With this, we can set the conditions using for; The variable, windowHeight is the height of the viewport, elementTop is the distance of the reveal element from the top of the viewpoint or, the length that has been scrolled, and elementVisible is the height at which the element should be revealed to the user. This gives each image its own extra flair while leaving its original splendor intact. // To check the scroll position on page load, many other cool animations you can use on scroll, Prevent Scroll On Scrollable Elements [JS & CSS], 10 cool CSS animations to add to your site. This cookie is used for storing the unique ID which is used for identifying the user's device, on their revisit to the websites which uses same ad network. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Instead I resorted to position: fixed; and added a margin-top of 100vh to the text content so that it remains visually below the cover. A superb example of this is a website called Inception Explained. You can choose different main colors for each section, giving each of them its own flare. Add a transition-delay to make it even more dramatic (check how to configure this attribute in this CSS Transition guide). Scroll animations are any kind of animation taking place while the visitor scrolls up or down a website. By combining these two features with regular CSS Animations we can create Scroll-Linked Animations using only CSS not a single line of JavaScript in sight! Creating sliding effects using sticky positioning | CSS-Tricks The complete function will look like this; Now we just pass it into an event listener to run it every time the visitor scrolls the page in any direction. Im glad to see that the Chromium engineers are actively working on this experimental implementation, taking the time to respond to newly reported bugs. The active indicator is powered by @scroll-timeline: as you scroll through #main, the active indicator moves to the correct navigation item. In that way, we wont force users to download elements that arent in the viewport on initial page load. That way you can reuse one single @scroll-timeline on multiple elements. Finally, theres also auto. This domain of this cookie is owned by Vimeo. GreenSock is the recommended Javascript library for scroll image sequence animation. 2001, by Bramus, Example of what is possible with Scroll-Linked Animations, using only CSS. But if you give the reader that control back, most of the problems with scrolling text will disappear. Element fade out on scroll - Cool CSS Animation Here,. The page features a 4-panel full-page carousel with numbers that slide into view. It could even be your brand name or tagline (e.g., Apple might put "Think Different" here. And the classic example of this is the "Breaking News" headlines you see on news channels. As we have two galleries, we need to define two @scroll-timeline instances and connect them to their proper progress bar. There are many types of JavaScript animations, like: Content boxes that slide in on page load. Nice use of BEM in the class naming too! 1 Combined with a way to highlight text (like on medium.com), this feature could provide fine-grained bookmarking for users to share specific text on a site. Slider Revolution makes it possible for youto have a rush of clients coming to you for trendy website designs. As you scroll down, text scrolls in and out of view, explaining the complicated plot of Christopher Nolan's hit movie. This encourages visitors to stay for longer and maintains interest. Its free for non commercial use, and you have to pay a small fee in some cases. And here's an alternative version that has a scroll indicator per menu item.I like how these indicators reflect the percentage each section is in view (or not).Took me a while to get the timings and offsets right https://t.co/HIYaAfhHxQ pic.twitter.com/gJtVTQNI9o.