arm is a part of you, and I love it just as much as any other part, Steve leaned down and kissed Bucky slowly, pulling away and kissing down his neck and towards his arm, then peppering the whole area with kisses, smiling as tears welled in Buckys eyes. Steve sighed and joined Bucky, flopping down on the bed beside him. That is just not the way to teach someone how to fight. The boy quickly shook his head, having made his way to the two adults. I hope you liked this chapter and thanks for reading and voting on my story. Flash and his friends. He steps back onto the rafters and lowers his head against Mr. Starks gaze. If we hadn't corralled them in that warehouse, they might have taken their drug war to the streets., I know, kid. Is that all youve got? he prods, dropping into a crouch with a smirk. You fucking fought him?! MJ knew everything. Tony held him tighter, buried his nose in the brown curls, and inhaled deeply. Peter's mind races, I can't take off my shirt all of the scars, the muscle! 1953 guests Natasha brushed her hand against his shoulder as she sat next to him, eyeing him suspiciously. Together.. Yes, it is. He stepped forward and placed his gloved hand on Peters shoulder. He sighed. "SAM i got a hold of him!" They hurt you., Pete, you cant. Peter pumped out his tenth rep, returning the barbell to its place for his spotter to steady it. Im okay. Clint shot the trio a surprised look. He let Neds familiar rambling wash over him as they moved towards their first class. Clint and Tony took this a declaration of war. Peter Parker Stark - Battle Scars - Wattpad Multiple people had been beside it when it started to collapse. Remember the training robots from the country music series? He said hed be done by this morning., Her face softened, eyes roaming over his face. Which has left vigilantes like Spiderman and others to pick up the slack when something bigger went down here. It is going to be a competition. Nat too, at first she didnt do anything, because she was curious, but seeing Pete's reaction set her off. Tony has spilled the beans on live tv about Peter being heir to Stark Industries. Instead, Im going to tell you all the good things that you do with your arm, Steve smiled slightly, straddling Buckys waist and putting his hands on Buckys shoulders laughing at the mans confused look. Listen, kid, Natasha and I had a talk earlier, and I realized a few things.. You should have hit, with that baseball. That's my boyfriend you are talking about.). tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Reviews are loved but be gentle this is my first Avengers fanfiction. Which makes their movements predictable. He often thought that the man was crazy for staying with him when Bucky was so unpredictable? The two waved back at the teen. And then other times, when one writer takes inspiration from another writer's story, and puts their own ideas and twists into it, they get attacked for stealing the idea. Natasha never asked when she could state instead. Instead his head stood low, looking at the water beneath him. It is 9:00 o'clock. Flash stomped. Peter rolls his eyes and stealthily runs to CLint's room. It's Peter Parker. Settled in his normal seat at the counter, he watched the others slowly file into the room, eyes drooping with sleep as they followed the smell of freshly made food. Natasha smacked some sense into me. He kept his eyes on his plate and shoveled food into his mouth. Tony and Nat stopped in their tracks, as time seemed to stop, Sam's smile fading away. The sight of Happys car, well hidden unless you know where to look, was a great relief to Peter after the week he had had. Steve's voice was stern. Steves cooking skills ended with bacon, so Peter was grateful for Bucky to pick up the slack with the meal. Im not going to let this little shit get away with bullying Peter, and I feel like having an ex-Soviet assassin on my side might help the case, Tony had a smirk playing on his lips, so did Bucky. Fury told me I had time off, but Im not sure how long that will last. Especially hard to remember when he wasnt there to remind him. Shit = Skittles, Damn = Donuts, Hell = Hot Dogs, Fuck = French Fries or Fruit Loops, any kind of name calling, i.e. Last month, this little idiot decided to take down two of the major drug rings in New York. . Six, seven. Tony looked angry with himself, and Bucky couldnt really blame him. You don't have to join in on an Avengers mission, if you don't want to, or don't feel ready to.. At that exact moment Peter started to panic. He quickly takes out his phone and webs it to the ceiling next to him then presses the record button. It's not that he pushes people around or is a jerk or anything. The weekend did not turn out the way he had hoped. Peter's hideous and ugly," from their his day just keeps spiraling down. His Scars by coffeelily reviews. Revenge will only hurt you in the long run., Or: Peter gets tired of Flash and shows off what he can do in gym class after a hard weekend. Third period passed with only a few spitballs aimed at the back of his neck from Flash and his goons. It was gonna happen sooner or later. He pulls his mask over his face and clings to the ceiling above Clint. Do you know how many automatic guns these clowns had? Of course Im staring at you, youre the most beautiful man in the world, Steve hummed against Buckys chest, still not opening his eyes. You never told me how you got these, Steve muttered, tracing the faint pink outlines around the metal shoulder. I can't.. spiderman, tonystark, fanfiction. Physical Education. He began walking, but the hall never seemed to end. Bucky couldnt find the right word, but it wasnt something positive. Peter occasionally calls Tony Dad (he might also at one point refer to Pepper as Mom, but Aunt May will always be Aunt May, without the title diminishing the magnitude of love he feels for her). tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, I need you to scare some kids with me, Bucky raised an eyebrow, unimpressed, but Tony just continued, I found out a few days ago that Peter is being bullied at school-, By who? Steve asked, getting up and sounding more dangerous than Tony ever heard Bucky sound (contrary to popular belief, Steve was the scary one in their relationship), Some asshole named Eugene Thompson. Mr. My. [Peter & Avengers Team] One Of Those Nightsby OofBoost Peter Parker's night takes a turn when a bullet manages its way to his abdomen.