Inaddition, prevention and health education services are offered. Residence Life and Housing | Carroll University Aurora, IL | Private not-for-profit, 4-year or above. An email or signs describing the damage and asking for further information are posted throughout the community on the day the damage is documented. 0 2018: 0 2019: 0 2020: Rape. is responsible for providing the Office of Residence Life with the names of eligible students: Upon check-in, students will be provided with access to the Residence Life Guidebook and the University A-Book via the Aurora University web page; students are responsible for following all rules and regulations as stated in these publications. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity not only to learn more about individuals who are different from you, but also to share your own experiences as well. If the individual who caused the damage is not found responsible, the community as a group is charged for the damages. 630-947-8955 (Graduate Admission and Other Inquiries), Woodstock We will adhere to the highest standards of integrity in every aspect of institutional practice and operation. Residence halls are more than just places to sleep. The safety and security needs of the Aurora Universitycampus are addressed by Campus Public Safety, a sworn police department. Aurora University's average SAT score is 950 - this is the sum of the math and reading portions of the SAT (the 1600 scale). The duty RAs conduct security rounds in the halls and carry radios connecting them to the RHD and Campus Public Safety. If a student requires individualized assistance devices or private health care personnel or services, the student is financially responsible. Those with questions about the cancellation of homecoming events can contact the Aurora University Office of Alumni Relations at 800-377-2782 or email David Sharos is a freelance . Prior to the start of the academic year, the Office of Residence Life reserves the right to consolidate rooms to ensure that enough vacant space is available to accommodate the growing number of housing contracts that are received. Formal Review: If the informal review process does not resolve the issue, thestudent may request a formal review. As a responsible member of our community, it is up to you to ensure that you are taking an active role in creating an inclusive community, where the residents and the environment (hall facilities, furnishings, etc) all are treated with respect. Classroom Conduct Policy < Aurora University Registration < Aurora University The deposit is refundable once the student terminates occupancy and follows all checkout procedures, minus any damages that may be charged to him/her at that time, or in the event of an outstanding account balance. Mothers Day 2023 Brunch: Reserve Now In Aurora, Aurora Elementary Students To Plant Trees For Arbor Day Ceremony, East Aurora School District 131 Wrestling Champions Recognized By City Council, YJWC 18th Annual Spring Craft and Vendor Show, BOUNDLESS with Chicago Sinfonietta Orchestra, Sip & Shop Mother's Day Market @ Noon Whistle Naperville, The Satchmo Show A Tribute to Louis Armstrong ALL SEATS $25, The Music of Chicago WITH DANNY SERAPHINE & JEFF COFFEY WITH SPECIAL GUEST THE BUCKINGHAMS. Graduate. The Disability Resource Office (DRO) is designated to ensure access to education at Aurora University for all students with disabilities as mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Criminal Offenses - On-Campus at Aurora University Student Housing Facility. Residence Life will make every effort to accommodate these requests, but cannot guarantee that the change will happen. Academic programs requiring an early start, On campus employment for at least 15 hours/week. Resident Assistants (RAs)Each floor has a Resident Assistant, a carefully selected and trained student staff member who works under the direct supervision of the Residence Hall Director. Username and password is the same as your email. 347 S. Gladstone Ave. Aurora, Illinois 60506-4892 Main Campus: 630-892-6431 (General Information) 630-844-5533 (Admission) In July of 2008, President Bushsigned the Higher Education Act. Aurora University is an inclusive community dedicated to the transformative power of learning. Dorm-printing-instructions2-2.pdf. It is suggested that resident students check to see if their property is covered by a homeowner's or renter's insurance policy, and if not, the possibility of getting such coverage should be investigated. Through one-on-one, in-person or online appointments, staff members are available to guide students through the entire writing process (i.e., brainstorming, research, drafting, editing, proofreading, revision, and documentation). 39%. These inspections are intended to check the life safety equipment provided in each room (i.e. Students must access via their Moodle course shell for the free service provided by AU. Aurora University is a private university with its own phone system which allows us to collect information, much of which can be used to identify 911 users, fraudulent use, prank callers, harassment calls, etc. Parents and students are encouraged to communicate openly with one another about life on campus. 60506-4892, Main Campus: Read More about. Residence Life and Housing. Dorm Room Restrictions - Students are responsible for self-identifying, requesting accommodations, and providing required documentation to the Disability Resource Office to determine eligibility.