Please remember that Amwaste observes Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Years Day as holidays and will not be working in the city. For example: (1) Christmas falls on a Monday. As part of the City's on-going effort to improve service, please review the holiday collection schedule for trash, recycle and yard waste. We will be closed Monday. No single item can weigh more than 50 pounds. Supporting Documents Amwaste Holiday Information (174 KB) Extra collection for waste that does not fit into containers is provided for two weeks beginning December 26 of each calendar year. FAQ | Town of Pike Road Trash will be collected twice a week instead of once per week. With our new LeMay Inc. (2) Christmas falls on a Wednesday. Holiday Service Schedule Should a collection day fall on or after a holiday, services will be delayed one day for the holiday week. Dumping trash on the collection site properties between collection dates is not allowed and a $500 "No Dumping" fee will be imposed to those who do not follow the rules. Having trouble paying your bill or finding the correct account information? If your trash pickup day falls on Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Years Day missed pickup will be made up either the day before or the day after the regular day. "Amwaste does a great job with customer service in Montgomery County and we value our relationship with them as a good corporate citizen. You will need your most recent invoice to do a one-time set up. If unsure of size or material, please contact customer service at 918-446-0023 prior to placing items in containers. You may place out the equivalent of one weeks service in 32 gallon bags next to your refuse container. Each home is provided a 95- or 96-gallon rollout cart. Each home is provided an 18 gallon container for recycle. We will observe the following holidays throughout the year: New Years, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. While both pickups allow for the removal of waste, only the second collection will be sorted to extract recyclables. Recycling and yard waste Route Schedule The color-coded map below indicates your two service days. * To better serve our citizens, the Montgomery County Commission is partnering with Amwaste to host sites throughout Montgomery County from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All sanitation-related inquiries (signing up for new service, complaints, questions, etc.) We're here to help you find the Montgomery trash pickup schedule for 2023 including bulk pickup, recycling, holidays, and maps. Large bulk/limb piles are scheduled to be collected in no more than 10 days. As part of the City's on-going effort to improve service, please review the holiday collection schedule for trash, recycle and yard waste. Country. January 1 - New Year's Day. For example, if Christmas Day is on a Tuesday, the Monday route will run as normal. * Holiday Schedule: Should an observed holiday fall on a weekday, collection for that week will be delayed by one day. On the last Saturday of each month citizens can take advantage of FREE garbage collection sites throughout Montgomery County. Amwaste . Amwaste is the City of Pelham's solid waste, recycling, debris, and bulk trash service provider. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Recycle collection is one time per week on Wednesday for an additional fee. Routes may begin as early as 7 a.m., so be sure to have the materials out for collection by 6:30 a.m. of your scheduled service days. For more information about this state-of-the-art facility, please visit and watch the on line videos of the process. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Due to safety concerns, please do not attempt to move a container once placed at your site. Holiday Service ScheduleShould a collection day fall on or after a holiday, services will be delayed one day for the holiday week. You can mail it to the address on your invoice. Trash Pickup Service is handled by AmWaste. American Waste Control picks up on all major holidays with the exception of Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Years Day. Backdoor service will continue without interruption. (2) Christmas falls on a Wednesday. Please do not put organic yard debris of any kind in the second collection of the week. Grayson has more than 5000+ hours operating a street sweeper as well as dispatching and coordinating around trash pickup schedules. *Do not place carts on storm drain covers, storm gutters, steep slopes, or elevated platforms. If your materials are not picked up within ten business days following your request, please. If you still have questions, please reach out to Customer Care at 1-888-449-6277 (Alabama and Georgia) or 985-878-9998 (Louisiana). Hours: Monday - Friday 7 am - 4pm; 3rd Saturday of the month Wednesday - Saturday 7 am - 4 pm Cost:$7.00 per load (pickup truck or car only) Pet Waste Picking up and properly disposing of your pet's waste is not just a courtesy; it is the healthy and environmentally sound thing to do. 2226 0 obj
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