If there are not enough load/unload buildings, ships arriving at the island will wait until one of the buildings becomes free. They are set separately for every single station on a route. Colliers are ships dedicated to carrying coal. This system might be harder to scale with increasing production/consumption, and could create problems such as unloading all goods at island C and having nothing to unload at island D. To an extent it can be avoided by ensuring that each cargo slot is designated to unloading goods at a different island. When a character has a ship available for sale, youll see it near the traders harbor with a coin symbol above it. Quests - Very specific quests can be a source of particular types of ships. All four created trade routes create a single hub and spoke system, each route is a simple point to point route, loading goods at one island, unloading at the other. Additionally, each route requires 5 influence points, except for the first three charter routes, which are free of any influence cost. The island called Lautssenberg, which is the hub of the system, has been marked with a black circle on the map. Good management of the list of routes can save a lot of time and effort required to update the broad transport network. You can click on the ship on the map while holding Ctrl key in order to jump to its location in the world. Those special options should typically be used only when the same slot is being used for several types of goods within one trade route. If it is unclaimed or you are the owner, it will show what type of fertilities and raw materials are available on the island. Clicking on the routes button in the bottom left part of the screen, below the minimap. Here only the routes which transport coffee or include the text 'coffee' in the names of the route, islands or ships are shown. Using buttons at the top left corner of the map you can switch between which region is visible. If ships are already assigned, it will be copied only to that many slots as required to meet the number of cargo slots of the assigned ships. You can check out a characters trading post to see what goods and items they want. The route will continuously move the selected goods unless stopped by the player. Each route can connect multiple islands, can transport several types of goods and use multiple ships. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. A route which is selected in the menu involves transporting goods between two different regions. It delivers a rich city-building experience, including a story-based campaign, a highly customizable sandbox mode, and the classic Anno multiplayer experience.DISCOVER A NEW CONTINENTYou will get the chance to explore South America with its exclusive resources and opportunities, but also its risks and challenges. Build a new world in your image! You have to fulfill the wishes of your own population. This opportunity presents itself whenever a ship stops by your island for passive trading. To select a ship use one of the following ways: Once selected, the ship's interface appears at the bottom right section of the screen.