205 Noun Synonyms for Handsome Man - Power Thesaurus You can call your little man Sam or Sammy for short. Noun : A big and brutish man or a thug; a goon or ruffian. Hayes was sporadically popular until 1931, when it went on hiatus until 2009. I don't think you need another word for it. Accessed 1 May. Ezra is a prophet in the Bible who authored the book of Ezra. Queen Victoria further pushed Victors popularity, as many jumped to name their sons after Her Highness. Adjective : Excellent, wonderful; delightful. Synonyms for handsomeness include attractiveness, gorgeousness, beauty, loveliness, comeliness, prettiness, aesthetics, fairness, esthetics and sightliness. Adjective : (of a building, etc.) Demitri is a derivative of Demeter, the harvest and life cycle goddess. Noun : (uncountable) The leaves of this plant eaten as a vegetable. and Pretty Little Liars. antonyms. What a fitting title for the blessing that granted your biggest wish. Adjective : Elegant, highly stylish or fashionable. Michael is a powerful archangel in the Quran and Bible, giving this title a hint of mystery. What a fitting name for the good boy that came in a small package. Cate enjoys DIY projects, old movies, music, and a good cup of coffee. Adjective : (colloquial) Gay; fashionable. As the story goes, a woman appeared to Sulla, prophesying that he would bring luck to his country. Smith is one of the most popular surnames in the U.S. but fell off American name charts in the 1930s. Lists. Adjective : (often derogatory) Fine-looking; only superficially attractive; initially appealing but having little substance; see petty. Nicknames for your little cherub include Mikey and Mike. Dudes don't really need to know we're beautiful every day. Adjective : (especially of a woman) Having sex appeal; attractive. Many brave men, including former American president Abraham Lincoln, claim this timeless name. Parts of speech. 237 Phrases for Handsome Man - Power Thesaurus phrases. Weapon names like Cannon are considered edgy, giving your boy a reputation for living large. Twilight fans will associate Emmett with the charming Emmett Cullen. Sunday school attendees will recognize Gideon as an Israelite leader and military strategist. The biblical book of Isaiah is a juxtaposition of doom and prosperity. Luke was also a doctor, an astounding fact for families hoping their sons would get into medicine. For example, the query//soulbeat will find "absolute" a group of letters to unscramble them (that is, find anagrams.) Caleb is hailed as a man of bravery and faith, willing to take over Canaan when others didnt have the courage. Alternate meanings include wolf cub, symbolizing familial loyalty. Since the early 1900s, Max has been a state-of-the-art forename, but it was initially a moniker for names like Maxwell. In Greek mythology, Orion was an elegant giant with smashingly good looks. What is another word for handsomeness - WordHippo How does, (of a man) good-looking, esp in having regular, pleasing, and well-defined features, (of a woman) fine-looking in a dignified way, a term of endearment for a beloved person, esp in, The fabulous Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar recalls a bygone age of wackadoodle comedy.