Tony Stark and Pepper Potts never thought they would see Edwin again, until a boy named Peter Parker has his prints put through the system. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. That is the only way to get through this. Split Parenting(ao3) -Sillysbarka16tony/stephenG, 5k. "Thanos ordered the murder of my wife and child. Summary: There should have been nothing remarkable about two people in a busy cafeteria, but Becket takes in the familiar sight of curly hair, brown eyes, and a t-shirt with a science pun on it talking animatedly alongside Actual Anthony Edward Stark and promptly drops his lunch. Right? Lost his parents and guardians in one freak accident after another. Sighing, Tony closed the StarkPad and looked up. OR: The first time Natasha meets Starks kid, its almost three in the morning; spiders dont sleep, after all. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Peter sees a red stone in his minds eye and is working on believing him. The spiderling. I know I'd be fine if I never saw you again. Permanently.. MJ and Ned cant live normal lives because of me, He sobbed. The couple was ecstatic when they came as a surprise. I wouldnt lie to you, He promises. he's spent 14 years trying to find him. Find Our Way Home(ao3) -blondsakmj/peterG, 2k. Von klein auf kennt er es nicht anders. And what will he do with all of his training and special abilities? I welcome all criticism I have no idea wtf im doing!:P. Tony always knew Peter Parker existed. Dont Forget To Check Your Calendar! Say something. Well, I have to do things on my own, I guess. Thinking that its just the result of a joke that he made a few weeks prior, he waits for his mentor to bring it up, but he never does. He'd make sure no one would suffer like he has, even if he has to track down the perpetrator himself. Summary:Peter Parker (One) is alone. im sure u noticed but im seven days behind and I've lost all motivation so im not gonna update anymore. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (221), The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb) (15), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker (78), Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (49), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (339), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Peter Parker is Pepper Potts's Biological Child, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark - Relationship, get ready bois this is going to be a long story, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker, flash learns peter is spider man and is SHOOK, The Weight Of A Soul(is far too heavy to bear alone), Matt Murdock & Peter Parker & Wade Wilson, Peter thinks he can do everything himself, im gonna fit as many over done tropes as I can into this bad boy, peter is just super traumatized in all corners, scratch that there all extremely traumatized, THERE IS 0 CANNON IN THIS FIC CANNON CAN GO FUCK ITSELF, Peter Parker Has a Family he just doesn't know it yet, peter Parker got kidnapped by hydra 4 a bit he is most definitely not coping. But freedom is more than just physical. the rumours about peter parker(ao3) - tempestauroraPairing: Pepper/TonyRating: General, Summary: No way, Flash said, when he heard. Everything is on the line. Iron Man is the only one who knows who he is, even Aunt May isn't in on the secret. They made an incredible team and even Strange had to admit that he was proud to see how well they moved together once they figured out how to dodge each others webs. Remembers aliens, Titan, Thanos, the stones. Thanos won the war . youre just trying to do your best for a kid whos lost control(ao3) -tempestauroraPairing: Pepper/TonyRating: Teen And Up. When Peter was two, he was kidnapped by Hydra. Seven Years Ago when Tony Stark went missing in Afghanistan, his almost eight year old son, Peter James Edwin Stark, was placed in foster care. he had trusted them, he had honoured them! In August of 2001, Tony Stark's son was born. Summary: And then he smiled, a real smile, and Michelle felt herself stop breathing because it was like staring straight into the sun, beautiful and burning and bright and so familiar that it hurt. Summary: For a long time, Ive been reading spidey fics that have always portrayed Peter Parker as a shy, immature teenager who seems to be overly reliant on Tony Stark. A real life human being that hed kept from the media for eight years but had slipped up and shown to the whole world. Good news everyone! Like he is making a difference. Visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc the story you already know, '' by Wilson! Peters in college, rooming with his best friend Harry Osborn, crushing on his partner in crime, MJ, and making fast friends with Ned Leeds and Gwen Stacy. Adventure Fanfiction Panfiction Kidnapped Kiss Peter Pan. On top of that, Steve is desperate for him to be the man he was before. Because they cant make it easy for him and give him just one house to live in, could they? Then Peter and Tony are left to deal with the aftermath. Know anything about power in the category `` Necessary '' to each other for long, even if they could- but maybe, together, they could have a future @ PeggysousoverSteggy from Tumblr and. avengers fanfiction peter kidnapped by thanos. He's living the dream, interning at Stark Industries under a watchful eye of (mentor???) Bucky Barnes is back on US soil as a free man. He successfully made a way to see the other Spider-Man again. Good news is hes got people who care and want to help. This is an entire community devoted to Tony Whump fanfiction . He catapulted over mine, the little shit, and suddenly he was one of the most important things in my life. Hope you read, and hope you enjoy. Not knowing how to get home, Peter asks Tony Stark for help and ends up finding out a lot about his and Tonys past.Peter is given an opportunity to change the future, or leave things be. TW: There will be torture and panic attacks so if that triggers you, use caution if you continue reading this. Maybe hell come to, like a half-drowned puppy you pull out of the gutter. That bond may just be what Peter needs to get through this new start to his life and help him discover what is needed. Kidnapped, Fear and Pain - ShadowGirl2237 - Wattpad Im so glad youre still around to see this. Peter knows where the first aid kit is. 15 Years Later, the parents are still trying to find the missing child. Stark? Peter says, in disbelief, after he picks it up. OR, the one where Peter One discovers one last message to him from Tony Stark. But freedom is more than just physical. who knew, right? r/FanFiction on Reddit: good spiderman fics where peter is kidnapped